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Toon Chris

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Everything posted by Toon Chris

  1. Nah, if I go faster I'll be driving for less time so that means less pollution
  2. It's not as much as it would cost you if you lost the only key - now that's very expensive to put right. Think of it as insurance and also that you will get a little back on it when you eventually sell the car.
  3. Yeah, but having to actively steer with the wheel 10 degrees to the right was getting tiring. Its much better now but its not *exactly* central on the steering wheel, and who likes an off-centre steering wheel? My wife can't see it but I can, I know it's there.
  4. the seals in a turbo are a piston ring type seal leaving oil in the turbo wil potentially allow oil to seep into either the compressor or exhaust housing especially as my car can sit for a week without being startedthis is no different to a normal turbo setup but i don't have gravity to drain the lines for me Aha, I see. Thanks for explaining
  5. I have a Fx30d Infiniti, required for reasons I won't go into here in detail but basically its AWD and that's what I needed (and I fancied a big, uncommon car). So, like any other car I've had, pretty soon it's time to start thinking of how to mod it. There are three ranty things that have happened over the last few months. 1) Had the car checked over and the wheels hunter aligned. Car ok but now steers sharply to the left. Alignment redone. Still steers to left. Alignment finally set back to how it was at the start, which has some out of margin toe settings. Car much better now but steering wheel not 100% dead straight. Grrr. Waste of money and never should have touched it as its never going to be back to exactly how it was. 2) Lets have a remap! A few hours of faffing about and I'm told it can't be done as the software the garage has won't read the ECU properly (its based on the Navara ECU platform) Weeks later, the correct software is obtained by the garage and try again. Nope, this time its the injector codes that it will need entering before a remap and the software wont read them. Month or so later, give up on 'my mate works for Infiniti and can read them for you' comment from garage and pay Infiniti dealer £50 to read the codes. Takes them 5 minutes. Back to the garage, nope, software won't write back to ECU with a protocol error. FFS! Garage admits defeat, I'm very frustrated! No slur on the garage who have been very helpful and it's not their fault but what a waste of time and hopes dashed. Next step is a DT-UK box and I have to say on the basis of one phone call they have looked promising, so I'll allow a faint glimmer of hope back into my life. 3) Lets have some good brakes! The front disks were shuddering away as the previous owner had heated them up and left plenty of pad material stuck to them ( well I'm saying it was the previous owner ). Automatics. Pah. Let's all brake like mad to stop a 2 ton car then sit at the lights with your foot on the brake to stop it driving forwards of its own accord. Eventually some nice EBC slotted and dimpled numbers turn up with greenstuff pads. Very exciting, they are massive! Discs fit ok but pads are woefully the wrong ones, not even close. Have to refit old worn out pads and call EBC technical who identify the correct ones for me - their catalogue is wrong. I'll get them eventually but after the bank holiday of course so its another week or two before I can fit them. Its probably feelings compounded by the uncertainty of switching to Diesel, Auto and Turbo which are 3 things I've never had before but I'm soooo frustrated. Thwarted at every step to pimp my ride and for months on end. It may not seem much to you but I do not like being thwarted when it comes to cars. If I've got the cash waiting I want it NOW. And then I found out that what Infiniti call 'Umbrian Twilight', the DVLA call 'Beige'. I have a beige car :dry: I feel better to get this out of my system. PS. Oh, and I saw my old Z drive past my house which was nice as at least its still on the road, but despite the forum sticker on the back window they haven't joined up. I want to bend the owners ear about all the mods on the car they don't know about and to make sure they are looking after it properly I think I need to chill out, its all too stressful.
