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Everything posted by davedutch

  1. Hi all, Like many others recently the time has come ... Had my 350 for a while now and starting to think about swopping it for a 370 Are there any issues I should be paying particular attention to and i'm not on about zeditis, it already has a firm hold. Probably looking around 2009/10 with average to slightly high mileage and preferably more or less stock, I know everyone will say the exhaust needs upgrading and that would definately be on my to do list once bought. Thanks
  2. Just out of interest Wendy, Where have you got the Wales weekend dates from? The last few years it has been May ! Keep up the good work
  3. I can't do the weekend of the 11th already got a family event down south but the rest of the week should be good. Personally I would have thought straddling a weekend would have given more options with some coming the first half and some the second half with a meet up on the weekend but as already said you are sorting so you set things up and the rest of us will fall in. Count me in for at least part of this and good luck with the planning.
  4. You just know that at some point Bob will actually be happy with all the mods and actually stop (i'm sure hell is due to freeze over sometime soon) Of course this will be the day before he goes and buys a 370 !! Good luck with this phase of "improvements"!!!
  5. Wendy, Looks like plenty of interest, just need a start date so people can start to confirm their availability. Finish date I guess would depend on route etc. And if necessary people can drop out partway if they can't get time off or don't want to do the lot. Glad you are going to include the 500 it looks like a great drive.
  6. Welcome along, great looking Z Don't be drawn into Keyser's mad house, it's a slippery slope and there's no escape !!!
  7. Some great pics, and it looks like the weather is being unbelievably nice to you !
  8. Graham, are you stabbing the person next to you with your fork to make sure they don't start on your meal?
  9. Hi Wendy, We are defiantly interested in this, it will depend on kids exam dates etc. (Karen will NEVER leave the kids during A level exams!!) Also I have finally persuaded her on a euro trip which I was thinking about for September so number of days may be an issue, that said we could always peel off part way. Look forward to updates.
  10. We will look forward to seeing you again and telling you all about the washed out roads on the way to El chorro, an interesting drive to say the least!!!
  11. Rob, Will look forward to seeing the pics, I am toying with getting a 370 or spending more on the 350 so would be interested in how you feel the 70 is better (or worse) Will we see you in Wales next year?
  12. Fatrab, Don't read too much into it, they / we are a friendly bunch but these guys have got together for a drive and clearly don't feel it appropriate or necessary to tell the world where they are going. The sniping on this thread is sad to see, I for one would prefer it stay on topic so I can see where they have been and get ideas for doing something similar with my wife - and NO I won't be inviting other forum members to join me.
  13. Sounds like a meet brewing !! Only just along the A50 near Derby, if someone wants to set up a date and a route count me in. Shezza, might see you in Newark, planning on popping over Sunday.
  14. Dave, as some of the people you are with are also responsible for making the rules, why not talk to them about Wales, as I recall you were there in 2014. I was told it is for insurance reasons that you can't join in but what do I know. Every meet I have attended or drive I have joined in has non z's as well. Anyway, I for one am happy to see your posts, photos and recommendations and I hope the weather stays good and this thread stays on topic. Enjoy your time up there and don't worry about those of us who are simply jealous we are not with you.
  15. It doesn't have to be a full retest, just basic hazard perception and car control, it could be done by advanced driving instructors, I. E. One lesson every ten years. Uninsured drivers ought to be a thing of the past by now with all the anpr cameras but unless someone bothers to catch them and crush the cars the potential saving is too much of an incentive for young drivers who generally only think about themselves and today!
  16. Slight smell of burning and the odd puff of oil ! Not quite what I recall from Wales !!! But Bradders just goes to show how solid these engines can be, jaffers, as per others, just carefully monitor the oil level and continue to enjoy, worry about problems If and when they occur because there is nothing you can do now. Enjoy the car!
  17. Bradders, clearly oil is so over rated and with the money you save not topping up you will soon be able to afford a new engine anyway.
  18. Will, Graham and Co have fun, I think it's really good of you to go to such lengths to plan an alternative / addition to the forum drives. Already looking forward to your photos and updates.
  19. Haven't you heard, crime is falling so we need fewer police!!! Just don't expect them to bother turning up, once the crooks wake up to the fact there just aren't enough police the crime rate will soar because there will be little chance/fear of being caught!!!
  20. There is nothing wrong with religion it's purely what people do in the name of religon and individual / groups misinterpretations of their religion. The Koran preaches tolerance. Dan ( Ekona), I'm with you if these things are being done in the name of ANY religion then count me out ( never been religious anyway ) There will always be conflict therefore there will always be people displaced, all we can do is treat the displaced with humanity.
  21. Totally agree with Dan (ekona) the garage is responsible repair or full refund, no ifs or buts.
  22. All good in the end and hopefully still enough good days to enjoy it. For what it's worth my gauge reads the same when idling after its warmed up but unlike many, my pressure is well below 60 @ 60 in sixth, more like 60 @ 60 in fifth or probably (because I never go that fast) @ about 85 in sixth, been like it a while now and no problems, done 103,000 and uses about 1lt of oil per 1500 miles.
  23. Graham - watch this space he's only just got it, by the weekend who knows what enhancements there will be. Chris, I guess you were suffering from green withdrawl !!! I guess this won't ever see the inside of the new z shed
  24. Exact same car I was in earlier this year, also went out in the Aston, you looked so much more comfortable than me though! Those cars just arn't built for 6ft2" plus a lid, I spent all my time with my head pressed into the roofline but still a fantastic drive, we then went onto their Caterhams but with them I found my bum wouldn't fit into the seats. Glad you had good weather and we're able to fully enjoy the day
  25. Bob, You must have one of the longest build threads on here! Hope you don't get bored of the latest mod too soon otherwise you will end up looking for a carbon bonnet! P.s. looks really good and suits the car.
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