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Everything posted by Zeezeebaba

  1. Shoot to kill, no brainer in this case. Three terrorists who have killed and maimed carrying foot long blades and what appeared to be explosive vests. The threat assessment on the ground at the time warranted no other response.
  2. Defense systems promote smarter weapon systems production. It's a vicious circle.
  3. No, it's not: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_assured_destruction During the cold war no, with North Korea and Iran for example then yes.
  4. Missile defence systems exist but are intertwined into the MAD equilibrium. Any side who has such a system is deemed to have am advantage thus tipping the balance unfairly regarding the pre emptive strike option.
  5. We live on a fairly small planet, a modern nuclear yield would affect everyone on it to some degree even in a different hemisphere. The atomic weapons used by the USA against Japan were tiny compared to the destructive force of just one modern warhead held by us now. The fallout can't be controlled or contained.
  6. I don't think Corbyn says he wouldn't use them just that he wouldn't fire first. Let's not forget the defence industry is a huge business and war pays. I live close to AWE and it's a huge local employer, even the conventional weapons industry makes a mint from humanities weakness. Like I've said before someone is always gaining from the suffering of others.
  7. It's there in case some despot loon fires first, in which case we are all toast anyway. Disarming is another thing entirely and unrealistic. I will put my gun down first if you promise not to shoot me yeah right. It's ok hugging trees until someone takes advantage of you with your pants down and destroys the forest.
  8. I can't think of any scenario where we would use nuclear weapons first.
  9. If labour win it will be hailed as a splendid victory for the working man. Corbyn is being hailed as a champion for the perceived and actual downtrodden. He is being portrayed as the "honest" politician. These two words are not usually synonymous! Honesty rarely works in politics if our countries and others track records indicate. Mrs May is establishment through and through, well connected media backers and general wealthy fan base, it's in their interest after all. I've seen countless facetrash posts bombarding everyone to counteract the perceived tory monopoly on mainstream media outlets. It's a parody of guerilla conflicts like Vietnam or similar where the might of the establishment forces is being undermined by the labour counter offensive underground The latest fb post cites the fact we hate the bankers we hate the wealthy we are always moaning about the failings of the establishment and politicians are corrupt but now we have a chance to rectify that. There is a ring of truth to this but either way it's starting to ram home to some. A very effective Labour campaign indeed on social media. There is a whiff of Labour success in closing the gap here. Probably not by enough but maybe some way to atoning for the recent council elections.
  10. Let's see that paint Brilliant restoration thread.
  11. Love em all, R33 has always been my fave.
  12. It looks stunning on the road I can vouch for that.
  13. Ultimate pace is missing the point, I don't buy cars on performance alone. The bottom line is electric cars may have that instant torque and blistering acceleration. They may handle beautifully and look stunning. They are however a s**t sandwich as mentioned earlier. They are anodyne they have no soul, like a kids version of the real thing. I love the innovation and no doubt the future is a lovely white goods heaven of smiling commuters and race goers but thank christ on a bike the fundamental essence of being a petrol head is still there at the moment and thats the damn engine. You see the future when these ghastly things become mainstream will involve speed being limited and driverless tech. Hopefully I will be dead by then.
  14. Unbelievable I went to school with Dean Lanzante. Last time I saw him he had just stacked his 205gti up a bank near Churt in Surrey aged 18 . I knew his father Paul was an F1 mechanic and had his own sideline racing himself. So it turns out with a little digging Dean joined his father in the business and they are heavily involved with Mclaren including this car. Small world. Lucky sod!!
  15. Check your coolant level, check for air locks in the system. Mine did this sort of thing after a fluid change last service because of an air lock.
  16. They tend to make a little more noise with a lightened fly too. I had my OEM replaced a while back due to this rattle at idle. The old clutch had plenty of meat left on it so it was defiantly bearing related in my case. As yet with the new OEM clutch, bearings and fly it hasn't returned but if it does I'm not bothered as I now know it's pretty normal as stated above.
  17. A decent map should make the throttle more responsive and optimise air fuel mix ratios. You may find the car is running quite lean before a map. Berk HFCs are a popular mod but others are available. Can't comment on the exhaust your thinking of as I went for a Miltek system. A decent full service including new plugs before a map will maximise gains. Results on 350s vary widely and this in part is down to the condition of the engine and whether previous owners looked after it etc. I can only quote my car as an example and as stated condition pays a part here. I have a lowly DE and I've been lucky the cars engine was strong to start with. Obviously the dyno figures I'm going to quote are not an exact science and vary widely between garages. The results I only only use as an indication of gains rather than a true result. My car is a 2004 and was modded at approx 89k miles.All done at the same dyno at HDEV 1) Pre mods stock dyno was 281bhp 2) Miltek + Berk HFCs + Uprev was 295bhp 3) Plenum spacer + plug change+ 06 airbox 306bhp. As a point of note the car wasn't re mapped at point 3 just dynoed. It may produce another few bhp if redone but I'm happy with it. The main benefit for me was the improved drivability esp on the throttle. It was a bit lacklustre before but it feels more linear now.
  18. I get loads of little brown spots caused by some sort of insect. I'm guessing it's some sort of excretion they are like miniature bird droppings. I think they are attracted to the wax I use. As for bird droppings the seagulls love my nice shiny car, they probably think it's a body of water from above.
  19. I didnt say that at all, lets be realistic about what the security services deem a terror threat and i am sure that doesnt include isis popping up in a google search The security services know who these people are in most cases with very good reason. I know I work in that field,I was merely agreeing with Ekona. Apologies I hadn't read your comments. Suspects are graded, it's like a points system based on activities recently or historically, known associates, movements etc. This includes virtual targets and identity tracking with markers that flag users online. Grading suspects serves a number of purposes, the most obvious is the allocation of resources to where it's needed most, running through to leaving live markers to lead to bigger fish. Attempting to identify a sleeper currently has a very good success rate, identifying when a sleeper becomes active is rarely predictable and the window of opportunity is usually small to prevent them causing harm.
  20. The Americans tried the round up tactic with suspected extremist individuals. Didn't turn out to we'll the old Guantanomo facility. I agree with Ekona, rounding up every person who has Googled ISIS is a no go and would probably incite even more radicalisation.
  21. The BR series racing coilovwrs by BC are the ones to go for if you want extreme low Mine are standard BC coilovers and looking at them I would say about 3 to 3.5 cm max. Mind you even on max setting they look lower than the stock set up so I imagine another 0.5 ish.
  22. There's always someone getting rich from the misery of others.
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