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what speed do you think the law should allow?


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After reading a few articles on speeding and hearing for the past year that their going to increase the speed limit..


What mph should the law allow?


I.m.o I think it should be atleast 85 if not 90. The speed limit was made 70 because cars were pieces of crap 1000years ago and couldnt handle those speeds properly. But now, your low end 1litre corsa can cope at 100.



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I think we should be a lot harder on recently passed drivers. Black box, not allowed to drive at night, only allowed in the slow lane, etc.... and then if you commit offences, you go back to this world of the police monitoring your stupidity.


Then if you are safe driver, you should be allowed extra leniency, but tbh i think this happens unofficially already.



I think a lot of the problems come from the fact that no one has faith in the system, thats why people speed, cos they thinking "everyone else is."


Whatever they do, it should be better enforced, you will always have the few that think that the speed limit doesnt apply to them in their M3's.



I'll end with a cliché, sorry. "If it aint broke, dont fix it" we have the safest motorways in the world dont we? we must be doing something right.

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Remove all speed limits. They're ridiculous and blanket that cause people to either break the law, or drive too fast whilst staying legal, or simply play too safe and hold everybody up.



30mph past a school at 3pm is too fast, no arguments there. Even 20mph could well be too fast. However, the same bit of road at 3am could safely be taken at maybe 50mph with no problem. 70mph on a clear motorway is too slow, but in fog that 70mph on the same motorway is lethal.


What we need is to keep the current limits, but make them recommendations. If you stay under that, then great, no probs, usual rules apply. If you choose to exceed them and there is an incident, then you should be guilty until presumed innocent. If you are genuinely still driving safely at speed, and the incident is the fault of someone else, then stand up in court and be prepared to defend yourself and justify it. If you can't, then the speed wasn't safe.




Alternatively just bin all speed limits and using a version of the above idea, just prosecute for dangerous driving if the speed was not safe/appropriate.

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I do agree with the blackbox for first year drivers, but the law does need changed. Everyones already doing 85 on the motorway because its normal. The unwritten law of just go 85 instead of 70.


Majority of accidents in UK happen at 40 or below. So... no reason why we shouldnt up the limit. People will crash wether its 85 or 60. yes it will be a more fatal crash but, weve been driving like this for years. Why not make it legal.


On another note, instead of getting 3points and 60pound fine for speeding, maybe stick a blackbox in there for 3months. That would be a deterent?

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The argument against that if your ment to be doing 70 and your doing 85 what will stop you going 100 if the limit is 85?


All cars should come with a settings limit like Mercs. You can set a limit on your speed and the car will not go past it. So if your somewhere new set it to 30 that way you don't have to keep an eye on your speed. But you wouldn't have to set it. That way if you didn't set it and hot caught speeding it's tough.

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The solution to going too fast is simple - put my other half in the passenger seat. A whiff of speed and she starts flapping her legs around, gripping the door and making exhaggerated gasping sounds! It's enough to make anyone behave! :wacko:

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Blackbox should be able to check your speed, area etc if you commit a driving offence such as speeding or wreckless driving.


On motorway, yeh if its 85 people may go 100. But atleast 85 is reasonable speed for a motorway. Anything 100 or more and chances are the normal person cant slow down or view traffic fast enough to react so that way theres proper justification. But 70mph... that was purely because cars had paper tissue as tyres.


Again as ekona said, 30 or 20 in built up areas or schools should be lowest I.m.o. 20mph, kids still going to get dragged under. And speedbumps are hardly a deterrent for that. If you have ferrari or car with bodykit that screwes your suspension, bodywork etc but if your one of these typical range rover drivers, you can bounce over them. Should be things that u have to constantly turns steering wheel to avoid, pillars on road u need to go around. That way no1 benefits and everyone has to go slower when there is actually pedestrians.

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I thought the safest motorway roads are not ours by some stretch, in fact its the Autobahns that are safest which have no limit.


I am quite happy to sit within 30 actually in built up areas, yes I could drive at 50mph but that would give me no chance when a numpty pulls out on me or something which can happen at 3am as it is at 3pm. Going at 50mph in 30mph roads where you have to stop every 250 yards for lights or whatnot really makes no difference to your journey time. However on motorways I think a limit of 90 would be good. I am not sure about unlimited as I have to say it but the UK is littered with muppet drivers who have attitudes and intent on road rage, more so than most of Europe it feels. Just worry you will get 17 year olds with a clapped out old banger trying to drive it at 100mph+ causing havoc.

