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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Having had both RE50A's and MPSS on the 370, the latter are in a totally different league and worth every penny plus you should get more life from them....... but, having removed the anti-fun spring protectors you may well find the car gives so much more in driving pleasure you will be wearing out any tyres faster Oh, and if it were me I would also be adding a new pair of MPSS on the front as well, but can undestand if you are not up for the £1k+ hit. If the existing fronts still have 4/5mm of tread left then you might make a few quid selling them. Edit: just saw ^^^ you are changing the frontrs anyway.
  2. they're around the back of the spring on mine ... most likely due to being on there for nearly 3 years, as Adrian so kindly pointed out I've had no real reason to get down and dirty in there - tyres are only just coming up for a change, always been serviced at Nissan (as it was a new car and you get 3 years servicing), never needed to touch break lines etc.. Any advice re how I approach with Nissan will be appreciated Go back to the supplying dealer and ask them when they are going to do the pdi? And then after a gentle nod as to what you have discovered, what do they propose to do to offset their failure to allow you to enjoy the car in the manner for which it was designed, before you contact NissanCustomer Services.
  3. +1 for the 350 Brembos Do we know if Humbrol have an exact clour match for the latest 370 calipers that Damian has? (Just to help any other 370 owners looking at this thread)
  4. I recall the the OEM reflectors were not inter-changeable bwteen facelift and pre-facelift, but they may be entirely down to the fitting as opposed to external stick-on area that this neat little idea that Zippypoo has come with up.
  5. You didn't seem slow to me Chris through the corners during my passenger laps........ .....but then I did have my eyes closed (Only kidding mate as I hope that was not my first and last ride with you )
  6. When I think of the 51 years of making no claims, apart from 3 windscreen repairs, that record seemingly meaning absolutely nothing these days with companies giving you a maximum of 6-9 years NCB benefit. They should be paying me! On top of that, we have almost obligatory flaff of seeking out the best deal each renewal. With loyalty just seen as companies hoping that once you are hooked you will pay out an increased premium each year rather than search out a better quote. You really do wonder why companies with your details on the books simply do not do a "compare.com" and offer a renewal deal that matches, or betters other companies so we stay with them that saves all that wasted effort on their part (as well as ours) at each renewal. On a point of principal, I will not stay with the same company when you go back to tell them you are not renewing and they suddendly come up with that matching, or near matching quote......they should have done that in the first place! Gets off soapbox....and breathe
  7. Pics of the new Mercedes show the changes made for 2017, and particular the width of the rear tyres. As some are saying, overtaking appears to be even more a challenge but really hope that it is not a one team domination again, but....... https://www.formula1...ilverstone.html
  8. Feel for you, but in some ways the fact your Dad is needing more help may just help to take your mind off a relationship that from everything you have said sounds it is beyond repair...unlike your Dad hopefully.
  9. IE has never worked well on the forum, for most users, since it was first started in 2006.
  10. If you are seeing this option with your photobucket pic: Then just click on the "Direct" option and paste that as the URL found in the little green box that hovering over it says "image" and hey presto:
  11. A big +1 to this - OEM tyre pressures measured on cold tyres should be 35psi. The transit blocks (if left on the car ) are located in the front springs to stop the cars bouncing around on the container ships - so easy to see if you look in the wheel arches. Seen several reports over the years of thse being left on ZEDS....and not discovered for some time
  12. Are you absolutely sure it is not the remote key setting, noting you are both saying it will not open from the outside, buyt presumably is opening OK from the inside? It is quite easy to accidentally alter the programme - I recall having done this myself. See page 3-10 in the handbook here dealing with the unlocking and the fact the setting can made to stop the passenger door opening when the button on the driver door handle or the rremote is used? http://www.vadenniss...Nissan-370Z.pdf
  13. Seeing that takes me back my days of Smart ownership: smart car air intake scoop
  14. It just applies to what you want see....or not. It does not affect what others see. But the team have the powers to hide/delete posts/threads deemed inappropriate. (Or they did when I was a member)
  15. Then go to My Settings by clicking on your avatar...... In the Profile Settings click on 'Ignore' Preferences..... and you get the options to hide posts, messages etc by those members you wish to block. Their posts appear hidden on the threads, but you get the option to open them if you wish. Of course, where subsequent posts quote that hidden post you will still see what was said, but it will help your choice of what you want to read.
  16. What more coukld you want....and not far from you (compared to me in Sussex ) http://www.350z-uk.c...y-reduced-6500/
  17. Before buying my first ZED in 2005 I tried one but for eveyday road use it didn't measure up for me, the lack of low down torque and nowhere to store the hard top being the big downers. That said, it sure was fun when you got it wound up and sounded glorious in the process. So yes, I would expect it to be great fun on track. One thing that was said from the research I did (at the time), was that it was 12-13 hour job to do a clutch change - how true that is nowadays though?
  18. See this vid: But see your handbook as not all the features are available on UK cars, but I'm certain what you are looking for is available.
  19. If you post up a more precise location then someone on here will be able to point you to a reputable local independent who should be able to quickly find what your issues are.
  20. Thread here: http://www.350z-uk.c...-recall-action/ Page down to latest outcomes, if your issue turns out to be the same - good luck!
  21. Dare I also mention that as much as it may seem like rubbing salt in your wounds but if you really care about your stepson, you might have to accept your ex may find another partner who (hopefully) also may wish to have a good relationship with the boy who then is potentially going to be torn between two step-dads (you don't mention the natural father so I assume he is no longer around). So in the childs best interests stepping away completely may help him to bond with another rather than being torn between two wannbe step-dads?
  22. Sorry to hear about this and the effect on your life. Found your gallery pics here: http://www.350z-uk.com/gallery/album/1041-370z-nismo/
  23. They do, like other cars, with winter tyres. (Oh, and together with a delicate right foot! )
  24. Never forget, most estate agents sell on the basis of getting a % on the selling price, so it is in their vested interest to get as much as they can out of the sale and if someone out there is prepared to pay over the odds then both the EA and the seller are happy. But, I M Experience, the credibility of the buyer should be carefully considered - often chancers will offer the selling price or close to, and then press for a reduction just before the deposit, often screwing up what seemed a sound 'chain'. Cash buyers/those not in a chain are notorious for this ruse knowing that the seller has probably got their ideal new home sorted and desperate not to lose it and end up not making the profit they thought they would and letting it go for a lot less than the EA said. Remember, that as a buyer you have the right to put in an offer in even though there is an offer subject to contract. The EA will be quietly hoping the seller will accept an improved offer (providing it is sound) even though they cannot (should not) convey their opinion about its worthiness. It is for the seller to decide if they feel the improved offer is better for them, not just financially but because they may be feeling the offer they have accepted is looking less soundly based for any number of reasons. So, at the end of the day it is really how much you want that property and if you can afford it, bearing in mind the the advice above ^^^ about what the mortgage company may value the property. Some may say that is gazumping, but in my book that is only the case when an offer over and above the asking price is being made - until then you are simply making a better offer and hope the seller sees your credentials as the one that better suits them.
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