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Everything posted by KyleR

  1. As far as I know Tein S-Tech are all 17/15 and there are no other options, if you want lower and Tein you have to get coilovers, so those eBay ones should be fine
  2. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/68889-abbey-motorsport-irish-uprev-sub-dealers/
  3. I think he basically wants anyone with spare blade silver bumpers, skirts, lips or spoilers to give him a shout to see if he's interested. Personally I wouldn't care about the colour for the sake of getting what I wanted for an extra £150 paint job.
  4. By the way, your Alezan seats look to be in great condition for the age, they would make a very good like for like, 50/50, down the middle swapsies
  5. Those roadster seats are beautiful! If only for the price I'd have had them long before I found my set.
  6. I know because there are still Alezan seats for sale on the forum and eBay but any time black leather are for sale they don't hang around for long. I don't have anything against the Alezan, I love it! I bought Alezan seats that had been for sale for months on a classified site in Ireland for the price of 1 black leather, then sold mine on here for a rather cheap price to cover some of the cost I paid for the new Alezans. I don't mean to have a go at you or anything, I'm just saying I think it's a unfair to expect someone to jump through hoops to give you more valuable (ie. better condition and more neutral colour) seats than you have despite them being an optional extra that you didn't pay for either brand new, or a second hand premium due to them being an acquired taste. As for no one raving on about the black leather, why would they? Most Zeds have the GT which by default comes with black, therefore basically standard when such a high percentage have them.
  7. You're here asking for black seats, yet you want the other person to do all the leg work and give you higher demand seats in better condition than yours? The Alezan was a £600 option when the car was new, adds zero value to a second hand car which you bought, therefore you didn't pay any extra for them and clearly aren't to your taste. Seems a little unfair to ask someone else to do all the work etc for you to get the seats you want
  8. What happens after 63 miles? :scared:
  9. It's a short plate and although nothing to do with the Zed, still worth £100 to get rid of a common **##*** one.
  10. I was going to add the same comment. Now talking of avatars, I want a clown
  11. I think you add about 35-40BHP from the hubs on Zeds to get a rough flywheel rating.
  12. My house has always had crap pressure, normally it's not that big a deal, until I want to wash the car, theres not even enough pressure to feed the pressure washer for a decent snow foam
  13. Hmmm, legally she's entitled, just like any Tom Dick and Harry from the EU is entitled to come here and claim benefits etc despite not contributing, but I think the point of the OP is, should she be entitled? IMHO, no, because I don't see this as any different to EU citizens who abuse the system. Yes they are doing it intentionally, and this old lady isn't, however, through her own choice (in living her life in Africa) has never contributed Tax to the UK, and therefore shouldn't be entitled to any of my taxes. It's one thing for someone to be on disability etc and therefore not contribute in that manor, it's another for someone to not even live in the country for any of they're working life and turn up (through unforeseen circumstances in this case) and start claiming a pension. I know what I have said is harsh, and without compassion, but I believe unless you have contributed to a country, then you have no rights to benefits from it, unless you are a school leaver looking for a first job. Maybe even if you have lived outside a country for X amount of years legislation should state that you have to accept that countries citizenship and give away your "birthright"?
  14. Being a Mac man myself and not giving a @*!# about Microshaft, is it possible to just clone the partition to the SSD and leave the rest of the rubbish on the HDD and try booting from it using F8 or whatever it is?
  15. Maybe I'm the only one, but I think the latest one is the best of the series for multiplayer in terms of design - I love the flexibility of the point based class system for example. Unfortuantely the implementation is no where near as good as the design and the lag/glitches completely ruin the game. I gave up on COD multiplayer when MW3 came out and went back to play BO Zombies. I think since I've had them all since COD3 I got a bit bored of multiplayer, but the zombies is awesome! I'll still keep buying the COD's for the campaign, though. I tried BF2 and I though it was a bit crap, maps were way to big and the aiming was all over the place, I hear it's better now however. I also tried MOH when they did a refresh and it was ok, campaign was excellent but the multiplayer still missing someone. No new games have been able to grip me in the same way that COD4 did all those years ago.
  16. Does it have zombies? No? Nuff said
  17. £60-£70 a tyre? What ditch finders are those?
  18. Oil, filter and air filter, the rest is all checks and top up, so check your fluid levels and top up accordingly, unless your brake fluid os more than 2 years old, then it should be replaced
  19. Exactly^^ send a Pm to Zmanalex, i'm sure he'll be able to sort you out
  20. Usually about £450 with half worn tyres plus/minus £50 depending on condition
  21. Dish puts you off? Too much dish? Too little? If too much you can get regular grids that have no dish but concave spokes
  22. Those rims look familiar I ripped the rear guards off mine too after getting the rims fitted, looks 100% better Loving the last picture and the one of the rear quarter
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