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Remove all speed limits. They're ridiculous and blanket that cause people to either break the law, or drive too fast whilst staying legal, or simply play too safe and hold everybody up.



30mph past a school at 3pm is too fast, no arguments there. Even 20mph could well be too fast. However, the same bit of road at 3am could safely be taken at maybe 50mph with no problem. 70mph on a clear motorway is too slow, but in fog that 70mph on the same motorway is lethal.


What we need is to keep the current limits, but make them recommendations. If you stay under that, then great, no probs, usual rules apply. If you choose to exceed them and there is an incident, then you should be guilty until presumed innocent. If you are genuinely still driving safely at speed, and the incident is the fault of someone else, then stand up in court and be prepared to defend yourself and justify it. If you can't, then the speed wasn't safe.




Alternatively just bin all speed limits and using a version of the above idea, just prosecute for dangerous driving if the speed was not safe/appropriate.


OMG OMG OMG :surrender:


I actually agree with Ekona on this :scare:

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Remove all speed limits. They're ridiculous and blanket that cause people to either break the law, or drive too fast whilst staying legal, or simply play too safe and hold everybody up.



30mph past a school at 3pm is too fast, no arguments there. Even 20mph could well be too fast. However, the same bit of road at 3am could safely be taken at maybe 50mph with no problem. 70mph on a clear motorway is too slow, but in fog that 70mph on the same motorway is lethal.


What we need is to keep the current limits, but make them recommendations. If you stay under that, then great, no probs, usual rules apply. If you choose to exceed them and there is an incident, then you should be guilty until presumed innocent. If you are genuinely still driving safely at speed, and the incident is the fault of someone else, then stand up in court and be prepared to defend yourself and justify it. If you can't, then the speed wasn't safe.




Alternatively just bin all speed limits and using a version of the above idea, just prosecute for dangerous driving if the speed was not safe/appropriate.


OMG OMG OMG :surrender:


I actually agree with Ekona on this :scare:

pms :lol:
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Yep instead of all the motorway signs telling you when you have to slow down they could also tell you when you can speed up. I travelled back from Andover to London on the M3 at 1am this morning and I could have safely done the whole motorway stretch at 100mph...


One thing to take into account is the cost of travelling at those speeds, even averaging 80mph instead of 70mph seriously affects the cost of the journey :shrug:


Maybe all that would happen is reps and company/hire car users would travel at warp speed as no worries, in my experience these are often the worst drivers :surrender:

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I thought the safest motorway roads are not ours by some stretch, in fact its the Autobahns that are safest which have no limit.



Nope, ours are the safest by a country mile, 118 Motorway deaths in The U.K, 430 Autobahn deaths in 2010. U.K motorways are much busier than in Germany, even though Germany has many more miles of Autobahn we actually have 25% more motorway traffic. Germany actually ranks about number 3 or 4 in Europe .Figures for places like Spain, Portugal, Belgium even Ireland are horrendous compared to ours.


I'm quite happy with the speed limits as they are, raising them will inevitably lead to more deaths and serious injuries.




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With the speed limit at 70mph (on M/ways) you hardly ever see people doing 70 - most repmobiles do 85-90. So raising the speed limit to, lets say, 80mph would mean that all those people will now do 95-100 and think nothing of it.


People drive like spanners as it is so I would say its fast enough. I also agree with Ekona, they have this system in France on all m/way signage.

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It'd be nice to do away with limits and have a more general offence, such as "Driving like a bellend". Sadly you couldn't trust the Feds to enforce it even handily (look at stop and search application against different demographics) or trust inexperienced drivers to obey it. I think, sadly, they need the black and white rules to legislate for the wide variety of road users.


Having said that, our roads are the safest (statistically, not anecdotally) so they must be doing something correctly.

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With people complaining about mpg... its a maximum limit not minimum. So you can still drive at 56mph lol. Just raising a limit.


I just dont see why a dodgy backroad can be 60 yet a 5 lane motorway is 70... one is windy and the other a straight line.


And again a way to sort the tossers out on the motorway is... first year of liscence, no passengers under 21. And a tracker installed. After that year, trackers installed if you get pulled by cops. 1month for driving a bit dodgy, 3 for speeding etc.


If I get speeding ticket. I just think aw ffs 60quid. But I wouldnt risk it if I was going to have speed and rev tracker

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