  6. Hi Andy, Nice to see you tucking all the oil cooling gubbins away neatly, I love neat work Plus the original build had the oil filter sticking down which was asking for a nice scrape on a speed bump Anyhow, hope you don't mind but a technical question for you, not for any reason that I'm curious: In an earlier post you talked about a one-way valve in the oil coolant system. Clearly you want the oil feed to run on after the engine has stopped to allow the turbo to be cooled, but why do you then forcefully drain that oil away and put draw in air to replace it? I know there must be a technical reason but I can't see what it is. To my unknowledgeable mind it seems sensible to leave oil in there so its immediately ready for the next start-up? Cheers Chris
  7. Hit the limit in 4th then slapped it into 3rd by mistake, maybe? Instant wheel lock up and certain destruction.
  8. I had a similar issue, sudden vibration building up and up until I had to pull over, also on a high speed run, after about 30 miles. Then it simply went away but came back form time to time. I did notice the brakes felt hard. After some inspections by my local mechanics it turned out to be a front pad jamming in the caliper due to dirt and general crap build-up. Took off the callipers, took out the pads, severe wire brushing and scraping where the pads sit and slide back and forth and problem solved. I guess it doesn't have to be dirt, it could be a small stone or similar?
  9. Rear droplinks at a guess. Cheap, and easy to fit You could wait and find out which one it is, or simply buy two replacements now (with nuts) from Clarke Motorsport and have done with it.
  10. I only got the 00.01% I guess that's 'up to' as well.
  11. I think Buddy Club used to do one -possibly still do - and that's loud! Its all personal taste of course but its a V-engined car and it suits a twin exhaust IMO. Why strap a pineapple gun to the back?
  12. Careful who they send and watch them like a hawk. When Auto Windscreens did mine they snapped some poppers, and worse didn't get the screen quite lined up right so the bottom was a bit too far forwards. I had to stuff it with foam to stop squeaks and a gap with the dash you could get your hand down. It looked fine from the outside though. In my experience of having windscreens replaced its never quite right afterwards so the only thing you can do is watch the fitter.
  13. Crikey, there is something for everything nowadays
  14. That's like my Inifinti key. Way too different as its got hands-free operation and hands-free starting. I haven't actuallt prised both keys open but I'm pretty sure the transpoder chip in the 350z key will be discreet from the remote operation circuit, probably a pcf9735 (very common for a key of the 350z era), whereas a hands-free start key guarantees its on the circuit with a different controller chip. Sorry mate, worth a try and a nice idea but its not going to work.
  15. Unless it's a Tesla with a Nissan burger on the front, what he said ^^
  16. I'm going to get this in both bluetooth/android for for general driving about info, and also the cable/laptop version to see what it can do. This could be very useful. They say they do a group buy discount - they might do a forum discount if we ask so can we do this? I can't speak for 350z-uk.com so maybe a mod can ask them?
  17. You can buy some very posh stuff on Gumtree at a cheap price - second hand of course - then have it professionally cleaned. Same price as a new, 'cheaper' sofa. Old chesterfields are great buys but there quite a lot of other stuff out there.
  18. Both my rear bearings sounding like gravel being ground up as they went. I suspect the bearing, especially as its noisy when you load it up. They are not all that expensive and not hard to fit. Any decent garage will manage it in an hour or so, providing the old one come off ok.
  19. A link at the bottom of that link suggests who could replace him. VBH is one of them. Now that would make me watch Top Gear :throb:
  20. Just because it's dirty doesn't mean much. My cars are always filthy but I care for the mechanicals. I'd want to see a picture with the passenger window up though - we all know how prone the motor is for sticking.
  21. OP, why not saw out the old one and clamp on a new one. All you need is a hacksaw and a few exhaust clamps and some paste: http://www.clampcouk.co.uk/exhaust-repair/exhaust-flexible-pipes.html Its not elegant but it would work.
  22. You will need physio to recover the best, and NHS physio is all about monitoring and giving you exercises. That's all very well but manipulative physio will help you miles more. Once the GP has finished with you (and good luck with that giving you much assistance) put hand in pocket and find a sports injury clinic or similar physio. They will know exactly what to do and your recovery will be a lot faster. It's your knee and you want it to last your lifetime so its worth the money without a doubt.
  23. Could be as simple as a little spillage from when the oil was changed, so no need to worry too much just yet Its easy to lose a little when filling up and a little goes a long way and spreads everywhere. Wipe the plug area with kitchen town until it comes away completely dry. Check back later, preferably after a drive and if the kitchen towel test has a damp spot then you have a culprit. If nothing then it may be a little surplus from when it was filled.
  24. wow. A thread with Big Phil in it. Nice to see a blast from the past every now and then.
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