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Everything posted by CaptainSensible

  1. you mean the upper class that now get to pay 50% income tax and lose 40% of tha value of their homes in inheritance tax? Labour oversee the fsa and banking regulators, so they very much are to blame. They allowed 110% mortgages, and they laughed all the way to the bank given the vat they were raking in, a blind man on a galloping horse could compare the vat income to GDP and see this crisis coming a mile away, but apparently Gordon and alistair saved us all. What crock, history repeats itself. Labour wreck the finances and the Tories have to fix it. Introducing unpopular measures for just long enough for people to forget how/who got us into the mess and labour get in again. It's not the first time either. Interest rates in the 80s were a direct result of labours incompetence in the 70s but peole forget that bit. Income tax at 98% due to out if control spending by labour in the sixties, etc etc... The country needs jobs to be created, yet the Tories are the only ones stating that the ni rise should be stopped. Labours plan is to tax our way out of the hole. That simply won't work as businesses will not create as many jobs if the ni rise goes ahead, less jobs, less disposeable income and more benefits. But it appears Gordon and alistair are blind to this. Chesterfield and Martinmac have hit the nail on the head as far as I am concerned. Pehaps the 350Z admin team should form their own party! EDIT: I would also add to that growing the public sector by over 1 million since they came to power in 1997 and then boasting they've cut unemployment.
  2. I get that whining sometimes and posted up a question about it a while ago. From memory quite a few others had the same thing and it wasn't anything to worry about.
  3. As said above, I couldn't agree more. In fact I think Nissan should give all the mods a free GTR for services to Zedding
  4. Very well said Marky. The mods do a tremendous job on here, I really do take my hat off to them. Beavis - I've never had the pleasure of meeting you but form reading your posts you seem like a truly sound bloke. I hope you will continue as a regular member on the forum.
  5. Is that £1.60 or 1.60 Euros? Not that it makes a huge difference these days!
  6. I think expecting up to 25,000 miles from a set of tyres is VERY optimisitc unless you drive it like it's a Micra. 10-15k will more realsitic for most.
  7. Congrats on the 10k Ian, can't wait to see the car once the s/c's fitted.
  8. I wouldn't buy that car, but they've got some other lovely motors for sale
  9. No point in having one if you hardly ever drive it!
  10. I'm changing mine for the exact same reasons, and am getting one of these fitted on Monday: http://www.clarion.com/gb/en/products/2 ... 33824.html Cost, around £400 for all parts and fitted by a locla company. I'll let you know what I think once it's done.
  11. I had a key/ring scratch recently, luckily not too deep, and managed to more or less get rid of it using this: http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stor ... PDPZ1#dtab Still visible if you look very close up and very carefully, but you wouldn't notice unless it was pointed out. It wouldn't be good for deep scratches though.
  12. Sorry, isn't this a 350Z forum? There is a dedicated section for 'Other cars' where you can post pics of abominations like this to your hearts content.
  13. I have just seen his blue flame and its looks amazing and a very sexy sound to SOLD - to the man in a Black Zed. Just need to wait unitl I get my bonus in June. Now need to decide whether to go for silver or black (with the red lip) Rota GTRs.
  14. Looks great captain, wheels and slotted disks look very Think I could be in the market for a blue flame very soon.
  15. Good luck Captain, get a vid up of the Blueflame once it's fitted!
  16. Just make sure you leave it in gear when parked on a hill!
  17. Someone looking at my strut brace through the rear window asked if it was the engine!
  18. Where are you getting it fitted captain? I'm quite tempted by one of these myself....
  19. I picked up mine last Easter, oh what happy memeories. Enjoy!
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