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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. looks like cash is the way forward - only thing i would be worried about is going on my own on public transport, worried about getting mugged! but i think as long as i go look at cars with my gf in tow the money wouldnt be in the open until a deal had been arranged
  2. strangely enough, swapping insurance is the easy bit - when i bought the civic, just phoned up admiral and swapped the car over to start immediately, then drove home. also the ability to do a deal over a few days depends on how far the car is... i wouldnt wanna do a 400 mile round trip twice. i'll probably just be able to go for cash... i'll probably pick it up with my gf, so she can keep the cash in her car while i look at any potential purchase. must say, £7k is going to be quite a wad!
  3. hmmmm i think buying via a bank would be good, but that means i had have to drive to wherever the car might be, do a test drive and decide on a price, and then get to a bank before midday on a saturday... its cutting it a bit fine. instant transfer seems like a good plan, although i think that only works from the same bank - ie lloyds to lloyds. i thought transfers to different banks had three day clearing periods. corporate cheque sounds good - am i right in thinking you pay the money to the bank and then they write a cheque out? And as for the guy who went into glasgow with 8k cash in his pockets... bet he regretted that! probably woke up in iceland with a stinking hangover and no moneys!
  4. Alright, so im actually nearing the stage when im actually going to be purchasing a car, but my question is, whats the best/prefered way of actually transfering the money? so far ive bought 3 cars with cash, and one by doing a bank transfer (all private sales). the bank transfer went ok, but looking back i dont think i'll do it again, as i had to trust that the seller tells me when hes received the funds, and also one wrong number in the account details would have saw £3k go who-knows-where! I'm thinking a zed i buy is going to around the £7k mark, but i dont want to be walking around with 7 grand in cash on me, do I? Also, bear in mind that im likely going to be buying on the weekend, when its not possible to visit a bank. I presume if i buy from a dealer i can just load up my debit card and pay on that, but what about private?
  5. just out of interest, how much do Nismos weight compared to half-arseds finest? i know the difference between stock 18" wheels and RAYS, but what about in 19" sizes?
  6. hmmm, quite a few plans so far, and i dont even have a zed yet! Jan and Feb - save another £700, to bring my total to £3800 in savings. March - Sell my Civic, for hopefully £2200 (I paid £2350 for it in July of last year) borrow a further £2000 off my dad, which gives me £8000 for a zed and the insurance increase (prob about £200 extra for the 6 months remaining this year) And then im already planning a big roadtrip with my dad for May - Scotland and back in 6 days, Via Ben Nevis and Scafell Pike total of 970 miles of driving. Other than that, hoping to do some drift days with mazda on track, but they havent updated their calendar for 2012 yet so not sure when exactly. And lots of meets hopefully - the Wales roadtrip looks very tempting.
  7. yup, i'll be there! missed it last year in my 300zx, hopefully i'll be in a 350z by then, but if not, well, there arent too many Honda Civic EM1s around these days...
  8. nice! prefer the first to the second tbh, great camera work!
  9. £600 sounds cheap... keep hold of them until the right buyer comes along, which will be someone who wants and appreciates quality wheels. If you dont need the money keep hold of them and keep bumping the advert every now and then. where are they advertised?
  10. mmmm making me want one! good to see someone making good use of the mild winter we're having so far Plus nothing wrong with the standard zed, looks great in that photo!
  11. Simple really - best present you received this year? Mine would have to be Forza 4 - I'm well behind the times I know, but still looking forward to it! just need a working xbox now, shame ours had to pack up on the 20th!
  12. they've applied for a patent for it or something.... but thats a conventional turbocharger except using an electric motor to spool it up faster than exhaust gases do... its more of an anti lag system. just had another thought... KERS... could that extra 60KW of power be better spent on a electric supercharger, rather than simply an electric motor? Dont superchargers take energy from the crank, but then return more than double that in form of boost?
  13. Found this on ebay - looks too good to be true? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Electric-Supe ... 336fd4d7a2 I might give it a go, got to be good for at least 50 extra BHP, and at £22 thats surely a bargain! Has anyone dyno'd a car with one of these on? .... Nah im not that stupid. But on a (hopefully) serious note, how much power/how big would an electric supercharger have to be to make any kind of difference to an engine? Someone may have to explain the specifics in a bit more detail to me, but sure something like this would give some kind of gain? or would it just suck too much electricity? or maybe with a petrol powered one? separate tank for the blower? (Waits to be flamed!)
  14. Mmmm nothing wrong with a good car vid! wasnt expecting the dubstep track though - music credits? I've always wanted to go shoot a video driving over the moors in south wales, but havent quite got round to it yet!
  15. yep, 10 degrees here last night... bring on the global warming, i say.
  16. hmmm waaay too much going on! All white with diamond pattern stitching in the middle for me... or maybe white middle, with black outers... But not white middle, black outers, contrast orange stitching, and then to top it off a massive red zed... no.
  17. You'll be fine, its nice and mild in the midlands at the moment! if youve got the time, dont go up the A34, far better roads to go on the A338 and A419 to cirencester, then up the A429 and the A44. Have a good one!
  18. vtecs are hilarious fun! no mistaking when the vtec engages - they're completely schizophrenic! only problem is the high engagement - on my B16a2 it engages at 5600rpm, what is it on an F20C?
  19. toblerones arent exactly wispa bars now are they! should have started on twix and moved up from there.
  20. bargain. the tyres on their own are worth that - best £535 to spend on a zed at the moment!
  21. I like them, the stock 350z looks a bit cutesy, whereas with eyebrows its a bit more agressive. Plus, there are considerably more without eyebrows than with, and i like to be different!
  22. holy thread resurrection batman! So what about if you swapped both fronts and rears to be 40 profile? obv. the rolling diameter would be way out, but if the relative difference between the front and rear wheels stayed the same would this still kick in the TCS? maybe go from 225 45 to 235 40 on the front, and from 245 45 to 255 40 on the rear?
  23. very nice! an S2000 is my second choice of car after a zed - reckon it would be a very good car! Loved my old mx5 for the same reasons an s2000 would be good (apart from the s2000 has a decent slug of power) only things that put me off are the 9k redline would get a bit tiring. definitely not a girls car - 240bhp rwd is not childs play! and the convertible bit, thats fine as it was designed as a convertible, rather than a hatchback with the roof lopped off.
  24. wow, good link! thats a whole lot of zed wheel porn there! Going to have to replace my desktop background methinks
  25. imo, its a shame everything isnt made of titanium. its just the coolest metal for anything
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