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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. The immigration issue is played out in a way that makes good headlines. In reality it does not matter how many people choose to come and live here if we supply the infrastructure to support the numbers. and there`s the rub... we don`t... We cant because we don`t know how many to provide for.... simple really isn't it. Saying they contribute which helps our economy is also not strictly true if they are in low paid work and sending money home and not spending much here. We are the 5th richest economy so Money should not be an issue its just about letting us have enough for what we pay in to keep us happy. All the Austerity rubbish we have been sold is an excuse to make us feel we need to tighten our belts why still paying loads into the system. Who is getting it? The brexit vote will be as much about feelings towards issues like this as much as anything else. As i said before a change is as good as a rest so why not vote for one... could be interesting
  2. Clarkson with ideas of days gone past.... what a donut
  3. At 18000 it should be like a new car
  4. Time to get out on the motorbike........... which i did today...........and yesterday
  5. Your gonna get shafted if we stay in or if we leave so why not just take the chance for change. Its as good as a rest
  6. 7 reasons to leave and three to stay in... nuff said
  7. Get it back in the paint shop and go full purple mate
  8. The change is probably because so many cars are written off nowadays due to the cost of repair when they are not necessarily that badly damaged.
  9. Forget spacers mate. Poor mans answer to incorrect wheels. It might look better but not necessarily perform better other than the placebo effect. For some people the look is more important which is fair enough if that floats your boat. Not trying to offend anyone who has them just being honest. There is a science to why there wrong as they move the center line through the hub away from where its supposed to be for the correct suspension geometry.
  10. Go to a body shop that you want not one that they want. Their approved body shops are repairing to a price and the quality is sometimes questionable.
  11. People think opting out will mean that we get charged Tariffs for trade deals..... What do you think the money is that we pay the EU now
  12. Dash cams are great and can help you in a claim like this but be aware..... If you are involved in an incident or get stopped by the police and they consider it may be helpful in proving an offense they can confiscate it. Just bear that in mind if you get stopped for speeding or have an accident as your own cam might be your undoing.
  13. Stay in or leave either way it will be an excuse to make us pay. We`re dammed if we do and we`re dammed if we dont So Simples really Change is as good as a rest.... Vote to leave The fact that the rest of Europe wants us to stay in is because they will have a large chunk of dosh missing without us plus it could well be a domino effect for more to follow. Obama wants us in to give himself a foothold and somewhere to keep his warplanes Chance in a lifetime to make a change and this country will make it work if we do because they have no choice. Stay in and we will have to put up with everything Europe throws at us because we will have no choice. It will be seen as us crying wolf. Grasp the nettle people and be bold. Short term pain and long term gain. We are the second biggest contributor to the EU. Think what we could do with that money staying here.
  14. I would bleed the system again to make sure its not an air lock but also consider that it could be a head gasket. One of these http://www.ebay.co.u...dXAq3f����Would help confirm it If you do get one of these to test it make sure you dont suck up any water as it will give a false reading
  15. I see you mention you have a contract with BG so when they come out tell them to check the vessel and if its lost pressure tell them you want a new one. If they say it just needs pumping up it will be fine Ask him where the pressure has gone. When he says its lost pressure and just needs pumping up Tell him it will lose it again then so you would appreciate it if he would organise a new one..... Simples
  16. when you say the blowers blow cold air through do you mean the heater blower in the car
  17. Just make sure they check the vessel pressure isolated from the system pressure otherwise it will just read what eve`rs in the system. ( unless the system pressure is zero then it wont matter) Vessel should have 1.5 bar in it if its in the boiler or located on the system at boiler level.
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