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Everything posted by KyleR

  1. Unfortunately that's how it is. Statistically 1 in 5 young drivers will have an accident in their first 6 months, someone has to pay for it, namely other young drivers. If the money can be scrambled together for this one year and there are no incidents, you'll probably find it'll cost less than half next year,
  2. I'm actually not 100% sure what to do with them yet. I might keep them incase I sell the car so I can swap them back as the 06+ are worth a few quid, on the other hand I might sell them if they start to get in the way...
  3. Sign up to photobucket, then you can post as many as you like by copying and pasting the IMG code
  4. KyleR


    Rolling at slow speed tap the loud pedal, if the car moves instantly it's been mapped, if there is 1/4 second delay it's most likely stock
  5. I'd have been interested in an orange set to either use as indicators like jumping350 or to just run with sidelights along with the facelift headlamps that I have fitted which also have Orange LEDs. I know maplin do 5cd orange LEDs but I have no idea what shade they would be. I wonder what a set or orange reflectors would look like with white LEDs...
  6. PM sent doesn't mean anything. If you recieved a PM at 12 from V2 saying they'll buy then one from V1 two minutes later saying the same, then I would suggest V2 wins as they declared their intentions first. If however you got a PM and a post on the thread both at 12 saying they'll have it, I guess it's completely up to you providing they are both offering the same money and both picking up or needing posted. I'd rather have someone pick it up and pay cash than accept a transfer and have to go to the post office.
  7. Oh yea, didn't think of looking in there Shame though, I want orange anodised. Wait isn't this someones FS thread?...
  8. Bit of a late reply, I never noticed it. Next will be to sort out the paint I think, few bits touched up and few others resprayed followed by a CF front lip maybe
  9. Yours is a 300bhp+ unicorn, you can't sell it!
  10. Don't have to tell the DVLA/DVA because it's not a permanent change. Wraps only last for about 5 years, give or take depending on how the car is used and kept. Still have to tell your insurance, though.
  11. KyleR

    Engine noise

    Can you pin point what part of the car its coming from? If you can't definitively hear it from the front, then my moneys on the exhaust, probably the midpipe to backbox connection like 99% of zeds.
  12. Don't mean to be a dick, but you can get those tail lights on eBay for about £160 delivered brand new, I got a set 2 months ago
  13. I can see this thread getting nasty and I see a few people either over generalising or taking things a bit to personal. Maybe we should stick to stating why we hate the car, and not such utter rubbish such as "I hate XYZ car because they're all driven by *******"?
  14. Once you've done a few miles after fitting the springs, get someone to check the camber and toe, sometimes it's a bit out and you'll need to buy an adjustable camber kit to bring it back into specs.
  15. Absolutely stunning motor! I'm jealous that you even get to sit in it and i'm sure your dad will let you take it for a spin or two!
  16. It seems to me that you may have done something wrong with the right hand side. Lose wire or a plug back to front, otherwise surely both would be doing the same thing. Or a faulty unit of course...
  17. I have a fleece lined outdoor one for the bike, so I can only assume you can get them for cars too. Wasn't cheap mind, maybe £50, would be 3,4,5 times more for car sized.
  18. New or second hand?
  19. That's a late reg car, you'll be paying the higher near £500 tax for a pre facelift
  20. I don't think even insurers understand their systems. Before I got the Zed I was quoted about £800, at the same time I was thinking of an XK8 which was coming in at £400. I can understand it being cheaper than the Zed, but not half the price. The XKR was coming in around the same as the Zed for over 100 BHP more. Now a year on, the Zed with mods is about £750, where as a Ferrari 360, R35 GTR and DB7 are all coming in about the same price at £1100, but a Scooby is £1200
  21. The black coat may be the last to go on, I've no idea, but as far as my limited knowledge stretches, I think black diamond only do 6 and 12 groove.
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