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Everything posted by docwra

  1. Not at all, Ive just bought some for my BMW and they are absolutely gorgeous. However a friend of mind has just paid less for an 05 plate 350Z than I did for the seats
  2. Cant agree with this enough, the M135i's are mad bargains for what they are at the moment and in reality are no different from the current cars and are far, far better than the Golf R. And there are plenty out there, www.babybmw.net is the best UK site IMO
  3. How much wider? You could get up to about 40mm extra clearance with standard arches and a talented man on the puller/roller, if youre going much more than that you would probably need to blend bumpers in as it would look a bit weird otherwise. And why do you want to do it - bear in mind it will involve paint and some bodywork, then you need wheels to fill the arches, tyres, lows ......... not saying dont do it (I did and loved the result), just that its not to be taken lightly
  4. 1. Crap rider - as Stu says there are a lot of hazards there and you can read what the road is going to do, not backing off suggests he didnt have any idea of his own ability. 2. Meh, I dont know that sticking him away for 8 months would do anyone any favours and it certainly wouldnt be in line with the pointless penalties you see on Police Interceptors etc. A very large fine would make a lot more sense to me.
  5. @Rs2oo nice one, car looks familiar and I end up at the Manbulance absolutely hammered most years so its quite possible we will have met already And the reason I say its a rip is we are looking at £150 a person based on two sharing a car, that includes £20-30 towards the van and stuff - the offer above basically adds a ferry crossing for another £400, theres no mention of tents and if the the bar was subsidised I didnt notice last time I "found myself" in of these things ....... Theres security on Houx anyway, there are bars all over the circuit and the Porsche Curves, while cool are a long way away from the main drag too. If the food and beer were chucked in and tents up when you arrive I could see it, but a cheap barbecue, a coolbox full of ice and a couple of trips to Carrefour and youll have just as good a time but £1K left in your collective pockets. FWIW Ive just had a look - entry tickets are EUR 82 for the week and camping at Beausejour is £70, thats just over £100 each. Fair play if you want the package above but go in with your eyes open is all Im saying
  6. £550 is a rip, look elsewhere. Im back with my usual crew for the 12th year running, theme for this year is the one Ive always wanted to do - we are building a pub. Bar, pumps, optics, picture of queen, dartboards, round tables with mismatched chairs and stools, massive ashtrays .......... possibly a genuine pub carpet as well. We will also have a history of our crew at LM with all of the T-shirts, all the players and some choice stories on display, if you want to drop in we will be the very large marquee on Houx, come join us for a pint Last years theme was Las Vegas, we had gaming tables and everything:
  7. How different is the 370 box the the 350 version? Some of the drifty boys I know use 350 boxes mated to 2JZm, are you using an adaptor plate?
  8. I had HSDs and the car would go low enough the wheels were physically stuck in the arches, are you sure youre doing it right? Maybe worth a word with Driftworks, Id be amazed if they specced anything that didnt allow the laying of frame
  9. TBH the state of that reply would be enough to have me running for the hills. "Death ears"? What a spoon.
  10. If an M4 doesnt have enough road presence I suggest a battle tank of some sort They arent like old M cars though, very big and heavy and apparently struggle for traction a lot. If you like a GT4 Cayman, why not a GTS, or S instead?
  11. docwra

