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Everything posted by Fodder

  1. Sorry, I'm not one to pick but it just made me chuckle
  2. I get do irate at people too.... Oh the irony :lol;
  3. It's funny, I can imagine quite a few folks got stung by these schemes because there was little research they could do. Now the Internet is so accessible I thought it would be a thing of the past. I was speaking to a guy who have me my first job a few years back, he had sold his business and was working for someone else. Turns out his accountant who he had used for years approached him with a golden opportunity. He sank a load of cash and yep you've got it a Ponzi scheme. The accountants certificates also turned out to be fake, he took a lot of small businesses down. Felt sorry for the guy but greed got the better of him And still laughing at the Fonzi scheme
  4. Yep thats mine, been using it far too much recently... need to start walking into work again
  5. Phew I havent been spotted then On a serious not it's one of my many pet hates too!!!! I have lots so I'm told
  6. We had ours done a few months back, simialr to Ekona we called Tesco Energy told them we would like to take them up on their offer to insulate loft and wall cavity. They arranged an appoitnment, assessed the walls were fine which I knew as the electrician testified when rewiring.....but the loft wasnt adequate and was compelted in a few weeks after the assessment. All FOC and we arent a Tesco Energy customer Google then call around, nothing to lose... the OH organised iours and she said if the loft had been considered OK and we still wanted it doing they typically charge around £100 Oh and yes it's a substantial layer they've put up there! Oh and Ekona you're meant to exagerate inches
  7. The yank car you did an extensive review of the other day? EDIT: Chevy Cruze
  8. Yeah a few folks in the office live out that way, i was surpsied to bump into one guy who lives in Llanduddno earlier. Hope all of our members as well as their properties are safe out there. I feel for the poor people who can no longer get insurance due to prvious floods
  9. My house backs onto some of those fields... fortunately its not come into my garden yet....
  10. I was just thinking it looked like one of his.... I remember losing an afternoon reading about one of his other projects and the fact he had a load of Ukranians (or similar) living at his home while they "modified" his car..... the thread started out with something like " I have a bentley (GT i think) and I'm going to do this, this and this...." no one believed him but he did post the pictures and lots of humble pie was eaten. That is tame for one of his errr creations
  11. If cash flow could become a problem dont forget the Roadster will ahve a little higher road fund license although over 12 months it's negligable (thats how I justify it). I think you have a third vehicle for when practicality is required?! so on that basis alone I would keep the roadster, I know how much fun they are and Caroline's is a fine example. Lets hope it doesnt come to this though and fingers crossed for her... oh and DoogyRev makes a very good point and may make the choice easier for you.... roadster may have to go cheap in winter though so keep your price high
  12. slightly OT but are they slicks and it also seems to have lost an exhaust pipe on that "slimer" zed But that last option sounds interesting as I've just ordered a bike and dont want to be limited to the other halfs clio....
  13. I do exactly the same and it also identified my clutch was starting to slip as i'd dropped a few MPG over several fill ups. Sounds strange but the car was hiding it well and soon after i'd picked up something wasnt right the app was proved right. That said over 2 years (while I've had the app, coming up to 3 years Zed ownership) the zed has averaged 20.43mpg, it also tracks expenses and reminds me of things like TAX, Insurance, servicing due etc etc. App is called Road Trip on iOS, not sure if an Android version is available. Most I've got out of a tank is 26.1 and that was up to Edinburgh from Chester with mixed driving... once I got to Carlisle (Roadster). Even when I do a long journey I like to break it up with some A roads as motorway cruising really does my noggin in... oh and it means I can drop the roof which doesnt help the figures either
  14. Have you been to Knutsford recently? There's now a McLaren dealership on the roundabout as you hit the town center..... that reminds me will have to have a run out that way soon for a walk around Tatton Park.
  15. To be fair i had a chuckle about my question last night.... I'm quite a logical/practical person and for the life of me I couldnt get my head into gear, that said i'm guessing i'd subconsciously disregarded this solution as I dont think I've ever owned a car whereby it would be practical and all my cars have been standard ride height and I'd be worried about the ramps moving when trying to get onto them regardless. I'm an old school jack and stands kind of person anyway.
  16. Brilliant, why didn't I think of that. Jeez I can be dim at times, still be worried about chocking and having all 4 off the ground and changing the height would be pretty dangerous I would think?!
  17. Please rethink that question before anyone answers it I'm normally quite a logical person but nope still escapes me.... Lol
  18. I may be being really thick here (i often am) but several people have mentioned a set if 4..... how would you get all 4 wheels anto 4 ramps at the same time? And I'm with Ekona, jack up and axle stands.
  19. You may or may not know of their new Monday to Thursday offer... £10 for a meal which varies depending on which evening.... Thursdays is "Steak and Shake" night, rump steak + fries + onion rings + a dessert shake. Now thats nom nom nom
  20. It's my business bud, otherwise I would not care as much! In that case I think regards is sufficient but include your company name, address and website... dont want to fill it up with unnecessary cr*p..... I was for some years designing, building and mainatining my companies European email infrstructure and the silly autosignatures and graphics people would insist on putting in their signatures to fill up my disk would wind me up no end.... i'm going OT as you can tell it's still a sore point
  21. Is this your business or as an employee? most companies will have a template you can use. I tend to make mine up as my job title and position are meaningless and make me sound more important so typically li use something like the following.. Regards Business group Location Phone/fax email address That said i had a colleague who being fed up seeing people add all their professional qualificatons on peoples auto signature started adding "bronze swimming certificate" and such like to his.... no one picked up on it
  22. Hmmm difficult one; I had agreed up until I read the first aid bit. I think if you have any kind of training you are morally obliged to offer assistance.... I did have a very long conversation (alcohol induced) with my brother in law a few years back about this however he does have extensive FA training due to his job. I dont so under those circumstances i probably would have done the same, that said if the people present had been flapping I would have stopped and checked..... and promptly fainted I wouldnt beat yourself up about it, it sounds like it was all under control and it's amazing how much detail you can take in without realising so I dont think you really did drive by so easily.
  23. Car was filthy to be fair, it did look good in the pocture for some reason Will wave next time... I feel a little silly especially when on foot I was running late too, went to hickorys Thursday night and had a couple of pints of ther ale
  24. Spotted again this morning, I did get the zed out of the garage however I was on foot when I saw you drive by.... you did look my way and wasnt sure if you spotted the zed, i was the guy holding a banana by the side of the road i was with someone so didnt wave as I get a little shy
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