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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. can everybody stop crashing their zeds please.
  2. Basically, the nature of driving is dangerous. Doesn't matter how fast you drive or where, there's always an element of danger. A good driver knows where they should be driving appropriately and where it's safer to drop the hammer. And before someone asks me to define "appropriate" use your common sense. Obviously @ 3pm near a school is not the best place to do doughnuts around the lolly-pop lady.
  3. I've never had that many reactions. seen the odd jaw drop which was promptly closed by a wife/girlfriend. I once drove mine to work on a sunny Friday for the first time to which my CEO said "how the hell can you afford that?" he doesn't know much about cars.
  4. situations like this are super annoying as you are not at fault yet, you bare the consequences of someone else's slip-shod driving skills. So sorry for you. Hope this all gets sorted out and before you know you'll be on the road in your very nice azure 350Z.
  5. you moved the mid-y pipe bracket as it wasn't quite in the right place. This is just a long shot but somebody might have moved it previously because it was banging IN the right place. Strange as that may sound it might be why. Not that it helps a lot if it's true but just thought i'd throw that in the ring. as stevo has said, mish mash of parts can cause all sorts of headaches.
  6. of course, you'll notice gains thanks to the uprev but it won't be solely because of the intakes. More to do with the combination of plenum spacer, intake, headers, HFCs and a better exhaust system for flow. That'll get you farming.
  7. Oil Scraper Rings? Are those piston rings? Or ringlands? have you done a compression test?
  8. I agree. if you're going to do something do it properly. Besides, you wouldn't want to over do the adhesive for risk of damaging the beef curtains. Yowser!
  9. if you can avoid being arrested and drive around safely with a full tank the helicopter will run out fuel before you, thus leaving you an opportunity of a possible getaway.
  10. true but that's like saying someone looks like someone else because their glasses are similar
  11. Yikes, 170, now that really is cooking with gas!
  12. I love "doh" mistakes, far cheaper than mechanical ones. Good stuff.
  13. Ahoy there! welcome to the world of XYZed!
  14. you mean if it didnt look like a corvette errr... it's the same colour, i'll give you that. Looks the same?... can't high five that, have to leave you hanging.
  15. i'm sure some of you have heard or read about someone who was caught by a speed camera doing 147 Mph on the A40. I was just wondering, can a speed camera catch your number plate at that speed? May sound like a stupid question but i'm a stupid guy so I don't know for sure.
  16. I love this quick drag vid. Love the sound too.
  17. I must have missed something I was looking at the new Nissan pulsar
  18. I think the RX7 has to be one of my all time favourite looking cars.
  19. i'd imagine that's the biggest understatement of the year so far!
  20. I started from a corsa and second car, and 3rd and 4th lol. That's definitely a Saturday confession box session for you, a few hale Mary's and father Bs should sort you out for a place in paradise.
  21. A short psychic broke out of jail earlier. Police are looking for a small medium at large.
  22. On the other hand, i'm really short. Is anyone else using a fisher price high chair?
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