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Everything posted by Fodder

  1. Too big, it occupies the entire passenger seat Pete The handbag comment did make me laugh. The fault coming and going is interesting... I had the interior light flickering one morning a couple of weeks back on my way into work.... it was the same morning where both my locks were frozen and I believe when i tried the passenger door the lock did disengage but never re-engaged so when it did thaw out it opened going around a corner fortunately at low speed. This weekend I've also had the air bag light flashing, just performed the reset procedure in the guides section and it now looks resolved but i will monitor (i did quickly check the connectors under the seats too). I'm thinking the rag tops must be prone to moisture in the cabin and when it gets cold it freezes. I've not had these symptons before though.
  2. It will be the cold weather and a switch as you say (experience on another marque); there should be a little switch usually between the hinges on the door that is spring loaded. I suspect the Zed will have something similar and because of the cold it's not releasing if you see what I mean. may be worth checking out now while it's working again and grease/wd40 as appropriate.
  3. No problems again this morning in the Zed. I do have to go down to London tomorrow and I'm more concerned about the West Coast train service running to be honest.
  4. Well I decided to come home and dial in (after the free piza in the office), no issues at all, main roads clear side roads pretty bad and had about half a mile on those but not once did i have esp, wheel spin or anything. It's all about slow gentle inputs, higher gear and anticpating whats coming up... my only concern was the idiot kid who lives across the road coming down our road far too quickly the idiot... and it's the idiots you cant do anyting about unfortunately. in fact while typing this he's gone up the road again (past his house) with his mate following him and then back down it again.... i can see them smashing into parked cars before too long
  5. To be fair I'm an IT consultant working for an American Corporation and those were my first thoughts however it seems to be going to opposite way now as offshoring isnt as cheap as it first seems. As I'm the only person in my team outside North America i feel a little vulnerable anyway, I just make ensure I get involved in as much domestic as well as international work as possible :wink:
  6. searched and couldnt find this so if it's a repost my sincere apologies This did properly make me LOL http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-21043693
  7. Yep wouldve done the same if i lived further away... the OH is WFH so i thought i'd go into the office sure of the fact I can walk home if need be............ she would probably have me doing chores I thought I saw your OH the other day in the main building wasnt sure though... must be a glutten for punishment.... As i said the roads around here are fine now but thats not to say they wont be in a few hours.
  8. Well I made it into the office no issue, the main roads around Chester are fine. The side roads are covered, just take it easy, use a higher gear than normal and anticpate junctions, other drivers etc. I actually had to come to work twice as the first time i forgot my pass The carparks have been salted too so shouldnt be too much of an issue on campus either. That said I have walking boots, trousers etc in the boot.... mind i only live 20 minutes walk away but i have driven the zed in much worse conditions when i didnt live so close.
  9. £101.76 is the most but I don't normally let it get that low...
  10. I cant see a post where the OP has "walked away" but even if he has this thread could act as a reference for someone else that wants to take a look at that car.
  11. I guess i'm being critical as I have an 06 roadster and if thats priced right it means mine wont be worth much more That said I'm not planning on selling mine any time soon and annual my mileage will be half what it used to be as it's becoming more of a leisure car rather than a daily so the price is irrelevant. I think most comments are providing the OP with info and what could be wrong so if he does take it further they are able to query them.
  12. those are slightly better and looking at it closely the "Z" on the cubby is probably the one from the wind deflector glass it's just lined up perfectly sorry about that The gaps on the front dont look right and the rear badge does make me think it's had at least front and rear damage, the seats look pretty grotty too but probably from where the occupants soiled themselves from whatever caused the need for the front and rear to be repaired
  13. Also no shots of the inside apart from the ones where you can make out the steering wheel and back of seats. Also you can make out the cubby has a "Z" badge so it's been tinkered cosmetically inside too....
  14. Yeah I think they work there. Seen it before parked in the same spot while I've been visiting JL
  15. I'm certain it wasn't Carla. The reg ended something like XYX and the spoiler was sunset too.
  16. Haha you are correct about my employer however from a standards perspective in this instance the yanks I believe have it correct as much as it annoys me but Ekona's answer will suffice SMD is quiet so I assume he's still running from the fuzz on the m1
  17. Impressive I must say, I get just below 40Mbs down and 10Mbs up here. However I'm intrigued by the spelling of "fibre".... i'm going to sound like a pedant here but I'm genuinely interested on the correct telecommunications terminology.... i'm bring uber lazy here as I could walk around to the comms team on the other side of the building but i cant be bothered I've always believed the cables are "fiber" all lower case using the american spelling, the only time "Fibre" is used is actually in reference to "Fibre Channel" the protocol so i'm wondering why the service providers brand it as Fibre Optic? I'm looking from a SAN perspective here so dont shoot me down I have a feeling it's purely down to being the British English spelling of a word nothing to do with strands of cable
  18. 04 or 54 plate sunset going over the old Dee Bridge into handbridge. Thought it could have been Diab but didnt see any black details and wasnt Carla as not her plate. I suspect it could be from Westminster Park. Couldnt wave or flash as I was coming out of the Shipp Inn. Which coincidently have a monday night offer, 2 burgers for the price of one. very tasty indeed.
  19. Looking for a space and settling on one far away from any other vehicle Didn't get anymore detail as I was walking on the grosvenor bridge into town
  20. omg!!!! thats shocking. My missus took her Nissan Juke back to Nissan for its first service a few weeks back and they have her some crappy old Fiesta as a courtesy car. Didnt even have any fuel in it. When I take my 123d in for its first service i`ll expect a nice courtesy car. Im not dropping a 25k car off and being given some crappy smart car to drive about in. I find body repair shops are the worst though for courtesy cars. They seem to get the cheapest car they possibly can. My missus was given some ancient Fiat Panda which must have had all of 2bhp when she had her 206 Gti in the repairshop a few years back. to be honest I had a good laugh about it and so did others at my expense. My GF didnt stop laughing for weeks after I'd handed it back. I typically dont take up the offer of a courtesy car but in this case the dealership was 20+ miles away and it was for something they should have rectified prior to me picking the car up so i took it because i wanted to be a little awkward... I'll have to dig it out but i'm sure i had a pic of it next to my mates weekend car (a DBS at the time) Anyway the OP's car certainly is better than the average garage car and a good way of comparing the changes on the latest revision
  21. The worst courtesey car was the one the Nissan dealership provided me when my newly purchased Zed had to go in for some warranty work.... it was a Micra but not jsut any Micra.... I think it must have been Nick Griffins old one.. also I'm 6'3 and <cough> big boned.
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