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Everything posted by Fodder

  1. Wow that is a very clean car! I'm normally in work just after 7 however my projects are starting to wind down for the year so not too many ASIA calls and i took the opportunity to have a late start that day. The Zed is also being tucked up during the week as I'm trying to walk to work more often and if i leave it on the drive I'm tempted to drive in....i took a picture Sunday of it parked up... sad i know. And yes it needs a good clean!
  2. Thanks for slowing down, i must admit once i was past the Nuffield i did hoof it a little (up to 50mph of course) Yeah i've always wanted an Azure; that said the first zed I saw was at two mills stopped at a red light, it was an import sunset and looked amazing with the winter sun reflecting off it... I even told the driver as i was alongside I've seen yours from the office window a few times when the sun has been bright and it really does look great in that kind of light.
  3. haha I was expecting SMD (smutty dave) to nibble on that one. The flash was her behind too.... ooeeer indicator flash
  4. Thanks for the flash Carla Car looks great as always, really like the sunset with the subtle black mods I'm almost embarrased to be seen, car needs a good wash (when doesnt it) and a few pieces tidying up bodywork wise... will have to get it booked in while i'm only using it a couple of days a week.
  5. I've never parked in HBH, when i drive in i'm normally out the front in Stanny where the bays are wider or over in the old CEE or BICC building opposite which is up for sale. Not seen another Azure in HBH will have to keep my eyes open, was it a roadster too?
  6. Yep in stansfield house next to heronbridge. only use the car one or two days a week now, trying to walk the years of substance abuse off (beer and cake) Not heard of that issue either.
  7. I was expecting to read your spotted thread from last week was actually Carla's car. Reminds me of the time I got a text from Laura asking why I was somewhere other than where i said I would be..... turns out it was my twin which I've not actually seen... I suspect it was an Azure coupe rather than roadster though.
  8. interesting, i really should read up on this sort of thing as i know of a few people who have got tickets even when they believed they were complying with the rules for the site. GF's brother got two overturned that were issued by the council as there were problems with the Pay and Display machines either printing the wrong ticket or out of service. I'm sure this will end in the way you would want and expect, I think sometimes they issue them regardless as i bet most people will moan but stump up. Good luck
  9. Didnt the rules change on private parking enforcement recently? I know the clamping on private land by private companies is no longer allowed, i assumed the same applied to tickets?! Oh and nice area with telfords only a very short walk away
  10. I'm not sure about the numebrs bit but the green square seems to indicate a gallery?!
  11. You know, i saw the title and was expecting to see someone spot Carla's..... Which I did on Sunday morning parked up in Upton.... saw the wipers off the windscreen... hope no one caused any damage!
  12. I came from a 190 to the 350z and what a leap it was. The cars are totally different to drive, the Zed to me is a lot more relaxed for day to day driving (IMO). You had to be quite harsh on the 190 for even around town as there was just no torque there however they do come alive when you want a spirited drive. The Zed as I mentioned is just a very easy car to drive day to day, someone else mentioned the key is to be smooth and i cant agree more. I too was a little concerned about moving from a FWD Celica to a RWD but you soon adjust your driving style, start thinking about the roads a lot more especially on roundabouts and exiting corners where you wouldnt typically care in the celica. The other thing I found was it doesnt feel quick compared to the high revving shouty VVTLi... but boy it is; it may not get you up to warp speed but it's quick enough to get you a ban in a fairly short amount of time. I suggest you book a test drive at a local stealer to get a feel for the car and get along to one of your local meets to talk to local owners who will be able to show you the differences between revisions etc. Good luck, i dont think you will look back Oh yeah i sometimes go on CCUK to see if my old 190 has turned up... it hasnt yet
  13. Ricey is that a picture from the 80's? All the cars loko like that era and the road looks older..... oh and that would cost you more than 3k to buy
  14. I'm in Westminster Park now although trying to walk to work (kayaking this morning) but the zed has a run out weekends and some evenings, just cant leave it sat there on the drive.... Anyway, sorry abotu my miss understanding, reading on the phone and may have had a couple of to celebrate the weekend
  15. I'm sure I've seen this about but never got a wave Oh and silver isn't a primary colour.... You trying to say us azures are miserable?! Oops sorry just re read primer
  16. But like this one (i think Ricey heard it?!?) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-me ... e-18670240 although I dont think the "air" attained was as impressive as the others it certainly caused a LOT of damage. Thankfully no one hurt but kids were asleep in that top room. very lucky. Drove past a week or so ago and it looks like it will be open again this side of Christmas.
  17. This really does my head in, what ever happened to the twelve days of Christmas? Should start on Christmas eve if you ask me.... the other half absolutely loves Christmas and is already building up to it... gets quite unbearable come December time so last night I was looking at Caribbean holidays in December. Surprisingly she loved the idea until I told her I was looking at a 17 night one which would get us back early hours of Decemebr 27th But that will do for me, bit of winter sun doing very little other than drinking, swimming and reading... she can stay at home if she wants
  18. yeah it's pretty bad here.... i've thought about going up to moel famau on a clear night to see if it's any better... however I've normally had a beer so cant go Either or Llandegla moors...any thoughts? Stunning pictures in this thread
  19. Some nice pictures in this thread as well as advice. I've had my 500D for a few years now and i'm ashamed to say I've never really had a proper play with it (first serious camera) however I've recently been on a course that was bought for me from groupon. Explained a lot, gave me some pointers and now i'm starting to enjoy taking it out of auto modes. I've practised photographing the moon and have some quite good shots considering the modest sigma zoom lens I have (as well as the kit lens). I also use an iphone app called "photocaddy" which gives some great tips on settings for certain situations. Anyway i've enjoyed looking at other peoples offerings and as soon as i feel a little more confident i will contribute some of mine although i dont really like any post processing apart from cropping... i should really change my attitude EDIT: I mean using any post processing, not sure why but i certainly dont mind others tweaking their pictures
  20. I came back from lunch and was told a plane had hit the first tower, thought it was an accident and made my way to a conference room which was rigged up for SKY.... I couldnt get near it and it was around this time the second plane hit. The whole tech department was crowded around with our IT director sat in there... she had family in one of the buildings - i worked for a US bank. I went to NYC 5 years ago on a personal trip and visited ground zero - the hairs on my arms and neck are stood up now thinking and typing about it, very moving experience and one I think all should experience. While I was in NYC i arranged to meet a NY based colleague for a pint or two and told him i'd been to the site the day before and he told me that he had been based in the WTC site but was moved to NJ a few weeks beforehand as he was in charge of Disaster Recovery for email. His daily routine would have put him right there amongst it. looking at the footage it makes it seem so surreal however his story (one of many thousands) reminds me these people were going about their daily lives trying to earn a living and pay the bills. The day is about those who were lost and experienced it first hand. RIP.
  21. Fodder

