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andy james

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Everything posted by andy james

  1. 1. Stutopia x2 2. Kev T 3. Jack94 4. Harrison140 5. davey83 6. StormtrooperZ 7. andy James x1
  2. Welcome to the forum. Rear lights upgrade is a not too expensive option and makes the car look so much more modern. Speak to Bob @Tarmac@TarmacSportz
  3. The International man of mystery is back again! Looking forward to next year too buddy.
  4. I can remember a time when you bought a tin of tyre paint which looked fab for about 2 days and then started to crack and peel off!!
  5. I've used the Meguiars sponge applicator for a few years now. They last quite well and come in it's own box so no drips! https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=meguiars+tyre+dressing+applicator+pad&client=safari&hl=en-gb&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjp2Pq7q_PsAhU0pHEKHSZnD24Q_AUoAnoECAMQAg&biw=1024&bih=704&dpr=2#imgrc=SBI5FLBnXxufeM
  6. Paul they look stunning mate!
  7. RIP Sean Connery. So many brilliant films to revisit methinks.
  8. No modification, runners fit fine but drivers side too high if you are a tall chap.
  9. I modified these mate. Drivers side no runners passenger with runners. https://www.tegiwaimports.com/omp-hc-865d-r-h-seat-mount-subframe-fits-nissan-350z-03-right-side.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwreT8BRDTARIsAJLI0KIc89FhnM9iUS4GFdrJ9WnGehPMfYA1Glsqwo2Pn1ldVTZduDy7mFMaAh-6EALw_wcB
  10. I have these Cobra Misano seats in my Z. Yes those seat runners will work but you will still need a subframe from OMP etc to get them to fit the original bolt location points. Also most aftermarket seats tend to sit too high on the drivers side due to the floor pan layout. I bolted mine straight to the floor in my normal position without the runners!
  11. £49 worth of Vpower and some quiet dry roads for a couple of hours
  12. Welcome to the forum mate. Nice stock car. 20/25mm hub centric spacers will fill the arches nicely.
  13. Hi and welcome along to the forum. Im in Bournemouth and hopefully will be organising many meets next year.
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