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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. I hate to agree with Fanny and as much as i appreciate the time and effort, why leave the doors black, just looks like he has just picked up a 2nd hand pair and waiting to get them sprayed. However it is good to see someone justifying the build with some proper alloys I bet they're carbon fibre and he wants to show them off. Same with the pillars, boot hatch and roof. Edit, I must say, with decent wheels and a nice suspension drop, the kit does look TONS better than most of the ones I've seen in the flesh.
  2. It will look odd. It will look like you've taken the wing off a cessna and glued it on your car. A 350z with a complete failside kit can pull it off, JUST, but only because it makes everything wide in proportion to everything else.
  3. Eesh. Maybe she feels the magical, invisible, 100ft tall, creator of the world, man in the sky will save her from herself. The same man who raped a helpless woman and made her pregnant with himself so that he could sacrifice himself to himself to save everyone from the sin he himself created whilst demanding that people never worship anyone but him. I don't think he'll save her... Sounds like he only cares about himself... I think an advanced driving course would be better for her than religion...
  4. Then say something, instead of anonymously b!tching on the internet. If you stand by and do nothing, how do you think you'll feel if she kills someone.
  5. If it's just the pedal on the floor you only need to change the slave cylinder, it's a very simple job
  6. I'd say a far more reasonable way to get cheap insurance is to smash the excess up, then take an insurance policy out on the excess. There's literally specialist companies who will do that. When I was 20 I put my excess to £2,000 on my Z and then insured it for £15 per month, my insurance policy went from £1,400+/- mods declared to £880+/- mods declared.
  7. The problem with them is the quality control, some of them fit perfectly, some of them don't fit at all. That's why people are so negative, because theirs was terrible, if you don't need something urgently and you potentially have the time to send the piece back for a replacement, they are definitely worth the gamble. Unfortunately most people don't have that time, so it pays dividends to spend a little more for an almost guaranteed fit. Normally the problems aren't horrendous, it's just that a lot of home mechanics can't fix the issues themselves.
  8. Have a google, there's a few threads where people have had detonation because of 95 ron. Hundreds of people use 95 with no issues, but some people have been confirmed to have done damage using 95 ron. first thread I found by a reputable source: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/56308-what-can-happen-if-you-run-your-zed-on-95-ron/
  9. Unlucky Mr 28.3%, looks like you should be brillopadawan not brillomaster
  10. 43% It's normally when I'm being rude, but people think I'm being funny
  11. "Evans Coolant has a high boiling point of 375F at atmospheric pressure. While it does not need pressure to raise its boiling point, we do not recommend modifying the system to hold zero pressure. It will expand 7% at operating temperature so you will notice some movement to the expansion tank, but it doesn't build pressure like water does."
  12. Also, the traffic police cars in Surrey have ANPR cameras pointing backwards on their estate cars now literally a small box on the roof with a camera in
  13. Also, I'd prefer that people started petitions about the real motoring issues. prison for uninsured drivers, stop manufacturers trying to make it illegal to modify a car, prison for honda jazz drivers, force adult cyclists to have insurance, raise the motorway speed limit to 80 because it will mean we can get up 2 minutes later, allow a major road race like f1 or something in London, stop making the mot test ever more ridiculous in some attempt to stop people from modifying their cars, make horses on the road have headlights and indicators, anything over "I don't like it because it makes my car look ugly" edit: some of these may or may not be serious
  14. And at a minimum, you should get the flywheel skimmed, so that there's a lovely new surface for the clutch to bed in to. It's around the £50 mark normally.
  15. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with any of those cars (I am NOW, they're all ugly as hell ) but to the "typical" non car person, they're all examples of a boy racer car.
  16. If you define boy racer car by massive body kits, huge wheels, flamer kits, massive spoilers etc, then sure. It's already happening, as the cars get cheaper you'll always reach a younger set of buyers. It's the new honda civic really. There's some terrible mods that crop up on here every now and again.
  17. Ok but, people who come up to you to talk about the kit on the car are going to be the ones who like it. No one - unless they're really rude - are going to walk up to you and say " hey! that kit!! it's awful!" I prefer the term "honest"
  18. I stayed at port Orleans resort at Disney and one morning there were Disney security (everyone who's been there will know what they're like! ) everywhere and the pool was shut because there was an alligator in the pool! The pool was only a hundred yards or so from the canals which lead to Downtown Disney. One of the security guards said to me that there was a huge storm on the way so the gator was probably trying to seek shelter, maybe they were playing it down, maybe it was a one off. It's definitely drummed into you that non designated swimming areas are a no go there though.
  19. I'd put money on it being the one on the exhaust
  20. Search is your friend. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/78083-facelift-bonnet-bulge/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/95095-hr-bonnet/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/96956-hr-bonnet/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/108960-help-wantedswapping-to-hr-bonnet/
  21. so disappointed by this thread. I was expecting something like this: roof looks good though
  22. That will be the best you'll get I think. Where I am they charge £50 a month just to park a car in a secure car park, a council garage is around £80 a month round here too!
  23. Do NOT use a shipping container, the humidity causes rust massively quickly. Big yellow self storage do garages I believe, locked compound around them, security, dry and safe. No idea of the cost, but if you're overseas, the security of the car is a must. When friends etc take the car out you just let them know the combination to open the door.
  24. I know a guy who has a set in white, they aren't for sale, but for the right price anything is for sale right?
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