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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. . We had a panic on the way home, got to close to the end of The M1 section when Caroline exclaimed "I think I've left my purse on the breakfast table". Turned off the M1 and rapidly searched the car, luckily it was in the suitcase, phew. Pete
  2. That 'incident' made me laugh sooooo much!! Don't think that one will get lived down anytime soon haha!! So what happened? I noticed the dust cap was missing while I was pumping up his tyre. Was it a puncture, a leaky valve or had someone let the tyre down? Pete
  3. He first came to my attention when he fought Henry Cooper back in 1963, I don't remember him winning the Olympic Title in 1960, in fact I don't remember much at all about that Olympics. When he fought Sonny Liston in 1964 I thought he'd take a real beating and I was pretty shocked when I got up to go to school and my Dad told me he'd beaten Liston. I can remember most of his fights, "The rumble in the jungle", The thriller in Manila" and so on. A truly great boxer and a great person. Although its so sad to see him go in many ways its a blessing as he'd suffering really badly in the past few years. There'll never be another one like him....RIP Pete
  4. Yes, visibility quite bad up there and BTW, I did spot you coming down from the tops Pete
  5. Cars ready .................Will be setting off at 1:30. Pete
  6. There's a lot more to it than that. Crappy cars like the Ital, Allegro, Princess, Maxi and strikes at car plants every few days were a big factor and when British Leyland did come up witjh a decent design like the Triumph Stag they screwed it up by putting in an engine that needed a rebuild every 30k. Pete
  7. By the USA through the Marshal Plan which ended in 1952. U.K received almost 26% of the money allocated, France 18% and West Germany 11%. If you look at the former Iron Curtain countries then it comes as no surprise to me at least that East Germany had the highest standard of living, even higher than their masters in The Soviet Union. Germans just seem to be better than us when it comes to economics sorry to say. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Plan Pete
  8. Just about to clean the beast, wish me luck it's like really dirty Pete
  9. Just noticed it has "auto wipers" Pete
  10. If we do leave the EU and the immigrants stop coming then they'll soon find someone else to blame, just human nature. Anyway, I'm one of the voters that got to vote at the last EU referendum and I voted to join. Most people on here think that things were nice and rosy before we joined but they simply weren't, we had rampant inflation, industrial decline, shocking industrial relations, poor governments and next to Italy we were close to becoming the sick man of Europe. My own opinion is the risks associated with leaving The EU are just too great at the moment. What the exit campaign haven't explained is how are relation with the EU will work outside of it (mainly because they have no idea). The Norway and Switzerland options would be a non starter as this still includes free movement. Anyway, right now I'm only going to change my mind if The EU comes up with a directive that says we must drive on the right . Pete
  11. No, it was a greenish blue colour, K reg. Sadly, I don't think I have a photo of it. Funnily enough though, I did sell it to that Pete, he nagged me for ages about it but I think he moved it on after a few months. Pete
  12. I've had a couple, an Austin Healey Sprite and a Triumph Spitfire back in the 70's. This was in the days when you had to take the roof down manually and secure it with the tonneau cover which for some reason was an optional extra. If not secured the hood could flap about, go figure. The problem with these 2 convertibles was the lack of any wind deflector at the rear so it could get pretty windy at speeds over 60. Then I had a Fiat X1/9 which had a Targa top that you stowed away, usually with great difficulty. Caroline had a Targa top MR2 that was really great, you didn't get buffeted as much by the wind as earler convertibles. The Zed roadster is also a fairly calm place to be in as long as you keep the windows up, even at 70. Pete
  13. Yeah, first litter are bengals, although 2 of them have slight imperfections and will be a bit cheaper, and yes, one of the mink ones is already reserved. In the other litter, the 4 kittens are a mix. Mum is a mink bengal who escaped . 2 kittens look like bengals, one brown spotted and the other a dark marbled, Of the other 2, one is clearly a Calico the other one some sort of bengal cross with patches of spots and really cute. We will sell this litter as Bengal crosses but may keep the cute one as a pet. Pete
  14. Difficult to come up with a realistic figure as brand new cars only cost around a grand when I was changing mine every 8-12 months back in the 70's. I owned 17 cars between 1969 and 1989 but only 4 since then, A very rough estimate allowing for inflation would be 80k though .The only car I ever made money on was a Mini 1000. Bought brand new in September 1974 for £1026, I sold it in June 1975 for £1125. Didn't lose much on The GT6, £200 in 3 years, but inflation was rampant back then. The rest I lost loads on . Pete
