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Everything posted by CaptainSensible

  1. Nothing wrong with getting a loan to buy a car BUT getting a loan for the entire amount is not the wisest move. The value of your car could well drop faster than the amount you still owe, so if you had to sell (eg you lost your job) you could find yourself in a horrible situation where you owe more than your car is worth. I guess it would be like buying a house with a 100% mortgage, although of course a house is not a depreciating asset like a car, but you'd be far wiser to save a deposit first. With a car you need to put down a bigger deposit to have a healthy amount of 'equity' to offset the depreciation. Borrowing is not a bad thing, used prudently its great. But remember that 'reckless' borrowing (or reckless lending by the banks!) is what got our country into the mess it is in at the moment, don't become another statistic!
  2. I thought on the Zed it was called Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) and was more sophisticated than ESP? From memory it will control the brakes on all 4 corners independantly as well as cutting power to either or both wheels if necessary. Anyway glad you're OK
  3. Welcome, looking forward to seeing the build thread when you are back.
  4. Ummmm........is it just me or does this not bear more than a passing resemblance to 3fiddyzed's zed? Not to my taste but I don't think it's THAT bad
  5. The amount of newbie posts recently suggests demand is strong which should keep prices strong in the immediate future.....
  6. I'm (almost) lost for words. I cannot believe the amount of people that think this is acceptable behaviour. Probably the same people who would slag off the 'pigs' for arresting an idiot like this who is 'only having a bit of fun'. Is it me or is this forum heading down hill?
  7. Another 20 year old on the hunt for a Zed?!? Oh and
  8. So what's occuring Ian? Is she no longer for sale
  9. +1 I worked out the other day I'm paying nearly £400 p/m on average to keep my Zed on the road. I'm over 30 so insurance is about £600 a year and I have no finance on the car. Working at Kwik Fit must pay damn well!
  10. Are you serious? The Zed has loads of low down grunt! It's in the mid range where a turbo car comes alive, but they run out of puff towards the top of the rev range. I think comparing a tuned car to an untuned one is an unfair comparison. Comparing a stock LCR to to stock 350Z, the Zed is noticeably quicker. The other thing to remember is that gearing on the Zed is quite long compared to a typical hot hatch, so although you might not feel like you're accelerating much harder in gear, the end result is you are going a lot quicker.
  11. I can't beleive no one's mentioned NOISE! Could you really exchange the sound of that creamy V6 for a clattery diesel?
  12. Bought mine last Easter. Still feel like a rock star everytime I get in it.
  13. I had a Leon Cupra R before the Zed. As much as I loved it I have not looked back since getting the Zed
  14. +1 I bought my Zed from these guys. They were useless but the car was a peach so it didn't stop me.
  15. I'm 31 (and don't live with my parents )
  16. Thanks, Cap'n Heredia, which is like 20 minutes away from downtown San Jose... pretty much on the way to the International Airport which in turn is in Alajuela... the country is so little that you can go through 3 provinces in less than half an hour I spent a couple of nights in Alajuela, so I know roughly where you are. Are there many decent driving roads near you? One thing I remember thinking when I was in Costa Rica is there weren't many Zed friendly roads!
  17. Where in Costa Rica are you? I visited last summer, it's a beautiful country.
  18. 1. martinmac +1 2. Ian (?) 3. H5 4. StephC 5. CaptainSensible
  19. If you like the revvy nature of the s2k engine and can stretch to it why not got for a GT4 anniversary or 06 model with the Rev up engine. It's got slightly less low down torque but the power delivery is more linear and you get a bit more power top end.
  20. Does no one on here make their own pizzas? I've got it down to a fine art - from flour to piping hot out the oven in 30 minutes, quicker than waiting for them to deliver! Do still have the odd pizza hut/dominos when I'm busy, but they're not a patch on homemade!
  21. Just how young are you?! Perhaps steer clear of driving around Knowle West then or the cops might pull you over
  22. Welcome from another bristolian. You don't tend to see many zeds around our neck of the woods, so enjoy the exclusivity
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