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Everything posted by davedutch

  1. I really thought this would be a more popular idea, but no worries.
  2. The prat deserves the damage, not exactly the setting to show off how poor his skills are.
  3. Had an idea and wondered if r.e.o.'s might like to run with it. Pick a date and a fairly central location ( a relatively central point as an idea Coventry Motor Museum ) then r.e.o.'s all arrange a drive from their areas using the central point as a halfway point, this could be a mega meet up if it worked. Taking Coventry as an idea and assuming an hour plus drive to get there this must encompass hundreds of forum members. By the way I'm over an hour from Coventry just suggested it because of Museum, could also pick Donington or any other location.
  4. Looks really good, and I know what you mean about colour, I had mine matt wrapped nearly a year ago by Paul still looks good but pics never quite do the finish justice. They are a great bunch and do some excellent work.
  5. Agreed, great show but season two seeems so long ago I might have to start again from the begining
  6. Trust in the technology, it must work because the seller says so Plenty of people must believe in the power of positive thought to have 1200 positive feedback
  7. Spotted @2:00 pm today near Morrison Shrewsbury looked immaculate.
  8. Just think that you are £250 better off by canceling and getting sorn insurance rather than sticking with an unnecessary ( and currently useless ) policy. Glass is half full that said, anyone that doesn't treat you fairly deserves to be highlighted so others don't suffer the same treatment because 50% refund after just one month is unreasonable and worth contesting, pro rata less an admin charge would be fair and reasonable in the circumstances. I hope sky insurance read these posts and do the decent thing so as not to risk losing other custom. but again, don't stress the small things and stay positive.
  9. Really c@#p news, my sister had similar twenty years ago, just over a year later all was well again with no reoccurance. Regarding insurance it makes sense that if you don't have a current and valid license no one will insure you to drive, the sorn cover makes sense also sorn saves the cost of tax for period and if not taxed car can't be driven anyway. Don't get too hung up on things you can't change and stay positive, this year will fly by.
  10. Bat, Not just the next one but a new and improved meet with some local drives, the outside catering should be at all meets. I hope the landlord felt it was a success and is happy to host us again. As already said, it was a great day - looking forward to seeing what you put together for the next one.
  11. welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy the zed!!! Beavis, you have way to much time to spare!!!
  12. it's the only 370Z i have seen in Red and yes it did look cool
  13. A few pics from today, Catering in style! hog roast was great and beer on tap!!!
  14. I usually fill up about 250 miles this is generally 50 odd litres so always leaves plenty to go looking for "super" unleaded, I never want to risk running on fumes and having to put regular in. Generally I find the dte reading fluctuates like mad - when I set off this morning said I had 180 miles 40 odd miles to Leicester meet and still showed 170 miles fuel left but on the way back this dropped to 70 miles left then I filled up. As Grundy said it's all about driving style.
  15. Speak to one of the traders, I use Mitz at cougar store in leicester, you will find a mine of info and help on here. Good luck
  16. Thanks Mitz, It was a good turn out and great to speak to so many people, sorry about the confusion over food, I thought hog roast was the food then too full to think about a sit down. Tell Andy i'm glad his missus likes the wrap, the RX8 would look good wrapped
  17. For sure that is my naxt car once I am bored with the zed!! It looks mint and i totally agree with ricey, £ for £ the best looking car, enjoy it.
  18. The weather is looking good, car is looking dirty so guess it's time for a wash and polish. All that work then tomorrow i will collect loads of suicidal flies and start again
  19. I do 40k plus miles a year, mostly on my own and have used a mobile or car phone for too many years to count but I have always had a proper car kit fitted. Mobile phones aren't dangerous, it's the idiots that use them inappropriately that are dangerous. Let the phone go to voicemail if it's not safe to answer. I once had a manager who threatened me with a written warning for not answering my phone, showed him Co. handbook and told him i would take said warning to m.d. - never did get the warning! Seen too many accidents, some with worse results than seen above, I could not live with myself if I ever thought I was responsible for someone else's injury or death.
  20. Certainly go to the docs and discuss your feelings, there is lots of support out there. But don't be too quick to start popping pills, from people I've seen it only masks issues, get out and try to be positive (often easier said than done!) Think about what you might like to do next and look into training requirements etc. If there is nothing on the horizon think about volunteering, this can be very rewarding and will look better on your cv - on that point, get your cv up to date and post it on as many job sites as you can. I still get approached three years down the road with job opportunities. Just remember, there is life after redundancy, many of us have been through it, often more than once. Finally, don't ever be too macho to ask for help. Good luck.
  21. Going back to the start, the proposed fines are maximums, apparently magistrates guidelines won't be changing and they base actual fines on ability to pay based upon individual incomes so the £10k would only be applied to someone earning £20k per month.Of course this does mean that an unemployed person caught speeding on the motorway would get off with a pittance, which seems hardly fair. Points will always be the best deterrant so I agree with an earlier post the points should be graduated according to severity of offense.
  22. As above, but you only get 45ppm up to 10, 000 business miles then it drops so watch how many miles you do and claim correctly or hmrc will be down on you.
  23. Ian, wish I could offer some advice! For what its worth I think you are on the right lines with a blocked drain hole I hope you get this sorted.
  24. davedutch


    Good luck, I hope the other party admits fault but the tendancy is to be economic with the truth, hope you also took photos of the scene as these can help insurers apportion blame.
  25. If not sold to jimmy I am up for this and going to the meet on sunday so please put my name on it.
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