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Everything posted by Aliensurfer

  1. The cost is inversely proportional to the amount of love... surely Edit - I thought of that exact same song as I read your post. They were awesome at Download last year
  2. I've been saying to my girlfriend that I really want a new head unit to replace the BOSE one, but can't justify the expense at the moment with the house still up for sale. I'm also not keen on doing the iPod style "hack" as my plan is get the head unit fairly soon, so, she bought me this incredibly high-tech solution to use in the interim.. 98p apparently!
  3. I got this card from the girlfriend.. I'd like to add that I don't work on a farm or indeed have any duty of care towards livestock of any kind, fowl or otherwise, so I think the poor lass has got confused somewhere along the line...
  4. Very impressive photos, SteveM's too
  5. Seeing as he's keen to shift it and leave the country, could it be worth buying, changing the kit back to OEM and selling on?
  6. My sister got married in Cuba at a Sandals resort and they sorted out all the paperwork for them, the ceremony and of course provided a translator. I have to say I'm not sure how much it cost, but they were out there for 2 weeks as part of it. Us guests paid our own way, which was around £1100 ea for the week though. I do know they had some issues with the paperwork once they got back to the UK with regards actually being legally married, so that might be something to watch out for, but as far as i know it was sorted pretty quickly
  7. Good to know, mine must be a Newcastle one too
  8. I've been looking too, loads on eBay for about £20 for the Z badges
  9. Not sure if it helps much, mine is NJ54 and is from Wakefield area of West Yorks
  10. I took a look on Demon Tweeks as I've been thinking about a knob replacement since I got the car, just not keen on shelling out £100 for the Nismo ones, as nice as they are. Unfortunately, I now like these..! http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/performance/gear-knobs/auto-style-indy-cator-gearknobs
  11. I had a tour of the Land Rover factory in Liverpool the weekend before the Evoque officially got released. Watching everything tie in together was amazing, I was particularly impressed by the fact they never keep more than 2 hours worth of parts in the factory at any one time and relay on logistics to make sure everything is in place. They even point the cars towards the sun during the winter so the windscreens defrost quicker allowing them to get them onto the lorries faster. Being someone who has no engineering background at all, it was a really interesting tour
  12. That reminds me of a post on my local pool forum which lost the last character of the title...
  13. Stubby was my first, but they all count!
  14. How much roughly is spraying to match the car on a full kit? Curiosity really, I've been looking at your type B kit for a while but can't justify it to myself while the house is still up for sale.
  15. Very nice, ...and I thought I'd hit stage one by getting a stubby and some new badges
  16. Usually trying to learn guitar riffs from Marty Schwartz on YouTube. Or working.
  17. My first attempt at using layers in GIMP
  18. You can't compare salaries from the NHS to the corporate / freelance world
  19. I'm tempted with the engine cover, just so I could have something to paint and not have to worry about screwing mine up too much Also, your avatar makes me shiver seeing as I spend on average 4 nights a week staying in Premier Inns!
  20. I work in IT Security, we charge £1200 per day (9am-5:30pm) for me to essentially sit there and press NEXT when installing software. However, as someone said above, you are also paying for my knowledge / experience plus also the knowledge / experience of the company I work for plus after install promises. That £1200 goes towards my salary, my expenses, profit margins, sales costs etc so I appreciate it's probably a poor comparison. I guess at the end of the day, it's down to experience. A joiner would be worth £300 to me if he was doing what I wanted and to a level I would expect from an experienced tradesman, depending on the type of job of course!
  21. Welcome from another Cambridgeite (Although currently relocated to Yorkshire)
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