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Everything posted by davedutch

  1. Vlad, as others have said,your car looks epic, I always worry whenever I get a new car, best thing to do is scratch it early cos then you stop worrying and can enjoy it !!!! I wrapped mine a couple of years back because a. The front was more white than silver and b. Like Dan I don't like silver, Now got some rust under wrap so contemplating a spray job, how long did they have your car and if you don't mind my asking roughly how much?
  2. All will be good and you will be able to get back to enjoying your Z, hopefully sooner rather than later.
  3. I will look forward to this, still trying to persuade my other half to do a Europe trip next year and Black forest is on my list!
  4. StevoD, if you read the op the item isn't faulty it has been damaged I.e. A corner broken off therefore it is not an issue covered by the points in the act you refer to. Damage in transit or storage has nothing to do with the product itself, as the damage wasn't noticed for two months it is unreasonable to hold Currys responsible I also, for the same reason, believe it is unlikely any credit card company would help, particularly if the delivery cost is itemised. The only options are hope they do something as goodwill gesture, claim on household insurance under all risk, take it on the chin or follow some of the more dubious advice on here.
  5. Those rims look epic! I'm sure my flymo is higher off the ground though !!!
  6. Great pics, looks like it was an awsome day, love the yellow TR7 haven't seen one in ages!
  7. Chris, that's a crazy amount of soil and rubble shifted ! Amazing how you manage to turn the defeat over planning into the success of the fence in one weekend. I have no doubts once you get over this hurdle you will make up the time How come the planners didn't know about the sewer before you started? Still totally jealous of the space you have, my entire house AND garden would fit in your garden!
  8. If as I suspect you are saying the hob was damaged in transit then you really can't expect them to replace it free after two months, the best you can hope for is a goodwill gesture, did you by any chance take photos of it in its packaging when it arrived? If so and the packaging shows the damaged area you might have a chance but I kind of guess if you saw damaged packaging you would have looked more closely on delivery. I think you will have to smile sweetly and learn a lesson from this experience, perhaps think about claiming on your household insurance if you are covered for all risks. Dear insurance Co, bought this hob two months ago and when I came to fit it it was damaged...... but your premium may go up.
  9. Chris, I thought you decorated with a sledgehammer rather than a paintbrush !!! But hey i'm a fine one, my decorating skills are limited to agreeing with my wife's colour choices and telling her what a wonderful job she is doing.
  10. 121.9 yesterday in Tesco but with 10 a litre off, i'm going to miss their long term promo !!!
  11. You don't hang around do you ! Excellent work
  12. I feel for you regarding the weather,I had a BBQ on new years day, friends all stayed indoors and I stood out like an idiot under my pop up gazebo cooking all the food (could have cooked in kitchen but then it's not a BBQ !!!) Hopefully it will still be a good gathering of z's and the weather will be good to you all.
  13. Agree with headphones, My company car has a monitoring system, it allocates points for speed over 70 mph, hard cornering, braking and accelerating. It is very hard not to rack up points even using cruise control and driving like Miss Daisy. The plus side is evidence should anything go wrong, improved mpg and tyre life and for me much easier reporting of personal mileage. Think seriously about putting one in a z any transgression could hike your premium as it might see you as an increased risk, this will also impact on your enjoyment of the car. But if it's what you need to do then do it. Good luck and I hope you enjoy your z
  14. Not that I am that bothered else I would have bought a Prius . . . but if I drive like a granny I would prob get 20-24mpg. will have to do some testing . . will let you know. So just like a z then!! I can get 24 if I drive like a granny ... but cars (or tanks) should be fun first and foremost so enjoy it, it must be great knowing you can go almost anywhere ...
  15. It's massive and looks like you will need steps to get jn to it, Let buster loose on this, he will soon have it lowered. How many gallons to the mile does this run at ?
  16. Absolutely awsome pics and a great route, been trying to get my other half to buy into this idea as a holiday but 2 weeks away from the kids is too much for her !!! Did you prebook your accommodation or just take pot luck? More pics needed
  17. Graham, I wasn't too sure when you said the brembos were going yellow but they look great, particularly through those rims
  18. Trouser nice camera but it's indoor ! Tomb, revenge always sounds like a good idea but the reality is it won't solve anything and might leave you in the dock. hopefully the police will have a talk to him and that will be the end of it, they are unlikely to do any more at this stage. Try and park nearer your own house and if you can set up cc tv to monitor your car. Good luck getting this resolved.
  19. hope they dont try to wriggle out of paying !
  20. I had the same after Cougar Store fitted sports cats to mine, it's common apparently, I used it as a good excuse to have a remap, eml light now off and better mpg, apparently better throttle etc etc but I can't say I particularly noticed. Just be sure it's down to the cats and as others have said if you are unsure walk, there are plenty for sale.
  21. How many sheds does one man need ??? The wooden shed with decking path looks bigger than my entire back garden !
  22. The mods will make the car look so much better than standard ! Good luck with it.
  23. Chris not sure what you plan to BBq for the BMW infiltrator but inviting someone from Nuremberg... Really ! you gotta love predictive text
  24. Chris, you really do need to move further North ! I know I like to travel but Derby to Bournemouth for a BBq is almost as silly as driving to Bob's to swop my seats. I hope you enjoy !!!
  25. Also no engineer so may be totally wrong and get belittled but... wheel is bolted directly to disc therefore any warping of the disc which would cause uneven breaking pressure would always affect the same relative area of the tyre, in a similar way that a buckled wheel on a bicycle will rub the brake block at the same point on each rotation. However, I would have thought this would cause a flat spot over the whole width of the tyre. is it not simply possible that a spot of spirited driving leading to some drifting would cause this isolated and uneven wear? Either way, most of us would be lucky to spot that issue on a routine check of tyres and pressures etc.
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