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andy james

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Everything posted by andy james

  1. Welcome along to the forum. Wishing you guys all the best.
  2. Wow that's nice Pete! No decals due to re spray. Is she a 1.6 or 2.0 Lazer?
  3. Stunning motor! Mid engine,Large capacity NA engine, great build quality. Ticks all my boxes. Enjoy.
  4. Sorry mate. We cannot start openly advertising/discussing unofficial car meets on our open forum.
  5. You will need to re post with photos with a piece of paper with your username and today's date not one that's 4 months old.
  6. Shame I can't be with you as this is going to be a very exclusive event. Usually we are packed in like sardines but this year with only 250 cars all parked on the grass by the monorail and abbey it's going to like a mini pebble beach concours!! Have great day guys.
  7. Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend this coming Sunday as during winter storage my Zed has suddenly developed a top end tapping noise and is currently in my garage stripped down to the cams! Humpy has kindly deputised for me and has suggested the following meeting points. 8.15 Winchester Tesco at Winnall. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=winnall+tesco&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari# 8.45 Rownhams Services Southbound. https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=safari&hl=en-gb&sxsrf=ALeKk03eNMUZBc4kDXOf9mEXYA0Rfz0XDQ%3A1595437111691&ei=N3AYX_TcKYPwxgO-rJLgDw&q=mcdonald's+rownhams+services&oq=rownham+services&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYATIECAAQRzIECAAQRzIECAAQRzIECAAQRzIECAAQRzIECAAQRzIECAAQRzIECAAQR1AAWABg4LgDaABwAXgAgAEAiAEAkgEAmAEAwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp# I also have a spare ticket if anyone wants it but unfortunately it has to be for a guy as you will have to pretend to be me! You will not be allowed to bring a passenger. Pm if you want it. Hope you all have a fantastic day.
  8. 1. andy James 2. W8BGS 3.Ka.370z 4. Humpy 5. zzincubus
  9. As there is only 5 of us I’m sure a convoy in from a nearby petrol station won’t be a problem! i will post up our rendezvous later this week
  10. 1. andy James x2 tickets PAID 2. Stephanie 3.Ka.370z 4. Humpy 5. zzincubus
  11. Looks sweet Paul. I can remember when I took delivery of my new Z 13 years ago!!
  12. EVENT POSTPONED New provisional date June 5th 2021. All paid ticket holders can transfer to next year via an email to the organisers. 1. Nso93 2. andy james 3. zzincubus 4. ShortPaul 5.
  13. EVENT POSTPONED New provisional date June 5th 2021. All paid ticket holders can transfer to next year via an email to the organisers. 1. Nso93 2. andy james 3.
  14. I have received an email from the organisers today. The event has not been cancelled but drastically scaled down. 1. There will be no club stands. 2. There will be no trade stands. 3. There will be no awards. 4. The show will comprise of 500 individual tickets not cars which are on a first come basis. Anyone that already has paid will be in the allocation. 5. Each vehicle will be randomly parked socially distanced. 6. Full access to the attractions will be as per normal. The only way I can see that we could have any chance of parking fairly close together is to convoy in rather tightly!
  15. As expected I've received an email confirming that this event has been cancelled. A new date has been set for Sunday 29th August 2021. All tickets purchased will be valid for next year.
  16. I have the 12v version which plugs in the fag lighter socket and it works really well. Great for shows,weekends away etc.
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