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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Thanks, I think that's what I've done, I had a fiddle around and it would seem that the aerial is feeding the other TV. I recently moved the TV aerial into the back of the sky box as the cats kept pulling it out of the digibox. The TV in our living room doesn't have Freeview, it has Freesat instead so I put in a digibox for the odd occasion that I'm not getting a signal from Sky, usually when it's raining Pete
  2. Strangest thing, we have a Samsung HD TV in the kitchen with a built in Freeview Box, had it for a few years now. Tonight, I walked into the kitchen to see that the TV was displaying Sky TV and was seemingly scrolling through the EP Guide. In fact it was Caroline scrolling through The EP Guide on our living room TV. How did this happen without me doing anything, you usually need a wifi sender to do this sort of thing? Pete
  3. Chrome plating involves some very toxic and corrosive material, Hydrochloric Acid and the much dreaded Hydrogen Flouride amongst other things. When I had my scooter I had several bits chrome plated by a company in Stockport and from memory the process of dipping them into a warm electrolytic bath took several days. Should only be done on non weight bearing material IMHO. Pete
  4. Prefacelifts don't have a warning buzzer, either for driver or passenger (at least mine doesn't) HR's only have one for the driver. Don't know about 296 Facelifts Pete
  5. Reverse grids, how would that work? I can see that GP2 and Touring Cars have reverse grids of a kind but they have 2 races over the weekend. Can't see how it would be done in F1. Pete To be clear I am in the anti-reverse grid camp. I think if you were going to employ this for F1 you would have to award full points for whatever qualification method was dreamed up, whether that be the qualy system we have now or some sprint race qualy system. If you didn't award full points then you would get teams aiming to qualify sub-optimally in order to benefit from the reverse grid. I suppose F1 could try the Indy type qualy, only difference would be that drivers just get one qualy lap and the order they go out in is drawn by lots. I still think it wouldn't make that much difference apart from the odd time that weather conditions change. Pete
  6. Reverse grids, how would that work? I can see that GP2 and Touring Cars have reverse grids of a kind but they have 2 races over the weekend. Can't see how it would be done in F1. Pete
  7. The vast majority of the kittens will be rehomed. One of the kittens we bought as we didn't have a fully intact male and its possible we may keep another one. One of the kittens has already been reserved and will leave just as soon as he's old enough. Pete
  8. Yes, an older model won't be worth as much, even if registered after a newer one. In my case I already had a second hand 2.8i and the dealership phoned me up to say they had a few of the older models in stock and needed to sell them off. I think I paid around 10.2k for it, a Capri 2.8i Special was 12k or so and that would have stretched my finances a bit too much. Pete
  9. 07's were March 1st 2007 onwards and the HR wasn't introduced until May 2007, so while there's an overlap, many DE's were sold between March and May 2007. I would imagine that when any company updates or facelifts a car there's always be a period when dealers have both models in stock. An example would be the Capri 2.8i I bought brand new in 1985 even though the Capri 2.8i Special was introduced in 1984. You can usually get a really good deal if you come upon this sort of thing, I got almost 20% off the Capri. Pete
  10. We also completed phase 2 of our cattery on Sunday. I looked at lots of ways of securing the cats in and keeping strange cats out. Most solutions involved 8 to 10 foot high posts with a curved or angled piece at the top. Problem was that while this secured our cats a determined tom cat would possibly get in. So in the end we went for 6 foot high posts completely enclosed by a wire mesh roof with a short tunnel connecting the living quarters to the extended area. Next up is some cat furniture, artificial turf, a small living area inside the enclosure, a storage area for cat litter, food,etc and maybe in the future a further extension. Cost of phase 2 was in the order of £250 for the wood, mesh, lock, screws, brackets and other odds and sods (I think we broke half a dozen drill bits for example ) Pete
  11. Here are the kittens at 7 weeks old in a rare picture of tranquility. Their main hobby now is tearing around the house, climbing my legs (ouch) and eating. There are some new arrivals to report as well . Our Snow bengal gave birth to 4 kittens on Sunday morning. These are not pure Bengals as she escaped, went missing for 3 days and arrived back home pregnant . From the variation in colour it looks like they have different fathers too! I'll get some more photos up in the next few days but here is the best I can do for now. Pete
