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Everything posted by brillomaster

  1. Alrighty, one under 20 owner of a zed! so own up - how much is your insurance premium! heres hoping no increases in insurance premiums - hopefully traction control will keep enthusiastic young drivers (like me) on the road - plus, its not turbocharged, which is a bonus for smooth driving - been caught out a few times in my old 300zx when i'd floor it, nothing would happen, and then WHUUUMPH the wheels are spinning.
  2. Alrighty, one under 20 owner of a zed! so own up - how much is your insurance premium! heres hoping no increases in insurance premiums - hopefully traction control will keep enthusiastic young drivers (like me) on the road - plus, its not turbocharged, which is a bonus for smooth driving - been caught out a few times in my old 300zx when i'd floor it, nothing would happen, and then WHUUUMPH the wheels are spinning.
  3. lol i figured there would be shrinking ownership above 40, hence the wider bands... and 60+.... well i thought i'd spare the embarassment if you're that old to be honest, my aim is to see if the dropping prices of zeds mean we're getting a lot more younger people, as i think this is the biggest factor in how the cars will be driven, and what owners will be doing with them.
  4. lol i figured there would be shrinking ownership above 40, hence the wider bands... and 60+.... well i thought i'd spare the embarassment if you're that old to be honest, my aim is to see if the dropping prices of zeds mean we're getting a lot more younger people, as i think this is the biggest factor in how the cars will be driven, and what owners will be doing with them.
  5. hmmm 44% under 30 at the moment! But as yet no-one under 20 - guess insurance is still a major factor even if the price might not be!
  6. hmmm 44% under 30 at the moment! But as yet no-one under 20 - guess insurance is still a major factor even if the price might not be!
  7. As it says on the tin really. Last time this was done appears to be mid 2010 but didn't have a poll for easy analysis... I'm guessing the average age is still dropping considering how cheap these cars are getting! Im 24 and i'm planning on getting mine for my 25th birthday in 2 months time
  8. As it says on the tin really. Last time this was done appears to be mid 2010 but didn't have a poll for easy analysis... I'm guessing the average age is still dropping considering how cheap these cars are getting! Im 24 and i'm planning on getting mine for my 25th birthday in 2 months time
  9. £7.5k seems pretty fair to me - i've been looking at them for a while and it seems to be in the middle. To be honest i think theyre on the rise again, there dont seem to be many 54 plates with under 60k miles for less than £8k as there used to be. As i say, if it werent for the Orange Leather id be in touch. GLWTS
  10. £7.5k seems pretty fair to me - i've been looking at them for a while and it seems to be in the middle. To be honest i think theyre on the rise again, there dont seem to be many 54 plates with under 60k miles for less than £8k as there used to be. As i say, if it werent for the Orange Leather id be in touch. GLWTS
  11. MASSIVE MASSIVE WANT. Ken Gushis new ride for the 2012 Formula drift series, built in collaboration with GReddy, Cosworth, Sparco, Rays... Packing a tasty 600hp! full story (though sketchy on any details) on speedhunters
  12. MASSIVE MASSIVE WANT. Ken Gushis new ride for the 2012 Formula drift series, built in collaboration with GReddy, Cosworth, Sparco, Rays... Packing a tasty 600hp! full story (though sketchy on any details) on speedhunters
  13. WOW. That looks stunning! good job on the waxing! Always thought gunmetal was the best colour but yours and Coldels' zeds are seriously tempting me towards black. Also, like the vids - definitely a dreamy sound there! get some driveby vids as well
  14. this one (linky) or this one (linky) any good for you?
  15. Its just down the road and really tempted to have a look at it - does anyone know anything about it? With this many choice mods surely its a members car? linky linky
  16. mmmm like the black door pulls, havent seen that done often! agreed about the wheels, like the colour, but not a fan of the stock 18s. other than that, tres nice
  17. ah, well, i'm a bit short of cash at the mo... i'm buying in march! Plus im afraid i'm not a fan of the orange leather... gotta be black im afraid
  18. mmmm, 54 plate with 55k, im going for £7.5k private - at least thats what i'd give you for it!
  19. mmmm carbon NSX.... or that Top secret S2000, but not in gold! Loving the sunset zed, best body kit IMO!
  20. ahhh codsarnit, trust me to have already booked to do another roadtrip that weekend! Really wanted to go for this, but i'll be on my way back from the lakes that weekend! have a good one!
  21. my guess is import at that price.... been scouring for a while and havent seen anything that cheap, all the tidy UK cars ive seen with that kind of age and mileage are around £7.5k. also as regards to keeping the megane or buying a zed, depends what you want? if you want fast and practical and probably a bit safer, stick with the megane - if its a 2 seater sports car, with a stonking V6 and rwd, get a zed!
  22. i was just talking about this with my gf... with a winter like this it'd be silly to sorn the car - only had to scrap ice off the car once so far in the morning. However, last two years were definitely appropriate to sorn!
  23. +2 for a G35, or maybe its E46 M3 time. Every cloud has a silver lining
  24. bad times! unexpected setbacks always suck. Hope you get it sorted! Maybe its time for a carbon roof wrap?
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