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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. You’re doing all this to sell it??
  2. Respray and a wrap... on your second zed.... you’ll fit in well here lol Nice cars. Although with your username I was hoping for a nicer pair
  3. You ain’t joking when you say maximum effort! I think the youtube channel is a great idea. If you don’t have a voice for presenting just use text and music, no talking required But then again if people can watch knobends like schmee I’m sure you would be fine
  4. I actually don’t mind Reid. He will only appeal to a few but at least he’s natural on screen. I like Harris but on the few episodes I did catch he looked out of his comfort zone when in dialogue. On his own in a car doing reviews he’s great
  5. Makes the senna look stunning
  6. I’ve thought of using the waterless wash stuff. Don’t worry not on it’s own- normal wash regime but spray that on for just the contact wash to lubricate a bit more. Not sure if it would help never used the stuff
  7. The best way round swirls is buying a banger and taking it to a car wash. After having the RC I decided to get a cheaper car so I don’t need to worry about anyone keying it, deer running into it on the motorway and swirls (all of that happened to the RC). Thankfully no car park dents but I don’t worry so much now The trouble is I found a car in good nick and it’s a nice place to be in.... and now I’m itching to detail it.....
  8. When you start typing in the recipient field it picks it up automatically, when you find the correct one on the list tap that and it will insert into the field. Not sure about desktops but works on phones
  9. I had a similar issue when I leased a car, first brand new car. I didn’t want any swirls (even though there were some on delivery) and I used to do all sorts with the wash mitt- tried rotating it as I cleaned to avoid any grit contacting the paint, would rinse the mitt several times each panel. I would hose the mitt down rather than just rinse in a clean bucket. I even kept the car dirty to avoid a contact wash In the end I still got swirls As ilogikal says, you can’t avoid them
  10. Paddy McGuinness? I know Rory Reid gets a lot of stick but I’d rather watch him than that bellend McGuinness
  11. Welcome along mate. Quite a few of us around Glasgow
  12. Hi folks. Had the EML light come on yesterday. Tried an obd reader but it didn’t connect. Done the pedal dance, looks like code 0345 which is the CMP sensor A few questions 1. Just want to confirm the code. It flashed 10 times slowly, then a gap, then 3,4,5 times, then back to 10 slow flashes . Can’t see it being any other code but can anyone confirm that’s definitely p0345? 2. When doing some reading online there can be a few causes, not just the sensor. I know the sensor failing is common, seen it loads on here and on my zed as well so I’m most likely replacing the sensor. But this link suggests it could be other issues: https://www.autocodes.com/p0345.html I have had the car cut out a few times but not for a while, was worse in summer. More commonly it cuts out on start up, turn the key and revs big down, sometimes twice, then drives fine. Had the maf and throttle body cleaned in the summer which helped the stalling but startup issue remained. Yesterday when the EML light came in it was 4 degrees outside, if temperature plays a part? 3. @ZMANALEX good to go same day/next day?
  13. We have monthly meets at the quay with Zcotland (facebook page), next year we will do more shows etc
  14. Welcome along mate. Front end looks good Was the mr2 a turbo?
  15. That’s what zeds are- GT cruisers capable of having fun But more importantly- what’s this Italian coupe you talk of?
  16. The 3 month old ones weren’t bad, the 18 month old ones were lol The s12 thread will have a lot of interest if you keep it going beyond the sale of your 370. Hope we all see it through if you continue to post here
  17. Used to love the s12 as a kid, rare sight these days
  18. I’d love to see keyser on scrap heap challenge lol Out if interest what’s your background? Are you an engineer of sorts or just have a knack for this stuff?
  19. So the 370 is your show car, mx5 will be your learner drift car, 350 will become your proper v8 drift car
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