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She needs a name!

The G Man

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No, not the Z, my new Patterdale B) Got two of them recently, one went to a friend and I kept the bitch :lol:


So far we don't have a name, so some suggestions would be welcome, and I know we have the pet thread but this is slightly different :thumbs:


Here's some piccies :#1:


Here's Ellie my present Patterdale




This is brother and sister, although not a very good picccy of the boy :lol:




And here's my wee bitch B)





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What a lovely dog. The pic of her on the cushion however looks like she`s about to take a dump!


Im crap at names, but i would say like I told my neighbour yesterday who has just bought a puppy - you need to make sure its a name you feel comfortable screaming at the top of your lungs in the local park!!

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you could alwyas call her tossa



just imagine a busy park, lots of people, the dog runs off, and you have to shout across the park at the top of your voice.






and everyone turns round :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Yes mate, all good there :thumbs: Louise (and me now she's moved out :#1: ) is well chuffed in her "show home", just need to start on my hovel so keep some spare time up your cuff ;)


I decided to get the brother as well and give him to Dougie, I kept the bitch for some company for Ellie.


Now got a little harem, needless to say, Linda was not too pleased :boxing: but she sits there with her on her knee all googly eyed :lol:


Now we've finally got Louise out :yahoo: , the pup has a room of her own until we start our project, Ellie just sleeps wherever she wants, coz she's 'ard B)

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