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Everything posted by davedutch

  1. Welcomesand enjoy your zed. Bet it doesn't stay "unmolested" for long
  2. A real shame, not what you ever want associated with any form of motorsport, thoughts go out to the families and the drivers.
  3. as long as you don't want latest films etc netflix and lovefilm are great, easy in and easy out terms and low monthly charge. We prefer lovefilm as it also includes dvd's delivered to your home (these tend to be more up to date) £6.99p.m.
  4. what happened to the cunning plan you were telling me you had for the bay? your car never stays the same for long so i suppose this doesn't stop you "improving" the bay further.
  5. just make sure you stress you pulled up with enough space between you and the Audi, because generally insurance co's will say you are at fault for hitting the car in front even though you were rear ended. you may need to show the Meriva hit with enough force to push both you and the Saxo forward with enough force to push you into the car in front despite you leaving sufficient clear space - a hard one to prove so good luck. I really pity the Saxo driver because he could well be uninsurable after this.
  6. As above, if you opt for speed awareness course you have to pay for course which will be give or take a little the same cost. You have to spend approx four hours doing course but in return no points on license and no need to tell insurers -even if they ask as the offense has been dealt with. You can only do one in three years - i got caught recently for second time in 2years and ten months so had no choice but to take points - even if in different police authority.
  7. Recently had a bunch of kids on mopeds go past as I sat at a junction, beeping, thumbs up and swerving all over the place as they went by, thought they were going to crash looking back over their shoulders. Always teenagers and middle aged guys (says i )
  8. some really good pics there, reflect the weekend well and nice to see a few pics of my zed!!!! Thanks for giving up your time to help with the weekend and for posting your pics
  9. Here's a few my wife took when she didn't have her eyes closed.
  10. i'm 6ft 2" and 34" leg, seat is fine, fully back and lower height setting and i have plenty of headroom which is my usual issue. get comfy and have fun test driving a few, you will love it
  11. davedutch

    Wales 2014

    great vids, did anyone get any they can post up of the horseshoe or evo triangle?
  12. Been home a while but had to sort the kids out first. Great weekend, even my wife enjoyed it! Shezza, i think it was your other half who made Karen feel so welcome although £6.75 per cocktail!?! Ian, glad the in car pool seems to have sorted itself. Great to have met and chatted to so many of you! To Graham, Will, Colin and Darren (and anyone i have forgotten)a big thank you for all the effort organising this, i can only imagine the work you put in.
  13. I'm with you Ian, gleaming the weekend then rained now looks like I have driven through a dust storm and used my only spare time visiting Mitz and Andy @ CS for a quick once over and an oil change.
  14. Hopefully you will get a redundancy pay out that can tide you over until you find something else and that way you can keep the zed, but you have to be able to eat. Good luck -redundancy sucks
  15. Welcome along and +1 regarding Mitz at CS . Come along to the meet Mitz is arranging it will be good.
  16. Offering something for free does not break pricing rules as poster still sets the price! Personally i would be reluctant to get into a bidding war. It is a for sale thread after all. I will vote price should always be on for all adds even if that price is f.o.c.
  17. Ccj's deff fall off after six years, defaults deff fall off six years after date of default both regardless of if settled or not. The one to watch out for is where they don't register it as a default,family member had one a while back now, bank just kept showing up late payment until it was settled, then stayed on file for another six years!!
  18. Hi, scrolling down I can't see mention of mats being sold! Are they still available and what condition is drivers one in? If you still have them and drivers mat is ok please put my name on them.
  19. No, they just haven't figured out what the gear lever is for
  20. Welcome to the forum, plenty of different exhausts, depends how you define good!
  21. Vlad, you are right. Been caught twice in last three years, second time one month to early cost me three points as no option to take course, even if in different counties it still counts and if they find out can cost lots!!! Three points on my license and that's good for me, been as high as nine but I do do 60, 000 plus miles a year (nil points in the zed)
  22. 150 of these in the carpark for the Wales meet, prize for the best mod, fastest etc.. Who's up for this?
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