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Help me decide where to live!


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I'm slowly driving myself mad trying to decide where to live so maybe throwing the question open to the forum will help focus my thoughts?


The basic facts are as follows - Mr TwoBears has an office in Weybridge so we have a rented flat here. It is very nice and light and airy and suits the two of us very well but, obviously, we don't own it and are much happier when we are more 'in control' of our own property. Renting is also 'dead money'. There are also restrictions on what we can do e.g. no washing the car :thumbdown: and we are forbidden from hanging washing out to dry which is a real pain as you can't tumble dry everything and wet washing hung over radiators isn't my idea of fun.


We have a house in Yorkshire which we are happy to sell but a) our daughter and her boyfriend live there and we can't just evict them and b ) :blush: we have a lot of animals that live there and which can't possibly come to live in the flat with us.


I am loving living down South again (used to live in Berkshire) and Mr TwoBears is finding it very convenient because he can walk to work, London is easily accessible via the local train station and Heathrow is an easy cab ride away as he travels abroad a lot. We think we have outgrown our little spot in the Yorkshire wilds now because we are both enjoying all the amenities down here. I have found a wonderful tennis club with a great social scene and have begun to take up lots of new hobbies. None of these things are available near us in Yorkshire.


But now comes the other big problem - houses in Weybridge, and Surrey generally, cost mega bucks :scare: We have been spending every weekend travelling to other counties and have loved Dorset, Hampshire, West Sussex and Suffolk but neither of us can decide what we should do next. Realistically I think it is a toss up between buying a house in Suffolk (we could get one with land for the horse) or trying to buy something small in Surrey. There's no immediate hurry to decide as we have a 12 month lease on the flat but we don't know when (or even if) to put the Yorkshire house up for sale due to the aforementioned problems. Finally, just to add a little bit more difficulty, we haven't got a huge deposit to put down on a new house right now but would potentially have a lot more in a year or two.


Any ideas or should I just keep thinking and driving myself bonkers for another few months?

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In Weybridge itself we could probably buy a "luxury' 2 bed flat or small house. If we live a few miles outside we could get a 3 or 4 bedroom house but only with a garden and not paddocks, outbuildings etc. If we have land the horse (and a companion or two) can live at home with us, otherwise I have to pay about £700 a month for someone else to look after one horse at livery and I would have to re-home my ducks, geese and possibly chickens too. If I restart my business I would need outbuildings for my machinery and storage.

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I live on Suffolk, its a lovely county, never planned to end up here, but have fallen in love with the place. Its not as undulating as Yorkshire, but the ruralness of it reminds me a lot of Yorkshire. Lots of good pubs and places to eat. Norwich is good for shopping and not far to go.


I'm between Woodbridge and Ipswich.


Woodbridge is lovely train station goes straight to London. Lots of quaint independent shops.


Chelmsford and Colchester are accessible and you're on the crossroads of the a12 and A14 for going north or to London.

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Thanks rtbiscuit :) We stayed in a hotel near Woodbridge all last weekend. It is a lovely area and I know that bit of Suffolk quite well as we have holidayed around there a few times over the years. I think, however, that if we do decide on Suffolk we would like to live near Lavenham/Long Melford and have been looking at houses there.

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I don't really mind 'flat' countryside Tricky-Ricky. I have lived happily in East Yorkshire for 7 years and you can't get flatter than that :teeth: I am really enjoying being closer to London though and I love hopping on a train and being there in half an hour on the fast train. I am scared of being bored which seems odd after years of being happily holed up in the middle of nowhere. Our house in Yorkshire is literally in the middle of hundreds of hectares of arable land and we only have one close neighbour. I sort of feel that I have 'done' country living but it feels like a backward step to sell our largish house and get a smaller one with only a small garden. I am so confused :headhurt:

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South Yorkshire, Sheffield. Not just the home of Football and not just a place, it's a state of mind :)


There's Dirty Leeds just up the road for a big night out, York round the corner if you fancy something reet posh, Manchester's over the hill if you get your injections first, and you got the Peak District all round, not to mention the UKs best tasting tap water. South Yorkshire has got the lot I tell thee!


Saddest day of my life when I had to move to Lancashire :(

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Slightly impractical DoogyRev, even though I can see the appeal B)


Humpy, yes, I really liked Hampshire, especially around Winchester where you are, but Mr TwoBears seems to be favouring Suffolk at present :dry:


SuperStu, sorry, South Yorks is definitely not on my short list :blush: I hate football, worked in Leeds for many years and think it's a great city but have no desire to move closer to it and York is lovely but too close to where my current house is and I want a change :D

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Shropshire is nice, affordable too, my uncle moved from Bognor to Preece Heath near Whitchurch when he retired. I also love Herefordshire and The Cotswolds. When I went on one of The Midlands meets that Wasso organised we passed through some lovely villages in Warwickshire. My Aunty lived in Surrey at Godalming, nice place but crazily expensive.



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Thanks Pete :) We are in a sort of weird situation really because I am currently 'retired' but Mr TwoBears definitely isn't and needs to be able to get to London fairly easily. If we were both retired it would be far easier to make a decision :blush: Also, I think I want to re-start my business but even that's not certain as I am currently taking up new hobbies like there's no tomorrow and I would have to give them all up again if I go back to being self-employed and working my ar$e off. There are just too many hard decisions to make and I think it's going to take us months to figure out what we should do for the best :headhurt: If only Surrey wasn't so expensive it would make the whole thing a lot easier.

