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Everything posted by Fodder

  1. Fodder

    Chuck the soot

    Ahhh, now walking into work this morning I suddenly wondered if you had the new car.... looks very nice, i notice you havent put your plate on yet..... is that because it's up on pistonheads already? I do like that though. On a serious note, I'll keep an eye out for you and if you see a hairy fat man walking and waving either on wrexham road or the business park thats me not the local loon
  2. Needs spacers and lowering.... On a serious note does anyone look in toy shops for models of 350z's? I do and i'm called "sad" never found an azure roadster though
  3. Thats good news, so glad I researched a little first. My electrician also happens to be my partners father so that helped immensly as I knew I could trust his advice. As far as the pictures go, please do document for the future. I tried to but just never got time while the work was ongoing with my own work and trips etc.... also i dont have a wide angle lens so thats now on my shopping list We also elected to leave the Kitchen and Bathroom alone so we could live with it for a while and see how things work (they are useable) I'm so glad I did this..... actually no i'm not as it's now plainly obvious we ened to extend the kitchen Good luck with the move too
  4. just an update. I had Sky dish and HD box plumbed in last week. Works a treat, the installer commented about the cabling.... in a postive manner. he would have just taken direct route to the tv no matter where that was so if you do go SKY then get your cables plumbed in while you're having work done. As far as the amp goes, that works very well. I ordered a SKY compatible amp (4 output) from amazon which arrived a day later, 2 magic eyes (need it for the office and one bedroom at the minute) and an extra SKY HD remote for £33 delivered. You do have to google how to activate the 9v output on the SKY HD box but takes 30 seconds to do. The magic eyes work brilliantly, although obviously no HD in the other rooms but the HD channels are still accessible and viewable. One thing which I had originally forgotten about is due to the sky being over RF you need to tune in an anaolgue channel to view, no big deal for me though. As far as BT Inifinity goes I still have to wait until the end of the month. Hopefully this is helpful and your house is coming along well
  5. What Audi have you gone for? Will keep an eye out for it.... mind you i never spotted the beemer or the merc while you had them hope all goes well this time (you must have used up all yours and everyone elses bad luck by now) and I did spot your bestest favouristist friend the Alfa this morning.... from my office window though - or at least I think it was you, havent seen a similar one in that colour before.
  6. Hahaha yeah last space in the carpark.... i hate that space and try to bring it a little forward. Thanks, much appreciated for the offer. I spotted another ginger around the corner from the house earlier too, 54 plate but wont post a new thread as people will think I'm stalking. Laura said she knew I'd like the house due to the number of zeds
  7. Ouch, I had read your thread and you didnt have much luck with that one.... A good friend bought a C & E Class as well as an SL all at the same time a few years back, i think the only one they didnt have a problem with was the SL and customer service was terrible... I went with him once about a paint defect and witnessed it first hand..... Mercs just arent Mercs anymore and the dealerships havent got that premium feel about them which is a crying shame. Ahh well onwards and upwards for you! I see Carla's ginger drive past most days now, think I saw her twice today. It always catches my eye as the paintwork is stunning. I will be able to afford a little more TLC soon as the house is almost ready, in fact I was on my way back from checking up on the carpet fitters as well as raiding the apple tree. I bookmarked one of your detailing threads a while back (a Passat IIRC) and will base my attempts on that so expect some questions
  8. Ok so I shouldnt really post here as he was in his Alfa and not Carla's ginger but thanks for the wave, took me a couple of seconds to register who it was. Shame it wasnt the Merc, I know you've been having some problems but what a beast that must be!
  9. Actually I was one said person taking pictures I was on a photography course and the instructor was showing us the difference in lens etc Felt like an Idiot walking down by the river taking pics of random people but it did become quite liberating Learned loads about the camera and not do baffled by the tech speak anymore
  10. YK55*** spotted outside jessops with a few people taking pics
  11. Totally agree with the first part about iof you are considering using a tester than you probably shouldnt be driving however I think it was posted earlier I'm a firm believer it's easier to have none than one when driving. Either leave the car and get a taxi or dont drink at all. I know that even a "shandy" can alter my own perception... but thats just me
  12. I agree. as far as firewalls go they are only as good as the person configuring them, most end users wouldnt understand what they are being asked. If someone wants to get into your system they will do, it's all about protecting your at rest data and trying to ensure anything you do access online is secure. I dont tend to access anything on my computers and always use a credit card for online purchases. I expect to be compromised at somepoint.
  13. I cant recommend Avast Anti-virus enough in fact it was recommended to em by our "red team", get it installed and schedule a boot time scan. Sender IP can be obtained by looking at the header of the email although headers can be altered too.
  14. When I was posting this I did think it could be blahblablah but I can't remember his reg
  15. **56 EA* spotted you a few times now on your drive, sometimes under a cover. Looks nice but yet to see you driving around.
  16. I think you have twin twins then I thought I'd spotted you at snugburys last weekend but there was a male driver. I am usually around the Wrexham road area but lately I've been mainly at B&Q, actually I'm sat waiting for them to open now Don't work too hard!
