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Everything posted by davedutch

  1. Wendy, I don't know what you are talking about with regards my overtaking !!! My Co pilot didn't see anything amiss. Mind you her knuckles were rather white at times. I think we should look at a trip to Scotland but it would need to be more than a weekend and need help from those North of the border To arrange. Experiences like last weekend are what the Z is for and I can't remember the last time a police car pulled off the road just so i/we could pass !
  2. What a great weekend, Perfect weather, great company and some fantastic examples of 350 & 370's Just like to say a particular big thank you to Mudman, the weekend was well organised and the drives were great, even the joke last night was quite funny !!! Also great to see so many new and familiar faces, and as for the amber group it was well lead by Arthur (sorry I can't remember your forum name) with some really good detours, especially round lake vernwy. I feel I have come away from Wales having made several new friends and hope to meet many of you again. Wendy, my wife thinks you are mad/brave in equal measures for your overtaking ! Bradders, all of us appreciated your efforts at using your engine oil to enhance our rust protection ! All the best and see you soon. P. S. I was too busy keeping up to take photos and my wife had her eyes closed most of the time, there will be plenty of photos I'm sure.
  3. Extra 20 bhp is more than I got from the uprev ! Should have saved the money and bought more t shirts !!!! Looking forward to seeing the bar full of 350z t shirts on Saturday night !
  4. Washed the car yesterday ready for the weekend, pesky birds always wait til my car is clean to fly over so cleaning it again tonight !did finally get round to removing the boot weight but I don't think it will provide enough weight reduction of offset my surplus ballast.
  5. Shenley, mine will never shine that brightly, mainly because it's matt wrapped ! yours looks like a contender for best stock, you will have a couple of hours after the Saturday run to bring the shine back!
  6. Sarah, totally agree, the only problem is the time restriction on busy nights, also worth a try is the Blenheim House in Etwall. want to try Pascal in Branston as I have heard that's good too.
  7. Sarah, have you thought about doing baseball caps with the forum and / or the Z logo ? I wouldn't mind one if you did,
  8. I'm sure Rob / Mudman has specifically request sunshine for the whole weekend
  9. Fischers at Baslow near Bakewell in Derbyshire, excellent food but pricey, going again soon cos I want their five course tasting menu with wine pairing. The winery in Burton on Trent excellent food and remarkably reasonable prices booked to go to Tom Kerridge's place, the hand and flowers, in three weeks time will let you know what I think of that - better be good the wait to get a table is ridiculous and we could feed our family for a month for what he charges !
  10. Docwra, I totally agree, my remap produced approx 10% improvement in mpg, it makes sense if the car is set up to burn fuel more efficiently then in a like for like situation it will burn less fuel Wales will let me know if I notice any other improvements.
  11. Pm sent, forgot to say 350 logo ! You need to offer these for lakez as well!
  12. Sarah, Are there any colour options on the t shirt or is it black or black, Mrs would prefer royal blue and apparently I would prefer grey either way I will have two.
  13. I'd have two but feel the name on the front is too large, would prefer it to be smaller and over breast "pocket" area also sizes? just a thought but probably cheaper to print if names left off but also kind of defeats the object.
  14. Pritchard, I guess that makes you red leader. don't worry though all those who haven't put their names down yet will be in your group and will just have to keep up with you.
  15. So you don't like your missus then !!! When I first got my z it had rubbish tyres, straight on at roundabouts if it was even damp etc. I changed tyres and car handles so much better even in pouring rain there is more confidance in the grip. Taking this slightly off topic but Ekona the tyre guru, why do tyre centres now recommend new tyres on the rear rather than the driven wheels (fwd cars) it always made sense to me to have the best tyres on the driven wheels.
  16. Buster, you would think by now Matt would trust everything you say without hesitation.
  17. Welcome and I hope you enjoy your first of many meets and drives in your new Z. See you in Wales.
  18. Cal, that looks great! now it's done I feel you need a new project so how about a straight swop ???
  19. I'm beginning to think you only crashed the last one so you could get a better one, look after this one.
  20. Surely as the boys in blue play catch up they will get you first if you are behind !
  21. Bradders, I would have thought all the more reason to go red - death or glory for your engine. Last year that group had octet and all the superchargers in it, whilst it might be "interesting" my wife running shotgun would go Balistic at me for even trying to keep up.
  22. Mudman, Happy to be in whichever group you put me but prefer not to drive like Miss Daisey (hopefully no one wants to travel too slowly !!!!!) I think the amber group wil fill up fast unless there are lots of superchargers etc. Would you not be better leading a group if you have already driven the routes and just be aware of who is in the last car ?
  23. Aso me pics, hope the weather is kind to you and good luck.
  24. Cal, that's great news, both your ankle and your attendance. I am really looking forward to seeing this finished having followed your build thread. Hope you feel up to the Sunday drive.
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