  12. Lots of occupations dont get to choose , the military for example My holidays were fixed, that meant that on shift system I worked once in every 5 years my holidays were outside the Summer school holidays. With my ex wife being a teacher it meant that we couldn't take any sort of holiday. Not only that, but sometimes your 18 day break only partially overlapped the school holidays. Pete
  13. Geography fail Their football team play in the Northern League yet Evesham play in the Southern League, how odd. Pete
  14. This is not that big a deal with EU immigrants who tend to bring their wives and children with them simply because they can. It's the ones outside the EU who tend to send money home because their families can't get in. Anyway, there have been some absurd arguments from both sides this last couple of weeks which is turning the whole thing into a farce. Pete
  15. Some more background. As in the rest of the U.K, the prevailing wind here is from the South West, this would usually mean that any scents he would pick up would come from an area that is unpopulated, just a few farms a mile or two away, I believe that cats can sniff out females up to five miles away . However, the evening he went missing the wind was from the North West and it was really stormy too, so my best guess is that he picked up a scent that came from an area he was unfamiliar with and basically got lost. The fact that he was picked up 3 miles away to the North would seem to bear this out. Anyway, it's just a matter of letting him settle down for a few days before we let him out again, now he's been snipped he shouldn't wander off again. He's also been chipped, something I should have done in the first place. Pete
  16. He's back!!!!!!!! I didn't report this at the time but one of my male bengals went missing on January 31st. Despite extensive searches both internet and physical there was no sign of him and no one had seen him. Well, yesterday I spotted him on an animal rescue centre site (NCAR) about 15 miles away and even though he'd been reserved for someone else they were happy to let me take him home once I'd proved he was mine. Brought him home today . Seems he was found over 3 miles away had been rehomed once, then taken back to the animal rescue due to his behaviour. He also came home missing some vital parts so he's just a pet now Pete
  17. JetSet

    Dash cams

    That's the one I have, does need a 32gb card though, the 8gb one that comes with it doesn't store enough. Pete
  18. The 2013 one most likely won't work on earlier Zeds. Can only suggest you make sure the original disc is clean and undamaged. Do you have the CD or DVD version? Pete
  19. ****Now Sold***. Could a mod close this thread. Thanks, Pete
  20. Here yer go Adrian....just for you......so you can see the wider picture I can see why you have slow broadband now Pete
  21. 25 degrees here and Aircon is for sissies Pete
  22. Building a cattery . Slow progress, gong to take till the end of May at least. Pete
  23. I can only relate to my experience in 1980, the complete opposite actually. When British Steel made 5,000 redundant at Shotton Steelworks, those who had another job to go were given priority for redundancy payments. Although my job as a Chemist was safe I decided to look around for another job before applying for redundancy. I soon found another job working for an oil company on 7.5k a year, a grand more than I was getting at B.S.C. I then asked my boss to consider me for redundancy but he said they'd already reached their redundancy target but he'd see what he could do, I decided to leave anyway as I figured it was only a matter of time before there were more redundancies and handed in my notice, My boss said that he was working on it as a special case, aided by my union who took up my case. He sat on my notice and one day before I was due to leave told me I'd won my case...so I got a 12k payoff and a grand a year rise Pete
  24. Taken a couple of days ago at 37 days old. Into everything now and no longer in the holding pen, in our lounge most of the time . They are eating solid food and using (now and again ) the litter tray.The eagle eyed will notice there are now 7 of them, we bought another male to change the blood line and had our current male neutered as he was getting quite aggressive. He's calmed down now thankfully. Although mum hissed and growled at the new kitten at first a couple of days later she'd adopted him and will let him feed from her. Pete
  25. I can see Kimi swapping places with Bottas but I would have thought that Massa would stay at Williams. While its true that Rosbergs contract is up I can't imagine that Mercedes would let him go especially if he's World Champion. I suppose he could go to Ferrari but I just don't see it happening. Pete
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