  15. Unfortunately, something has cropped up . I'm going to have to back out of the run and return home on Saturday morning, however, I will still be driving up on Friday and staying Friday night. Right now, I'm looking at 4 to 5 arrival but this could possibly change. I've informed Niki about this. Cheers, Pete
  16. Here's an update on our 2 litters of kittens. Litter 1 are now 10 weeks old, here they are snuggling up to Poppy who is not their mum but she tolerates them really well. Here's litter 2, not too much is known about these kittens as mum keeps moving them into dark corners or at one stage on top of a wardrobe . They have however opened their eyes and are 12 days old and there are at least one male and female. Pete
  17. Believe it or not this popped up on my screen a few weeks ago. Locked my computer but I switched it off right away. I believe that its just a hoax rather than a virus as a thorough scan after I restarted the computer found nothing, http://blog.yoocare.com/cheshire-police-authority-virus-ukash-scam/ Pete
  18. I cannot think of a single case in The States where one these mass shootings was carried out using an illegal weapon. Even if you have a criminal record in The States you simply get your wife/neighbour/friend to get the gun for you, it really is as simple as that. Yes, it's probably fairly easy to get hold of a gun here if you have the right connections to the underworld but keep in mind that only about 50-70 people a year are killed with guns and looking through the list of recent victims most are in their teens or twenties which would indicate they belong to gangs involved in turf wars. In the States in 2013 there were 33,000 gun deaths, 500 of which were accidental discharges. Around 100 policemen are killed by guns too every year, including several killed by their own weapons. In The U.K just 1 policeman and 4 policewomen have been killed by firearms since 2000. Armed robberies are pretty much a thing of the past, the 50's and 60's probably saw the peak and there's a lot of easier and safer alternatives for the criminal gangs these days. It is very much a culture thing though and guns are deeply embedded in American culture , much in the way that religion is in some cultures. My own personal opinion is that the only people who should have guns would be the armed forces, certain elements of the police, ie armed response units, airport security, etc and vermin control officers, but basically I'm happy with the current restrictions. Pete
  19. Just to prove we're all in it together http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-36359921 Pete
  20. It;s the same at council level too, the people with the real power are the unelected senior executives. A couple of examples, 3 times our councilors threw out a planning application for a gypsy camp on green belt land a few miles from here against the planning departments advice and eventually the planners pushed it through. Within a week of the planning being approved the council had to put in place an enforcement notice when the gypsies started tearing down trees and generally flouting the planning permissions, it was exactly what the councilors said would happen. Planning also pushed through a very unpopular landfill that also was rejected by councilors 3 times at least. Pete
  21. Just patrol cars I guess, issuing tickets, much in the same way as Police Motorbikes. Pete
  22. I've never owned one, but when my step daughter lost her license for 12 months in 2003 I had exclusive use of her 03 MX5 on the condition that I took her to work in the morning Great fun, reliable and economical but very cramped, I'm 6 feet, less than 80kg so goodness knows how a 6 foot 2, 100kgs guy would mange. 350Z is much more roomy, some owners on here are really tall, eats the miles up effortlessly and reliability is pretty good. MPG on short runs is around 20-22, longer runs anything between 26 and 30. Pete
  23. That's because people breaking into your house here are very unlikely to own a firearm. In The States it's much different, you expect criminals, even low life scum looking for something to steal to finance their next fix to be armed. We are extremely fortunate that we've avoided a never ending arms race between the criminals, the general public and the police that America suffers. Pete
  24. Yeah, we had a MK1 TT, the 180 version. Had it from brand new (2002) on a lease which was pretty lucky as we had to call out the lease company many times to come and fix the electrical gremlins. Nice liittle car though, much nicer inside than The Zed but the reliability problems ruined the experience. Both the Zed's we have now, mine for 9 years and the Wife's for 5 and a half have been problem free. Pete
  25. Sounds like your router is blocking it, go into your router and turn off the firewall, see if that makes a difference. Pete
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