  17. I think I may have spotted you at lunch time on the Parkgate road, you heading out of Chester and me into near the merc dealership/Esso garage. I saw the car and thought thats nice and it's only when I was passed did I think it could have been you so apologies for not waving/flashing.
  18. just my 2p.... The company I worked for got taken over 6 years ago, I was a low level IT tech who wasnt in the "clique". I had the same fears as you've gone through and I was also asked a number of times to apply for positions contracting... I was seriously tempted and for a while regretted it - it was local too. I exepcted to be out the door as soon as the IT transition was done as outside of my peers I didnt feel i was valued - I still have quite low self esteem. I'm still there and feel more rewarded than I ever did in the old company..in fact 15 years ago tomorrow I joined. I'm now a consultant working on global projects and the only memebr of my team outside of North America. To be fair I dont feel any more safe than i did 6 years ago I just feel my skills, knowldege and experience now hold me in good stead if anything should happen. It has worked out ok for me, i dont have any real regrets but I do wonder "what if" at times but I do know I do have that option open still. A couple of good friends of mine are still contracting and it can mean long days, lots of travel and other than money no reward. Only you can decide if it's for you.... oh and I'd take ChrisS's offer up of a chat, his wife was here for a year or two probably more. Good luck with whatever you decide EDIT: What I'm trying to say is the new company may not be as bad as you're expecting, in fact they may offer you more opportunities. Oh and I can be a bit quick off the mark if the wrong thing is said too
  19. Works for me except the fags bit..... trouble is it's been far too successfull a regime, lots of relaxed muscle
  20. There are a number of ODBII codes which are standard across manfufacturers and if it's not listed on the codes sticky on this site I'm guessing this is a generic code not unique to this marque. A quick google shows these are generic and associated with o2 sensors. I did find a really good wiki a while back with these generic codes but cant find it now. EDIT: Blast, googled for generic codes and found loads of them: http://www.troublecodes.net/OBD2/ Thats an example, you want the "P" codes.. however this site lists them as fuel issues.... P1140 Water In Fuel Condition P1141 Fuel Restriction Indicator Circuit Malfunction
  21. Saw a nice 54 plate black uk pulling out as I was pulling in Car looked lovely Hope you enjoyed your ice cream? We both went for the strawberries and pimms. Didn't really taste of much
  22. Brilliant, reminds me of the time I was in Chicago O'Hare trying to egt a bite to eat and the guy serving couldnt understand me and kept asking me to say it in English.... there was quite a queue forming behind me so the lady stood behind me repeated my order (which he understood) and said "He's from England, He's English and is speaking English"
  23. some interesting views in this thread. I often speak to my American colleagues about their gun laws and most own a gun. They see it as a right to protect themselves and their property and as Pete said the attitude is "if someones going to break into my property they are most likely going to be armed, so I'm going to be" Different states have different laws, I was having a beer with a few from different states last year and it was interesting to hear them discuss the differences, one state you had to conceal, the other that was a big no no. One of them (a stereotypical Texan) just couldnt believe the laws over here, when a Buckingham Palace he identified the model of the automatic weapon the police officer had (MP5) as well as the holographic sight. He then went on to say he was at a gun show recently and they were freely available to purchase, just had to complete the forms and wait for approval. I was speaking to him the other day about these shootings and he said "dont blame the tool, blame the user of the tool" which i think is pretty much the response of most "Americans" I deal with. On a side note, the Dallas office has a guard on the door where you have to "check" your weapons before entering and doing a days work
  24. Thanks Chris, I was coming to the same conclusion but if i can get a dish installed for nothing I'm willing to give it a go. I'm sure my other half is beginning to think I'm a cheapskate Talking of which i've just had it confirmed an energy supplier is happy to install loft insulation FOC - would have done cavity walls if i hadnt already had it ....... I'm not even using this one for my energy supply Sorry LRF4N for taking the thread slightly offtopic, just hope some of the things I've learned are of use.
  25. I'm in the same boat to be honest. I've plumped for Sky for tv and Infinity for Broadband. I'm actually having quite a bit done to my house before I will be ready for Sky to install their dish..... So what I have done is had my electrician (possible future father in law) install the sky cables now, test and bury. There is no dish but I've weighed up where the neighbours dish is and gone from there. The idea is the sky installer will want to run the cables on the outside in a messy manner this way if he wants to run his own cables to install i'll have him not clip them and pass them through the window. My only concern is we will get an installer who wont be happy to do this, if thats the case then I'll have to have the dish mounted by a third party. Also we were considering multiroom but decided not to so we have the 2 cables from where the dish will be run to where it will be in the lounge then taken the output up into an amplifier/distributer in the loft and then down to the bedrooms (all cables hidden in walls and flooring) and use magic eyes. We dont watch a lot of TV upstairs anyway so this was ideal for us... Sky wont be in HD where it's distriubted though although if you have freeview HD on the TV you can watch that way. You just need to buy the correct SKY friendly amplifier. Thought I'd mention this as an option as you can run the cables now. Good luck on the new house, exciting times EDITED as I forgot to mention the magic eyes
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