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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. So, I currently have a thing for garage "art". My wall currently looks like this: with the below piece of NASCAR to still go up: I potentially have two more bits of NASCAR to come, but I won't post pics until it is confirmed. What do you guys have in your garages and what would you like? Personally I'd love some F1 parts, some vintage fuel pumps etc. I look forward to seeing what you guys have and potentially stealing the ideas
  2. but to keep it on subject, sometimes a donk is a good thing
  3. Disconnect the battery before you cut!
  4. He's also done some very big expensive work on the transmission! Safety Features: 4-Wheel Drive, Alarm
  5. It may be orange, but it doesn't taste like orange
  6. He also doesn't say which calibre bullet it will stop. Bet a .50 would come out the other side
  7. If you can get a picture with the Sark Shipping Company ferry in the background, I'll paypal you enough money for a curly wirly
  8. It's the god awful, ridiculous, Paul Walker quote on the side window that is inflating the value. He's trying to buy his dignity back for putting that on his car in the first place.
  9. Hadn't even thought of this, valid point. Especially if they're cheaper wheels
  10. It's not a problem just on this forum, Tapatalk unfortunately is terrible on 90% of forums. I gave up a while ago and deleted it.
  11. Plus the chimera sounds amazing, and the revival of TVR has meant the prices of all of them are slowly going up. It would be a good time to get one. Once the new one is ready for sale I imagine the prices of all of them will go up more.
  12. AliveBoy

    Spoiler ID

    I know of a guy who will bring it in for less than that, he specialises in hot rods, but will bring anything in. http://www.langysrodshop.co.uk/ his mobile number etc are on the site, might be worth a call That's worth knowing actually, cheers, I'll bare him in mind and maybe give him a call. There's a pal of mine with an American Porsche tuning chum who is preparing a few cars for uk events. I may be able to get him to chuck a few bits in the container with the cars. I'm in no rush really. Yeah fair enough, just to confirm, this guy isn't anything to do with me, just I've used him a lot without issue It's saved me a ton on shipping panels etc over. Most items I've had in my hands within 7 days.
  13. AliveBoy

    Spoiler ID

    I know of a guy who will bring it in for less than that, he specialises in hot rods, but will bring anything in. http://www.langysrodshop.co.uk/ his mobile number etc are on the site, might be worth a call
  14. Finally, someone recommending a way to reduce insurance which is legal! I was expecting this to be one of the usual ones which verge on fraud
  15. It wouldn't fill me with confidence if they've had to start for a third time. Also, it's not that hard to use blocks to mock up the manifold before doing it out of metal. These things are awesome, they can make any shape you can out of metal and are relatively cheap: Or, failing that, why don't they just order someone elses RHD kit and look at how theirs has been done. It's not like it's never been done before. It basically just looks like it's not at the top of their priority list. I genuinely feel sorry for HaydnH for being without for so long and also you Adrian as it's not a delay of your doing, but it doesn't look great on AAM at the moment edit: spelling
  16. CRAAAAZY good tyres! I've also heard that the Nangkang NS2R is a terrific tyre for track too.
  17. Just to say, further to what Ekona said above, Admiral are really good to deal with. Once you have a new car, they'll reinstate your policy for the remaining time for around £70. Technically if a car has been written off, the policy is considered as closed, so it's nice they'll let you re open it.
  18. just FYI, R888's are no longer road legal, they don't meet the Euro efficiency thingy so aren't E marked anymore
  19. I'm not really sure what you're getting at, but certainly in this thread, you're being corrected on giving massively inaccurate information. It's nothing personal, you're just wrong. How is the price of labour and paint in America ever going to be helpful in a completely different country? Labour is very cheap in the states, as are building costs, in certain states there's no sales taxes either, which could increase or lower the price by up to 20%. There's too many variables around the UK for bodywork, let alone a completely different country. If you wanted to buy a bodykit and saw on a reputable forum it would be around 3k for fitting and paint, then your bill came in at 6, you'd be pretty upset. Especially if the 3k "rough idea" came from someone posting who has had a full wide arch bodykit fitted themselves. If you're feeling victimised I genuinely apologise, but this is a respected community, where we all look out for each other and try to be at least half right in what we say.
  20. Not sure if this price is current or not: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/99422-torqen-350z-03-04-stoptech-premium-clutch-slave-cylinder/page__st__20 No idea on the seal either
  21. I think Cougarstore sell them as do Torqen. It's a pretty simple swap over, I'd say get a braided line in at the same time. I'm in Wokingham if you want to bring it over for a hand
  22. It depends if it's the seal that's leaking To be completely honest; the slaves are so common in breaking I'd just replace it as it will probably fail in another more serious area anyway.
  23. Just FYI, most BGW's are tall enough to not ruin the view for the driver looking out
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