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Epic pizza fail


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So our local Dominos is doing a 'any pizza for £10' offer atm, so me and Jo thought we'd treat ourselves. She rang me just as she was leaving work so I could order a pizza to share and it would be here for when she got home.


It arrived slightly earlier than my guesstimation, so to keep it warm I popped the oven on very low and put the whole box in the oven just as I've done loads of times before. I then went off to play with the cats, knowing that the pizza was in good hands. It wasn't until I smelt the smell of burning that I thought something wasn't quite right...


I'd rearranged the oven shelves recently and put one too low, so I walked into the kitchen to find the back of the pizza box on fire. Proper flames-style fire. Oops. I yanked the whole box out of the oven in an attempt to save dinner, and started to blow on the arse end of the box to get the flames out. It was like one of those never-ending candles that don't ever go out, so I moved onto the next option: Douse with water. I'd just finished the washing up so had a full bowl of soapy water right next to me, so quickly turned and dipped the corner of the box into the water, and could only cry as I watched the ENTIRE ****ing PIZZA drop straight into the water, via the hole in the side of the box where the fire had burnt away the cardboard. :doh:



I stopped. I cried. I lolled. I cried a little more. 20 secs later Jo walks through the door, just as I'm on the phone ordering another pizza. FML.

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that is truely epic, like something you would see on TV

This. Exactly this, it was like a scene from Friends or something! It was utterly heartbreaking when you hit the point at which you know you've completely ballsed it up, despite having had numerous opportunities to save it (don't order until the missus is home, don't put the shelf so low in the oven, don't put flammable cardboard in an oven, keep trying to blow it out as it will work eventually, and most of all don't put a decent pizza near a bloody bowl full of water!).

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That's hilarious, I do daft stuff like that too.


The day I moved into my new house I put a sausage roll in a saucepan on the grill. I though it would just heat it up but it turns out it burns them and you end up with a cloud of black smoke in the house


:lol: this is now one of the funniest threads ever

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lol, pizza noob :p


I got a phone call from my banks anti-fraud department a while ago, they explained that as they had phoned me they wouldn't ask the usual security questions as I shouldn't give those details to people that phone me! So instead they asked me a question based on my statements, the question was:


"What fast food place do you regularly order from?"


I had to answer:


"Please tell me that I don't order so much pizza that XYZ pizza* is now a security question for my bank!!" :scare::scare:


I think I win at the Non-Pizza noob thing. :p


*Name changed to XYZ pizza for security reasons!

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I was actually visualising the whole pizza and oven drama as you were telling the story. Too funny for words. :lol::lol:


You could just pop it in the microwave, not switched on though, small cube usually keeps food warm for quite a long time. ;) Not nearly as entertaining for us though. :p:lol:

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I used to buy a pizza from our local Spar shop to pop in the oven. One time I stuck it in for the usual time, only to find I'd put it under the grill instead. Nicely grilled top and the rest of it was cold :scare: Now this is the sort of thing you do once, you'd think :blush: Managed to do it one other time and so did my son :lol:

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