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Everything posted by Aashenfox

  1. If you have a uk car they will be plug and play if what others had said above is accurate (all UK cars are 8 pin) Even if you have the 6 pin plug for some bizarre reason, it's still no big deal,don't worry.
  2. Interesting that, cos a 1.3 here (which is what all RX7s and 8s are registered as here), will run you about 180e a year in road tax, whereas if it was registered as a 2.6, it would be 880e a year!! Completely useless info for you all, but hey.
  3. Aw, that's harsh, I think the 350Z is still a good looking car.
  4. The 350Z badges on the front are also recessed, hence the need for the broken plastic fork. But I agree, it's not easy to get the floss in in the first place with recessed badges, heat will certainly help, but also soften the paint, so be EXTRA careful if you apply heat!!
  5. It's a simple gamble, and one that will pay off for the tories, it's well timed, labour are weaker than they've ever been in my lifetime, and lib dems are still a joke. May will consolidate power very effectively and lead us virtually unchallenged down the path to ruin through brexit.
  6. There's no reason not to do it, it can easily be done without damaging anything. Use a thin piece of plastic (break a plastic fork for example), to poke some dental floss under just one edge of the badge, then use the dental floss like a saw working your way through the adhesive. Adhesive remover to clean the mess, new badges will have new adhesive ready to go! HTH!
  7. I thought that was just mine!! Is this a known thing? I was thinking I'd have to replace both door hinges at some point, but now I won't bother!
  8. I agree actually, this new one is already growing on me a bit, but not enough. The FN2 I thought looked ridiculous when it came out, like a spaceship, but it now looks quite understated. Then the FK, again I was like 'hm, how many diffusers?', but now this thing has made it look quite tame and I find myself liking the current model enough to think about trying one in the future (especially the special black edition) The problem with this car is as stated, it actually looks like stuff is protruding from the front, the lines don't quite work, it's like front end is from a long wheelbase saloon and rear end from a short wheelbase hatch.
  9. Hi Guise! So, ultimately, I want to change all the suspension bushings under my car. I have knocking on bumps which I suspect is either the ball joints or the drop links (banana arms are good, they've already been changed)... so, I was thinking, cos I'm on a budget, kill as many birds with one stone as possible, so I figure instead of buying a huge expensive bush kit, I should start with the some new arms that already include some poly bushes and the all important ball joints... then see what's left over to change with my mechanic. So I've got two sets in mind, the 2 cheapest, naturally, I don't track my car anyway, so don't need anything crazy, but I don't want to be having alignment issues (turnbuckles that undo themselves), squeaky bushing issues, etc and I want to confirm first, sorry cos I'm a bit of a newb on mechanicals, the adjustable upper arms include the ball joints, right? They are the things on the horseshoe shape that stick out of the curve at right angles, yeh? And are they usually decent quality? So the two I'm looking at are the Kinetic set from torqen, and the Driftworks set from tarmacsportz... Any feedback, info, am I going down the wrong road, barking up the wrong tree? Which would you buy (bearing in mind driftworks are about 100 quid cheaper)? https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/suspension-steering/arms-links/795-350z-kinetix-racing-front-camber-rear-cambertraction-package-kx-fuca-rll-rtr-z33.html https://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/catalogsearch/result/?q=driftworks+350z&cat= Cheers for any thoughts boys n girls.
  10. Initial thought is 'why didn't you start a new thread for this, instead of resurrecting a month old one that's completely unrelated?'... But assuming there is a logical answer to that, thoughts are... Mmm, you know Zeds, you know what you're getting. Enjoy the little extra shove in the back when you drop the hammer as well as crappy interior plastics, bulging bonnet and better headlights.
  11. ZMANALEX has second hand ones, I asked him recently, but he doesn't ship expensive stuff outside uk, so I ended up getting these (see link below). This guy is giving out new ones including the o-rings (very important to have new o-ring to prevent condensation build up in the light)...I got two and they are brand new OEM, with o-rings. Chuffed. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302227691041
  12. On the road there's only one thing that matters. Balls. Nothing else. Every single car on the road will do 100mph (almost). I've been beaten by 19 year olds in Peugeots in the past, I'm not ashamed. If they want to risk their cheap tyres on an unknown road surface overtaking round the outside on a blind corner, then they're definitely going to have a HUGE advantage over me, at 40 years old with ever so slightly more fear and ever so slightly slower reflexes, and never being able to get past the thought of my girls growing up without a father. It cuts your cahones down to pea size and puts you at a massive disadvantage, but meh, I know I'm doing the right thing. You have to satisfy yourself with the old 'yeh, but I can powerslide round roundabouts, so neh ne neh ne neh neh'.
  13. While this won't help the diagnosis, I can tell you I picked up a set of 4 in reasonable used nick for my 350 (I'll be sanding and painting them, no bother) from ZMANALEX, a breaker on this forum, I think he charged me 15 quid for the set, but don't quote me on that in case I remember wrong and mess him up! lol. He usually has stuff for 370s too. I would suggest that your existing parts just need a good smack with a hammer though, pull them off and see if noise is gone, and if so, apply hammer??
  14. Yeh, whenever people start saying things that don't make sense you know they're trying to cover up some screw up, don't know why people can't be honest, leaves a better impression under almost any circumstances.
  15. Tell me about it, I reckon that's where my 335 is now. How about Tirana then??
  16. Yeah but these days with all gadgets available around like Launch control, traction control, flat shift you just need to focus on ideal Rpm for shifting Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk Wanna meet me in Sofia one day maybe? It's about in between us, no?
  17. Monday today, isn't it? So, you got a tracking number now? I was literally looking at their (pretty crappy looking if I'm honest) Nismo v3 front bumper copy just before I came here and saw this. Subbed.
  18. check out my post here about the Gia Cuzzo, save me typing it again, I prefer it to both the v1 and the v2, pulling off the same style much better. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/115661-v1-style-spoiler-black-or-sunset-orange/
  19. The Z's a fast car, gets a lot of stick because Clarkson said it didn't 'feel' fast, setting the default belief of mid-enthusiasts. When the same bloke said about the 200hp lardy mk6 Golf GTi 'make no mistake this is a fast car'... :/ Put a lightweight flywheel and a loud exhaust on a 350z and that 'feel' changes. Suddenly the car feels more rapid and the sound is a very effective mind trick which just makes the whole experience more satisfying. Then throw in how progressively it drifts, it's like butter. Meh, still the best car you can get for its money.
  20. That must really be something. Is it still usable on the street?
  21. You're TT right? How many hp roughly, and what tyres?
  22. Shoulda got an Xdrive My 335xi launched like nothing else I've ever experienced with around 350awhp on 255/275 mpss. Holy Christ that car was fast off the mark with zero effort, clutch up, mash gas, go to pharmacy for neck brace. Dynolicious put 0-100 at 4.4, but the really impressive thing about that car was how it went from 100 to 200.
  23. I don't disagree, though I can't see the vid at work It took me (actually, it is 'still' taking me) longer than I am used to, to get the hang of launching this car, but when done right, it's very quick off the mark. Good tyres ftw.
  24. Anyway, for OP purposes, there is not a stock Focus in existence that could beat a 400hp 350Z at the current time, all else being equal, in a straight line.
  25. OP didnt state 2010 others assumed 2010 You're right, my apologies. I assumed GM knew what he was on about! See that? Blind faith in our glorious leaders! just what a good democracy needs!
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