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Everything posted by wmr1980

  1. It's the Yankee doodles for you... They love their guns :/
  2. It's a little expensive (fortunately I'm a pre tax hike owner) but it's worth it for owning a Zed!
  3. Try Adrian flux, and Chris Knott insurance Also have a look here: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/42-insurance/ Comparison sites are not the most competitive I'm afraid. You've got to phone and discuss things with brokers.
  4. Because she had a kid in the car which they spotted and didn't want to risk injuring it which is rather noble considering the danger she was putting them in. I wonder why she did it. Feel sorry for the child.
  5. I'm with green flag, best bang for buck in my opinion, and offers all the services I'd want. Plus I got some quidco cash back
  6. I'm eyeing up a mines carbon one.... It's a little expensive though....
  7. Thanks for the suggestions. I'm towards Greenwich in SE London - but if a place is good I don't mind travelling a little.
  8. Ah yes Kaizer rings a bell, that's even closer to me. Thanks.
  9. Ah yes forgot Horsham. I'll see how they compare.
  10. Hi chaps, Looking for a decent place to get a p3 service in SE London or that sort of area. I was potentially tempted to go down to Abbey since I know they have a good reputation here and it's not really that far from me. However happy to hear some advice from 1st hand experience of people that have used any garages in the South East or London. How much would you be expecting for a P3? And is it worthwhile getting all the parts first rather than getting the garage to supply them?
  11. Too much supposition and furthermore lots of the bikers YouTube channels are removing their videos as they realise that they could be used against them. Whether the RR is in the wrong at some time or not, it does not give the biker the right to intimidate or swarm on the RR and bully them. There were no charges or arrests so it is clear that we don't know the full story or that at least the police found the actions justified. Some anecdotal evidence suggests that the tyres were slashed at one of the stops hence meaning they could be armed which could suggest having more weapons. Having seen the behaviour in other vids I'm not surprised the RR decided to run off. It's clearly different in the States.
  12. If I had my family in my car and a group of bikers surrounded me and started to behave in a threatening way I'd do the same. I'm a biker, but I think those guys were being intimidating and were behaving badly, and brake testing a range rover isn't really clever. Also it's very good editing and convenient cutting off of the video. We don't really see the full picture. No one was badly hurt and most people would do the same to protect their family.
  13. Cool pics - wish I could have gone - I will do one day, it's right up my street! Love this stuff.
  14. It's the one thing I miss from my previous cars, such a simple modcon surprised it isn't there by default.
  15. Want less CO2? Plant more trees! Simples!
  16. Do you rate Evo-R then? I have an urge to add carbon fibre to my interior.
  17. Agreed. Nothing like the roar of an engine And imho, nor will it ever be. Whilst ever there is oil in the ground i dont believe for one minute we will see a viable alternative, least of all electric. If there was a viable alternative the oil companies would be all over it and finding the next way to make billions, they seem to have little interest in electric as far as i am aware. I still cant really get my head around lower emissions via electric either, what about all the emissions caused by making the electric to charge the batteries, let alone the emissions generated to make the batteries. Again I agree - the offset for creating the batteries and generating the electricity doesn't totally wipe out "co2" emissions of the petrol combustion engine. It does reduce it potentially, but it's also the recycling and disposing of the batteries that becomes an issue. What I don't understand is the reticence of big 1st world countries like the US or even here in the UK, to use Nuclear power. I'm proudly happy to say that France are now the pioneers (IMO) of nuclear power in Europe if not the world - heck, France sells a fair proportion of its Electricity to Europe - and makes over €3bn as a result. That tool Hollande wants to phase them out though - bloody socialist ****. Also nearly 1/5th of the nuclear fuel is recycled, furthermore reducing the waste nucelar power produces. It's CO2 footprint is tiny - still trucks and other things to consider (like building it etc...) however over the life of a reactor/powerstation it's footprint is small. More ways of making money - when they realise that people will move to electric they think "oh ****" we need to make some money somehow. What I hate is this duplicitous nature of policy - they say they're purporters of saving our environment and changing the face of the world, but whilst that is possibly true to an extent (who doesn't want to look after the place where we live and offer our future the best chance they have?), it's also laced with ironic hypocracy as they find new ways of taxing these new innovative technologies and sting those that are trying to live by the "values" they're screaming about from their soap boxes. At least be honest and say "we want to be greener... but it's going to cost you just as much." Let us imagine that petrol is no longer available for cars, the tax on recharging points will just be marked up to reflect the shortfall in income they'd have got from fuel.
  18. Indeed. And it currently takes several hours to charge... Whereas it takes less than a couple of minutes to fill and pay for a tank of fuel. The technology is just not evolved enough yet.
  19. http://www.topgear.com/uk/photos/bmw-i8-first-drive-car-review-2013-08-09 BMW have already put something together along those lines... It doesn't have to be that bad, but the whole joy of the 350z is that large v6. Big litre petrol cars won't be around for a huge amount longer I fear.... Or reserved by the few car enthusiasts still able to afford them. Though for the next hundred years or so we'll be fine, so enjoy them whilst you can!
  20. You have autobahns in the North? Jealous! Welcome to the forums.
  21. I personally don't like it, and think it doesn't suit the car. But each to their own! I think if I saw it in the flesh it might be different. But perhaps a twin tip (still a single exhaust) rather than a large bore single may look better? A bit like a 200sx s14a.
  22. Some of my friends have taken the next 2 days off work so they can play this game... Oh dear.
  23. Try with both, so you can practice your conjugations! Good for you on learning some of the language before going to Spain. Good luck with it - and keep at it. And also congrats on Mr Bear's job in Spain! Ever so jealous! I do miss my travelling job, but I quite like the calm life too. Can we come and visit?
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