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Everything posted by Fodder

  1. yeah that's the one. I don't think anyone was to impressed when I reminded them the guy who built it (as the barn) hung himself in there. But a Zed safari...... Now there's a thought
  2. Wahoo a spotted... Been a while. Yes it was me and it was the better half's mother. Food wasn't bad but service needs a little improvement. For a Sunday roast the gunnery in tarvin is still my favourite
  3. My facelift DE roadster has both stereo and cruise control buttons on the steering wheel. Mybe the 3 buttons was on a non GT without cruise?
  4. Spotted this one about 10 minutes ago going up Heronsway from the direction of M&S money past the "Pavillions".
  5. She's teething bless her but I'm sure there are nicer things than my feet. The mind boggles how cruel some people can be
  6. We have taken custody of a pup in the last couple of weeks and my OH saw this on FB too. Had to explain I thought it a "scam" in the sense of someone seeing how far a rumour would travel but it is a worthy reminder to be vigilant. Must go said pup is chewing my feet
  7. Ekona and Chesterfield have pretty much covered the salient points. I used to look after a reasonably sized email infrastructure and dealt with ediscovery too. Just to add I've seen HR in some circumstances bring disciplinary action against any recipient for not reporting the misuse too
  8. Sorry to hear about your job Carla. I'm sure something will come along soon. Onwards and upwards!
  9. You know, I love that film but it hadnt registered that your username was connected
  10. Well mine comes from my xbox gamer tag; i'm rubbish at gaming but it chills me out. I couldnt have my PSN which is a derivitive of my surname so I appended fodder due to the fact i'm literally fodder I only started using it on this forum though, i tend to mix it up as i like to live off the grid
  11. Well I doubt you will be seeing at all this week..... The weatehr si a little nice so cycling in to the office isntead, if you see a huge fat bloke with a flat back tyre thats me
  12. Ahh he'll it's 2013 isn't it. On the phone and don't l ow how to change the title.
  13. At the back of HBH car park, only saw from a distance as I was getting my bike from the garage at the back of stanny to go home. Looked rather lonely on its own and surprisingly similar to Carla's.
  14. Or I'm not getting about around town enough I went the long way home tonight with the roof down. 8 miles when I live a mile away from the office
  15. Will take a proper look tomorrow. I'm down to 1/4 tank 2 weeks after filling up so about ready to brim. Never really looked at these cash back schemes and its about time I did Thanks and yet to hear or see you
  16. Great video and fantastic scenery. Must try and go skiing again Thanks for sharing
  17. I think this is different though, I had my loft done last summer and if the cavity walls needed doing they would've done that too through tesco energy (which i'm not a customer) I called them as I knew the loft needed doing as i'd just bought the place. This sounds like the boiler scrappage scheme that was aimed at lower income familes (if you can call 40k a low income) however that wasnt in scotland as it seems due to devolution the schemes vary wildly between the member countries of the UK.
  18. I feel we dont know the full story here as I did a quick google. From the "tradesmen" thread i think you said you were from central Scotland. I did a quick google and there was a scheme in England and Wales whereby an owner occupier with a household income less than £40k could get a grant. In Scotland there is a scheme whereby you get a £400 voucher. http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/scotland/Heating-and-hot-water/Replacing-your-boiler/Boiler-Scrappage-Scheme I wonder if this"salesman" was trying to get his foot in the door with his initial statement not factually correct and it relied on whatever service he wanted to sell you that you had some kind of benefits.
  19. Some lovely shots in here, makes me want to get my camera out more often but i tend to steer clear of post processing apart from cropping (not thats there's anything wrong with post processing) so I really do like and appreciate those pics rodgeevans. Mind you I did get the camera out a month or two back to take a picture of the sliver of a new moon which i quite proud of considering it was using a budget 300mm lens. It's on the ipad at home so will post up later.
  20. I may be in the minority here......and those who have "spotted" me will have assumed this but it's a bit of a chore for me... ready for a flaming here I do wish I had the patience and skill of some of you guys as I really would like to see my car looking pristine but it is one of those jobs i dread. I do have much better facilities now I've moved so i am hoping to throw myself at it when the weather improves in the hope i do learn to enjoy the process and admire the hard work afterwards. BUT I think I much prefer to go out and drive him (girlfriends given it a gender) than spend the little spare time i have washing* if you see what i mean. As I said I do admire those that do enjoy it. *The car not me, my hygene is fine thank you very much
  21. I noticed this angry little guy watching me this morning....
  22. Very true. Why? Have you ever interacted/owned/met one? They are actually very friendly loyal pets.... Providing they've been raised correctly but then that goes for humans too
  23. I wonder if this is the same one i saw in hanbridge a few weeks back. I think the gingers have been mating
  24. Well I have an Azure (blue) Roadster, my girlfriend drives it occasionally and loves it each time. In fact she gets quite a bit of attention when she does.... maybe thats why she likes driving it As far as waiting until summer is here to drop the roof... I did last night, as long as it's above 6c and not torrential rain its good. I say go test drive a Roadster (any colour) to see if it's for you then start the search.... I waited about a year to find mine.
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