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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. Wasso`s is the MK1 version where all the install issues can be ironed out and then its all systems go for everyone else
  2. I`m with Ekona on this one, you have the offer so no probs
  3. Had an MG midget and a Herald convertible back in my yooooooth so been there and done it. In my later years the sun burns me thinning bonce so not interested anymore
  4. Hillman imp 250 quid Ford Cortina 250 quid stopped counting after that
  5. We need to control numbers of people coming here and that`s not because migration is a problem but because the resources and infrastructure is not in place to support them. If we can cure those issues then the migration problem would not actually be a problem. If we as a country are not going to sort that out then it is madness to carry on as we are. If you are having a party and supplying the drink and the food then you might want to know how many guests are coming. If your not sure how many are coming then you have to make sure you have plenty in stock. As usual this country under-estimates rather than over-estimates. If we are not going to change the way we estimate whats required to provide decent services and infrastructure then what choice do we have but to limit the numbers of peoples coming here and if that means leaving the EU to do it then Brexit has to be the answer. It might not be perfect but could at least give us a chance to get things under control.
  6. Lets be honest it looks pretty good for what is a really low price
  7. If you like it, that`s all that matters
  8. Get her a keyboard. No marimba`s in the charts
  9. Looks good but re-sale could be iffy.
  10. Just checked euro car parts mate £137
  11. Spotted today at about 10 to 11 down near the newport
  12. Sad to see the damage mate Its, Blue and green should never be seen Green and blue that will do
  13. Alternatively .................. http://www.dynomec.co.uk/ Its what the RAC use Not as easy to use as it looks... depends how tight they are
  14. Top Marks... yer cant beat a porker....
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