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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. I don't have this problem. Do you have especially knobbly elbows?
  2. Good god, the audacity of the man. "that'll polish out" I'd reverse into his leg and see if that polishes out.
  3. Are there any adjectives available to describe what 600hp feels like?
  4. There were a couple girls banging on my bedroom door all last night. What's a man to do? I had to let them out.
  5. Did my French teacher like golden showers? Oui!
  6. I like to play this quite loudly through the office speakers. I think my personal favourite is " what are you saying?" http://www.farting-g...-soundboard.php
  7. I can remember when he died , a journalist was giving a live interview to camera and said "Michael Jackson was a singer who touched many people" again, not the best choice of words.
  8. the only death defying experience I've had was when I was following 2 women in a Toyota hilux with furniture in the back. What I didn't know was that none of the furniture was strapped down. Just as I was about to over take, lo and behold, the 2 seater gets blown off the back and I had to dodge it by going onto the other side of the road, luckily there was no one coming but if they had been I would've been toast. I just parked up and watched her continue driving as the 3 seater actually bounced off the car following after me and she was still unaware!!! unbelievable.
  9. Beautiful 370Z on the way to work this morning, I was in my 350. It looked stunning with a nice black splitter and defuser on the back. You gave a wave but I was too in awe of your car to return a wave. Anyone on here?
  10. Proper bummer fella. I can empathise. Don't let it get to you, just get on the job search and don't look back. KBO!
  11. yeah, why didn't he just go up to any of those guys and just grab their balls if he wanted a good decking.
  12. Definitely reign it in a bit if you can. Been there, ..had some road rage incidents myself and tbh life's just to short. You do end up either thinking what the hell was I doing or dwelling on what you didn't do. At least you're a big enough man to admit it to yourself. Be safe, keep safe. You're right GM, need to stroke the beard a bit more before I act.
  13. unfortunately I could be the nutter. definitely something i'm going to reign in
  14. fair point, something I hadn't appreciated at the time, but I don't think that asking a question about my vehicle in a calm manner could be misunderstood as intimidating. Me taking photos of his van could only be as intimidating as him taking photos of my car.
  15. Yeah, my wife said it was an over reaction, so it's not just her that thinks that I was a bit OTT. Thanks for your points of view people. It helps me bring things into perspective and makes for a learning experience. If something like this ever happens again - which I hope it doesn't - i'll approach it differently.
  16. well Ladies and Gents they looked and look just superb. A real credit to you. Have you sourced a V8 yet Wasso?
  17. exactly, I wasn't saying he was doing anything wrong, I didn't tell him it was not permitted. It's the fact he denied it that made me take it further. Like if he was trying to take me the showers some how. Call it childish but if someone has got photos of my car then I want photos of theirs. If they make a claim against me atleast I have some form of evidence to say otherwise. Having said that, I don't think anyone could get too far with just a photo.
  18. I see your point Ekona and I appreciate it. But I would understand if I had caused some damage to his vehicle but I hadn't. He also checked and could see that I hadn't. I don't know why but it bothered me that he took some photos anyway. Perhaps it got the better of me
  19. I was just curious, call it human nature. I was only asking why.
  20. Jesus tap dancing Christ guys, the shine in those bays is enough to make Mr.sheen through in the towel and sell his tiger-moth.
  21. So, arriving back from a day out with the wife and son, I find that a property maintenance van has parked in not only the neighbours space but part of mine. Fine, i'll do the best to squeeze my car in, but on doing so, there’s not enough space for me to open the door or my wife to get out, plus can't get the baby car seat out. This is all quite annoying but hey ho, I’m old enough not to make a song and dance about it and get the baby out before parking the car back in its space and had to get out of the passenger’s side. Now I’m in my house and I can see the maintenance man turn up, open the back doors of his van, then pauses as he can see he can’t get in from the driver’s side so gets in from the passenger side. He reverses, gets out, starts checking the side of his van –which I imagine is for damage to which there was none- then gets back in his van and makes a phone call and starts taking photos of my car (a golf tdi). I go down stairs and ask him: Why are you taking photos of my car? I didn’t No, I’m not asking you if you did, I know you did because you raised your phone as to take a photo from numerous angles. I’m asking you why, why did you take photos of my car? But I didn’t No, I’ll say it again. Why, did, you, take, photos, of, my, car? I can do what I like Yes, and no more than I can do what I like and I’m not saying you can’t, which is why I’m asking you the question, why are you taking photos of my car? But, It never took the picture, it didn’t work Ah, so now you did take a photo when you said you didn’t, so how can I believe you now? Honestly it didn’t take Fine, o.k By this time, I know I’m not getting anywhere so I go back inside. I look out the window and what’s he doing? taking a photo of my car. So I go back out and he drives off. I get in my car and I follow him through town until he stops down a side street. I pass him and turn around, drive up to his van get out and take photos of him and his van and his Reg No. I give him the thumbs up and drive off. I call the company from the number of the van and explain the situation, I was polite and diplomatic. As it turns out the lady on the phone I was talking to was his wife who explained as there was a close proximity parking situation and, not having enough time to check for any potential damage, he probably took a photo. I said that was fine and if he had said that in the first place then I wouldn’t’ve thought that his behaviour came over as suspicious I mean, why would anyone take a photo of your car, after checking to find there's no damage? Because he wants to make a false claim? I have no idea. Was I unreasonable? I would like some opinions from outside the box if possible.
  22. A vertically challenged man (dwarf to me and you but, just to be politically correct) was walking down the aisle of a plane with big bags filled with bottles of booze. Being of a certain height unable to put the bags in the over head compartment he stands on the seat and attempts to muddle the bags in. On doing so one of the bags splits open and bottles fall out on his face and head causing him to fall off the chair to the shock of the watching passengers and cabin crew. A stewardess runs over and says " oh my, are you o.k?" the man replies " well I'm not happy" she says " well, which one are you then?"
  23. if at first you don't succeed... then skydiving isn't for you!
  24. if I ever sold my Zed, i'd love an RX7. Especially that one. Spanktastic! Are they as unreliable as their rep suggests or is it all rubbish?
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