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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. gsexr


    Substitution for a man in denial
  2. gsexr


    The one thing that stands out from most of the people that don`t have kids is the fear they have of losing their freedom to do just what they want in life if they were to have them. There is an element of truth that this will happen. But You cannot understand the love you will feel until you actually have them and its like nothing else. Have faith. Its not all about me, me , me
  3. gsexr

    VDC off?

    Could have just been road conditions.... something like diesel on the road... The road is different to the track.
  4. gsexr


    Some of the posts from the people who have never had kids do make me smile...... I mean.... its not like you can tell or anything.....
  5. gsexr


    Laptop stopped printing tonight on the wifi for no reason what so ever so after 2 hours of uninstalling and re-installing and turning things on and off still no joy..... i put in a call to my youngest son. A remote connection using Team viewer.... well 40 mins in total and its fixed. Makes you proud to be a Dad
  6. gsexr


    Its hard to appreciate or understand the love that you feel for your children if you don`t have any. Only you will know when the time is right to make the sacrifice to have them. My babies are 25 and 24 and live their own lives as they are now adults in their own right. Its very satisfying to see they are happy, have a good understanding in the way of the world and just getting on with life. Part of my job is done and i can enjoy seeing them when they want and only give advice if asked for. Great to see them knowing their own minds. Don`t underestimate the sacrifices you may have to make but the rewards are kind of special.
  7. Must be the miss-matched tyres on the civic
  8. Great effort there and well worth it, looks good
  9. gsexr


    Good looking bus, got a soft spot for these
  10. The other half wants a kitten so will still try the RSPCA etc to see if they have any. Just need to wait a while before we can sort it.
  11. Happy birthday, hows the motor progressing ? must be due for another installment soon
  12. gsexr

    MPS4 or MPSS

    Ended up going for a couple of Falken 453`s as £87 each seemed pretty good and lots of guys on here rate them
  13. We have had cats for a few years and sadly lost out olly just over a year ago which was so painful we decided not to have anymore....... well You guessed it We need another in our lives as its just not the same. Thought about a dog as i have always wanted one but just don`t think i want to make the commitment that`s required to be fair to it so...... Got to be another cat. On the look out for a kitten in a couple of weeks time so watch this space
  14. Standard wheels or after market...... Seen a cracked after market wheel do this before... just a thought if nothing obvious pops up
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