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I love living in SW London but it is stupidly expensive. In the last few years we've been driving out to Sussex quite a lot for lunch at some nice pubs in the Petworth area. If I was to move now that area would be the number one contender.

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We live in Surrey as you know and I think with all the "variables" that you may require it's going to cost you an arm and a leg to stay in Surrey. W Sussex has some lovely countryside and good rail links to London if you choose carefully. Biscuit mentioned Suffolk and that's another great part of the world although getting across London is a PITA if Mr 2Bears office is in South London. Decisions decisions, maybe time to do a list of priorities if you haven't already and then apply that to areas you like/prefer to see if it works finacially. :)

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I think on this one you both have to be honest with what you want from life. If you like the stockbroker belt areas and haven't grown up there so never inherited a property then you have to pay a premium to live there and that's the way of the world and why wages are scaled accordingly by region (my wife is from Tunbridge Wells) you think Weybridge is expensive ! I guess what you need is a location that ticks both boxes and sound as though practicality is the key. OK now for the tough bit - Yes you can sell your house otherwise you will continue to spent dead money so not only are you in an area that's pricey but also subsiding family. Animals - which is more important you and your +1 or them ? - Maybe a bit hard but that's the questions you needs to be asking and accepting the ramifications thereof or just continue in the way you are going. There is also the option of going back to work full time so playing devils advocate a little here. As to location rail services for south London really mean you need to actually live South of London or its tedious and time consuming getting across town and to do that as a commute would be hellish. If i were looking then Cambridgeshire is a nice part of the world with less than an hours commute to KX also Peterborough is pretty quick to London as well. LIke i said depends what you want from life - hobbies and tennis clubs exist in other places - I have lived all over the world as well as a few parts of the UK with HMAF then the South Pacific for 4 years. Likely to move overseas again as well. Home is where you make it and life is not a dress rehearsal. Carpe Diem!

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Doesn't matter how many of the boxes you want ticked it rarely works out, but as you are finding you are not going to get a lot for your money in Surrey and especially if you want land for your animals.


Maybe somewhere out in Hampshire/Sussex that offers an easy commute to Mr Two Bears place of work and Heathrow/Gatwick is a thought?

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Thanks sipar69, I liked Sussex too :)


Graham, thank you for your words of advice. We haven't actually sat down with a piece of paper and written out our priorities or done a pros and cons list but I think that is an excellent idea, so thank you :teeth:


Mudman, your response is brilliant and has really made me think, so thank you too :teeth:

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Thanks to you too Colin :teeth: We both knew Weybridge was going to be expensive but honestly thought we were going to live here for a year or two and then happily return to Yorkshire. What I hadn't prepared myself for was falling in love with the South again after so many years away and I never thought Mr TwoBears, as an out and proud Yorkshireman, would fancy living down here. We have both been a bit bemused by our reactions to moving this time, even though I in particular, have lived in the North, South and Midlands. I think the 8 months we spent living in Madrid have changed us both and we feel that we want a change somehow :dry:

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Annie , how about somewhere within 5 miles of Chiddingfold in Surrey? Lovely area, Witley station means it's 45 mins to Weybridge and 55 mins to an hour in to Waterloo.It's a lovely area around there, very pretty, I'm positive there would be 'horsey homes' (or stabling) opportunities there.


I would never worry about renting somewhere in your circumstances. Better off renting somewhere for 6 months in a prospective home location and finding out you don't like the place. Than spending £500k on a house, then finding out you don't like the place!


Or you could carry on doing what your doing now. As Mr Two Bears business to contribute to the rental cost, as work is dictating where you have to live. You'd have to look at the tax implications of that of course (benefit in kind etc). Then that means you can keep your home in Yorkshire and that makes things easier for your daughter.


How about putting a marker in the sand for everyone "we'll sell up in Yorkshire this time next year....". Spend that year really working at finding a new area in the South where you want to live. Having lived in Godalming and recently been back there it reminded me how lovely that area is. It did remind me how expensive it had become though.


It was nice to get home to Somerset :)

Edited by Bockaaarck
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I have bought my first place in Dorchester on Thames (Oxfordshire). I commute into London daily where I work and door to door is just over an hour which is great. It used to take me longer when I lived in central london just to get from east to west.


However, because it is easy to get into London, you pay a premium. again is very expensive, especially compared to Yorkshire (generally speaking). Oxfordshire is a gorgeous county, and being so close to London is a great bonus.


good luck with the hunt.

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I know Surrey is expensive but Lavenham, Long Melford and Clare are hardly cheap ........... nice area though, just down the road from me. Only thing Id mention is they are a bit rural if youre coming from a town, having to drive for essentials like takeaway food, cash machines and hardware shops can be rather annoying.

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There are some lovely places around the Fleet area which is only 25 minutes to Weybridge and 40 minutes to London Waterloo depending on the time of day, fast trains etc. Maybe have a look at the areas around Odiham, Church Crookham, Hartley Whitney etc? It's not far to pop out for a Sunday Lunch, The Exchecquer in Church Crookham and The Phoenix in Hartley Whitney srping to mind although there's a lot of competition for good food pubs around there.

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