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Merge in Turn - who was in the right?


Merge in turn  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Who was in the wrong?

    • Mercedes driver for trying to get to the front of the queue?
    • Renault Driver for stopping the Mercedes being cheeky?
    • Both were idiots

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I have read the comments and it really saddens but doesn't surprise me that people do not understand the concept of merging in turn being more efficient than queuing up in one lane for miles.


Basic fluid dynamics proves it - it's science, fact.


People like the renault driver should be done for dangerous driving. That said they both continued to behave badly.

Edited by wmr1980
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True. Very much first world problems and also pretty petty in the grand scheme of things. However, as a car related issue it is something we all experience potentially and still frustrating in day to day life.


I must be very laid back , as I don't ever get road rage ..... Bigger things to worry about!


I just let em get on with being planks on the road :)

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I hope the Renault driver tries that one day with someone filming it, and the car behind can't stop in time and ploughs into the back of him. That's as close to dangerous driving as I've ever seen on camera.

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I can't see what the Merc driver was doing wrong? The lane was clearly there to be used, if everyone wanted to queue up in a line for miles while other sailed past then more fool them... The article is poorly written calling the Merc driver 'sneaky', it would have been totally different and definitely sneaky if the Merc was going up the hard shoulder to avoid a queue but not in this case



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I can't see what the Merc driver was doing wrong? The lane was clearly there to be used, if everyone wanted to queue up in a line for miles while other sailed past then more fool them... The article is poorly written calling the Merc driver 'sneaky', it would have been totally different and definitely sneaky if the Merc was going up the hard shoulder to avoid a queue but not in this case


Sorry, I dont agree at all - theres exactly the same situation coming into my village every single day where a dual carriageway goes back into single before some lights. 98% of drivers sit in the inside lane as we all know the score, but theres 2% that go flying down the outside and then try to push in right at the end.


This slows the whole thing down for everyone and causes a fair amount of angst thats just totally unnecessary, everything moves much better when it stays single lane. I can understand if its a a broken down car or something unexpected and definitely when theres a "merge in turn sign" in play, but when its clear whats going to happen what gives people like the Merc driver the right to make everyone elses journey longer?

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I can't see what the Merc driver was doing wrong? The lane was clearly there to be used, if everyone wanted to queue up in a line for miles while other sailed past then more fool them... The article is poorly written calling the Merc driver 'sneaky', it would have been totally different and definitely sneaky if the Merc was going up the hard shoulder to avoid a queue but not in this case


Sorry, I dont agree at all - theres exactly the same situation coming into my village every single day where a dual carriageway goes back into single before some lights. 98% of drivers sit in the inside lane as we all know the score, but theres 2% that go flying down the outside and then try to push in right at the end.


This slows the whole thing down for everyone and causes a fair amount of angst thats just totally unnecessary, everything moves much better when it stays single lane. I can understand if its a a broken down car or something unexpected and definitely when theres a "merge in turn sign" in play, but when its clear whats going to happen what gives people like the Merc driver the right to make everyone elses journey longer?

+1 So annoying when this happens!

As you say, it causes more traffic when people leave it until the last moment to merge in.

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Fluid dynamics shows and proves that zip merging is far more efficient. Problem is people don't do it properly so you end up with just as bad a situation as queuing in 1 lane for miles.

Edited by wmr1980
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Fluid dynamics shows and proves that zip merging is far more efficient. Problem is people don't do it properly so you end up with just as bad a situation as queuing in 1 lane for miles.


This is it, in Europe they give you a sign to show you how to do it and it works well.


In the UK everyone tears up to the front of the queue and cocks it up for everyone else.

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They're not cocking it up though, they're using an open lane. If everyone did it, then everyone would get there much quicker. The fact that people will sit and queue means that it's their own fault they're not getting to their destination sooner.


That said, there's a difference between pootling down a lane of traffic and flying up at Warp 10, slamming the brakes on at the last minute. One is okay, one is just stupid.

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They're not cocking it up though, they're using an open lane. If everyone did it, then everyone would get there much quicker. The fact that people will sit and queue means that it's their own fault they're not getting to their destination sooner.


But they wouldnt though, theres only space for one car to go past the contraflow at a time and thats the limiting factor. The traffic has to get into single file at some point and as long as thats not 2 miles before the blockage its not going to make much difference.


Add that to the typical pigheaded British driving attitude and youd have everyone in one lane trying to get as far as possible before cutting in, and everyone in the other lane driving 2mm from the guy in front's bumper stopping that from happening.

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I agree with Dan, the lane is there to be used, pointless quing in one lane exacerbates the problem.


You see this behaviour all the time with human dynamics, we are a social animal so we automatically follow the pack. If a group exists (in this case a queue) we automatically join it, its in our nature. Only a minority of personalities break that dynamic and move away from the group and thereby they set up a new group, which others then feel they can join. I watched a documentary about it years ago and found it fascinating (i love people watching).


One scenario in particular interested me, they ran an interview session with 20 people and 19 participants were actors. The tutor left and the fire alarm went off. The test was to see if the non actor would leave the room if everyone else stayed where they were and said it would be ok. They repeated the experiment a large number of times with differing personalities and in all but a minority the non actor stayed where they were, despite alarms and smoke appearing. It was crazy but we struggle to change our nature.


Anyway i'm going off track on this one but this is simply an example of this, we queue because it is the group behaviour. A minority of others break that group and form their own, building resentment from the first group as they are not playing by the rules. But these rules are artificial, its the rule of the group not the rule of the road. The new group has the right to use that other lane, its just they did so in an idiotic fashion racing up the lane to push in.


The sensible option is to use both lanes at an appropriate speed and filter in an alternating fashion but this rarely happens

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The Renault driver was completely out of order no matter how much you disapprove of cars shooting down the empty lane to get to the front of the queue. You cannot use your car to block an open lane. Even if he didn`t cause any danger to the other driver at the very least he could be prosecuted for inconsiderate driving. I think the thing is with most of us we dislike it when people shoot down the empty lane to the front of the queue because they are most likely to be the type of driver who will then push their way into the traffic at the end no mater what.

Edited by Wayne370Z
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