    Cheap thrills

    I had a Celica 190 (02 plate) prior to the Zed. I absolutely loved it for the first few years of ownership but the having to rev the nuts off it soon wore me down. Mine was totally standard spec apart from a set of OZ Record rims as the factory fitted were made of swiss cheese. They are great cars for what they are, relatively cheap to run, fuel consumption averaged to high 20's IIRC even with my heavy right foot and with servicing every 12k. The only real things to look out for are the "lift bolts" on earlier models had a design flaw which was rectified on the facelift (52 plate onwards and T-Sport badged) but i'd swap them out anyway as they are pennies to buy and check the oil regularly, mine when 8 years old and 70k miles used <1l every 6k miles. The interiors are shall we say typical Japanese so dont expect much there; mine seemed solid enough however i have heard stories of the squeeks and rattles in others driving their owners nuts - probably the same crew who dont keep theirs standard other than that they are pretty solid but not cheap to make any power out of and like the Zed they dont come near the stated PS/BHP figures quoted. They can be a lot of fun out in North Wales early on Sunday mornings but you do need to rev them, they come alive above 6k revs. However I do not have any experience over any of the other models you have stated. I'd say dont write them off just yet, test drive one! Make sure it's warmed up so you can test "lift" as it's disabled when cold and needs temps up to work. I know Jetset had a T-Sport too.
  22. That is genius, what a top idea. So when you lock the car, the mirrors fold in!? Thats brilliant, i'm guessing it takes some knowhow to do? I like the thought of this except I lock my car using the button on the door while i'm in the car... does this fold the mirror in too?
  23. I asked this a while back and didnt find an answer. Was quite shocked at how quiet the OEM alarm is. EDIT: Link to my topic viewtopic.php?f=9&t=62943&start=0
  24. I love the fact Bert has a bottle of Bud in that pic
  25. Funny I was just reading "ZedRush"'s hacked thread and as his mail is hosted by godaddy do you think his mysterious X has performed a DDOS attack as X can no longer access his mail?
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