    Drifting setup

    Diff is also £700 + fitting, bit much for your first go. Regarding Geo, a standard setup would be fine but the more neg camber you have the better for drifty and track purposes, youll have added some when lowering.
  12. A mate of mine had one, and while he liked it, he chopped it in pretty quickly, he said it didnt feel enough like a road car or was fast enough as a track car for him, I think his experience was tainted by the first car they delivered going badly wrong enough times for them to swap it for another one. Replaced it with a 991 Turbo which he loved and now has a Huracan after the dealer that sold him the 991 didnt return calls to buy another one ........ you think youd at least send a txt or something
  13. There wasnt last time I checked ....... good news /goesofftopistonheads
  14. Couldnt get the V8 for that though, and would likely spend rest of ownership regretting it
  15. The arse is about to fall out of S/H M2 values as theres a CS and an LCI on the way, its rumoured there will be a CSL next year too. F80 M3 values are also suffering badly at the moment - £35K for a £60K motor after 2 years is bargainous. Id buy a 981 Cayman though, ticks all the boxes, will hold its money well and is a genuinely awesome car to drive, far, far better than a 370 IMO.
  16. Huddersfield and Preston are in the South?
  17. A mate of mine called me up and asked whether I wanted to get into a high end car sales garage with him. When I asked why, he told me about a 993 Turbo he had been looking at - offered the seller £110K but he refused, however he let my mate know when he did sell it. It went to a dealer at £115K, within 24 hours he had cleaned it and put it back up for £160K, two weeks later when I check it was sold. Nice work if you can get it.
  18. What are you talking about? The coupe is a good looking car, no two ways about it and the 1M is an awesome looking car. You can say "oh, but it looks like everything else" but at the end of the day its got an engine in the front and 4 seats, its not going to look like a Lambo As for CLS - always been a bit of an ugly duckling for me, and it just got worse. Compare it with the 6 Series Coupe ........ how can you go that wrong?
  19. Thats the SR20 youre thinking of Give this vid 1 min and change your mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouWwftroNLg This is RB's and JZs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppU1jCgN918
  20. 1000hp in any engine is going to cost ££££ - the point is you can get a JZ to about 450/500/550 for buttons, relatively speaking. Its not a fan boi thing, they are genuinely one of the best engines built for modification, ever which is why they get used in every driftcar ever, drag applications and anything else you care to mention. Dont forget theres a 1JZ thats nearly as capable and cheaper too. And as for sound, Ekona is wrong, simple as
  21. Driving in the continent is no different from here, other than they have really good lane discipline and theres about half as many cars on the road, lovely. I always use the Chunnel (I probably go over every month or so) but I only live 1hr 20 minutes up the road from it, I wouldnt fancy a 6 hour drive to get home afterwards. Drivingwise, France has very few police but if you are caught at speed they will fine heavily and potentially seize car. Ive never seen Police in Belgium, Italy or Slovenia other than at the border so drive as fast as you like, Germany as someone else said hide their cameras but make up for it with Autobahn (incredible how quickly you can cover distance at 150mph ), Austria are buggers for camera and have them on motorways too - I have collected about 8 Austrian tickets in the last couple of years Keep in mind that some countries require Vignettes and the fines are quite high if you dont bother, and download Waze as Navigation, it not only has incredible traffic management but also tells you about speed cameras and traps, its saved me a few times
  22. An F Type or a 911 is a bloody big jump, and an XKR is a similarly aged car thats more likely to go wrong. XKR's are fair awesome though, it has to be said. 370's arent hugely different from 350's, the car that always comes up in these is the Cayman though - more money but a better car all round IMO. Traditionally Ill usually mention I have a 135i at this point too :lol:, M135i's are ridiculous value ATM so worth a good look.
  23. £2K's worth of hospitality and free transport around in the VIP Porsche cars would do it
  24. Well, if we are doing reviews ......... I went to the British GP, we work closely with the company that operates the heliport and they supplied us some passes for the weekend, nice one I should probably add at this point that as well a few bike and car race meets a year I go to the LM24 every year so comparisons were going to be difficult to avoid. Got there about an hour before qually started on the Saturday so found some hospitality inbetween Copse and Maggots, turns out it was the most expensive there, result First sight of the cars and got quite excited, they looked very cool, and once they started running you could see they were quick but the noise was quite frankly rubbish, a decent trackday sounds better. They highlighted this fact beautifully by running the old 2 seat V10 cars immediately after qualifying, you could actually see the crowd reacting to them, why cant it sound like that anymore? Even the GP2 and GP3 cars actually sound like racing cars ...... Cant say qually was particularly exciting but then you wouldnt expect it to be, fair enough but I wouldnt pay even £10 just to watch that. Onto raceday - apparently Siverstone were clamping down on passholders being places they shouldnt be so we stayed at the Heliport and ended up watching the race from the top of a Fire Engine with a crate of beer - very cool, but even from our elevated position you could still only see about 150 yards of track. We were sat down at Club which watching back was where all the "action" was but realistically we saw Danny Ric nailing a few people on the inside, Lewis and Max having a tussle and not a lot else to write home about. By the end of the race we had moved to the infield heliport so could see a lot more track but it was pretty processional, we only knew the race had finished via the (excellent) F1 App, at LM you can hear the roar for miles! The verdict? Good weekend but I dont think Id go again with hospitality and I dont think Id pay for it either. When the races arent that stimulating even on the TV they arent going to be any better in real life, add huge number of spectators and dull sounding cars and Id rather be at a clubman meet or a bike race TBH. It doesnt come close to LM - we see over 40 hours of track action with constant overtaking, varied cars, battles all over the track and an atmosphere that you just dont get at an airfield in Towcester. We checked and the hospitality we were in was over £2K per person for the weekend, for 80 minutes of quiet cars following each other round a track thats mental, quite frankly. Ive no doubt other circuits offer a better view, better VFM or even better racing but as an event ........ naaah. Go to one to say you did it, then watch WEC/MotoGP/Classic/RallyX/BSB or just about anything else for your entertainment
  25. For me, time spent at home is becoming more and more important - Ive worked long hours all of my life and as you get older you start to realise you never get it back, including the time sat in a car each way and the Saturday morning lost to catching up on sleep. However, Ive also reached a point in my career where Im doing well financially and I dont actually have to work 5, or even 4 days a week, this is in no small part to 60+ hour weeks for the last 18 years. Its a difficult one but having worked weekends in the past Id do nearly anything to avoid that again, its crap having a Tuesday and a Thursday off when no-one else does and having to watch them going out every weekend while youre getting up at 0630 for work.
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