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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Jesus... We've got 300-odd cases in Staffordshire. I went out to the shops last night in a mask and gloves etc... left the non perishable purchases in the garage where they'll stay for a few days, and disinfected everything else we bought, and the surfaces we put things on etc... I felt fully creeped out for the rest of the evening. But then all day today i've felt pretty rough. Hopefully im just being a hypochondriac!! I've been ill on and off for the last 2 months though, annoyingly. i had a bad cold, which moved swiftly into Mumps of all things (which resulted in me getting taken to hospital in an ambulance on 5th Match), then i collapsed at home on 11th March with it! The Mumps finally cleared on about 20th March but i've been left with a few other hangovers from it which are still ongoing, so my immune system is on its arse. Not great given i'm only 36! So i'm avoiding CV19 like the plague.
  2. Has anyone on here actually had CV19 yet, or have close family who have had it?
  3. marzman


    Damnit i bought MPS4Ss in the end for the Mustang.
  4. Wow, i didnt realise this was a thing!? Fair play to you Andy - unbelievable. Are you going to take any extra measures to stay apart from your family? stay safe pal - best of luck to you.
  5. Well 85 % of the staff at y company have been furloughed... they're not allowed to work and are on 80% pay (topped up by the company if the govt 80% is less than their actual 80%). Meanwhile the other 15% (including me) have been reduced to a 4 day week, and also had a pay cut to 80%. Some say its not fair... im just glad i've still got a job. All working from home by the way. My friend said "they must really like you, or really hate you".
  6. marzman

    Oz Alloy's

    A spiggot ring... a usually plastic ring used to make the central bore of the wheel match that of the car.
  7. Love the hood scoop... i've debated getting one of these for a while...
  8. Wrap the bonnet to match, but leave the vents unwrapped.
  9. I car share with a mate who has an M235i auto which is remapped to 400bhp. It's a seriously fast machine. Great little car.
  10. I sold my last zed in 2013, so i dont know why i'm still here tbh. My azure Nismo 350z is still my favourite car i've ever owned, even with my current Mustang.
  11. Good question. Honestly - it was a very refined GT cruiser until i modified it. It was super compliant over pot holes and rough surfaces - I car share with a colleague with an M235i on lowering springs, and that thing almost gives you concussion when going over minor imperfections, but the Mustang would glide over most pot holes without you noticing them. The exhaust was also barely noticeable unless you had the window down. But then i fitted Eibach lowering springs and replaced the back boxes with straight pipes. Now it's lowered, its still way more compliant than my mates M235i but it is a bit too bouncy now which is a shame. And the exhaust is shockingly loud... but thats what I wanted from a Mustang at the end of the day! Other than that, the build quality has been perfect - I've not had any issues at all, touch wood. The cabin is a lovely place to be - there is no noticeable wind or road noise, or squeaks/rattles at all - its definitely on a par with my old (now wife's) e90 BMW, That said - the only noise issue i've had has been with the rear seats - after i first folded them down to get something large in the boot, they squeaked constantly after that - but this was quickly resolved with a small square of sainsburys carrier bag which i placed over the mounting bracket. Problem solved!
  12. Replaced all 4 tyres yesterday with MPS4Ss, so had to give line lock a go to finish the old ones off... I've also added a few more mods since i last posted on here, i.e. side scoops and black side badges.
  13. Probably the best motoring/motorsport event i've ever been to. The company i used to work for provides their ticketing system so i got a pair of 4 day comps a few years ago and an invite up to the balcony to have a drink with Lord March (which i skipped!). Friday was the best day for me as it was waaaay quieter so you could take your time and see everything. Saturday was good but busy, and by Sunday lunchtime we were knackered and left at about 12.
  14. Thats a great shout, all decades up to the 90's have had quite specific fashion trends. I can't think of anything for the 00's except maybe the hoody and shaved heads, but yes the 10's has definitely been the hipster look.
  15. Yeah good shout on that - the shocking manupulation of the electorate for both Brexit and trump. Sadly, for the UK at least, i think this decade will be remembered for Brexit, and possibly terrorism (Manchester and London attacks). For sport... will England reaching the World Cup semi final be remembered in the same way as 1990? I doubt it. The cricket world cup final was pretty epic though!! And yes, it has been Lewis' decade for F1.
  16. Hi, I bought this in the summer to annoy my dog with, but he's not interested in it (he loves smaller Rc stuff, but not this!). I've literally used it for about 10 minutes in total and that's it, so it's almost new. Its a 1/10 scale (quite large), with everything you need - battery, charger, controller etc. Box is still in near mint condition. I paid £130 for this. Selling for £100 incl delivery.
  17. marzman


    I had Goodyear Eagle F1's A1s on my Zed for a while before replacing with MPS2's. The MPS2's were definitely an improvement on track, but on the road i can't honestly say I felt any difference. Im going to hold out for the MPS4's on the mustang though, as it feels a bit sacrilegious to but anything else on it.
  18. Cheers guys, good to know, thanks. Still might keep it yet... just going through the mild panic of thinking what outgoings i can slash and how long i'll survive if I cant find another job, when the reality is im sure I could find a job within a day or two if I needed to.
  19. Well i'm having a pretty crappy week... Sweeping changes and potential redundancies announced this week at work mean my job is no longer secure. I'm probably being over dramatic but i'm feeling like I want to get rid of my Mustang in order to be a bit more secure financially... I've still got 16 months remaining on my PCP deal. Am i likely to have any problems if I try to sell privately and settle the outstanding balance as part of the sale? Im hoping to sell for £31-32k-ish... has anyone on here successfully sold a car of similar value privately before, or would a car of this value typically need to go to a dealer to sell (so that i prospective customer can purchase on finance)? My mind's not made up yet, but i'm definitely having a wobble.
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