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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. You are louder than a Zonda! Can I just ask - how did the beamer manage to crash?! The picture shows his racing line (or braking line I should say) and it seems as though it's on the start of a straight. Did he really push it coming out of a corner and started swerving or something?!
  2. More pics...viewtopic.php?f=11&t=24968 I got some new night shots too but will have to upload these at a later date.
  3. LOL This is true! Always a bright side to it. It just bugs me that only a few years ago we would have all cut our right arms off for the opportunity to drive such cars and now some of us have got them, they don't want to do anything - except sitting looking at eachother down the same inbred scummy pub. I don't expect them to love cars as much as I do, but I do find it very very odd that they refuse rides, etc?! It's like one of your mates turning up in an F430 when you're bored and says "alright mate - fancy a quick blast on this lovely warm sunny day?". Almost everyone would be there like a shot. The same applies to the zed in my eyes - something just isn't right with them. Think I'll be sticking to meets and greets from now on...
  4. If you don't like random rants then look away now - although it's about cars. So...I work long hours and slog away like most so I can have some fun at the weekends. I actually wake up on a Saturday and so long as it is sunny and dry (i.e. today), I get small bursts of excitement caused by wanting to get into my zed ASAP and go for a cruise. Like most petrolheads, I don't care where I go - I just enjoy driving my car on a nice sunny day without a care in the world ('me time') - that day was today, like many other days since getting my zed. However, the thing is - I have quite possibly got THE most boring mates EVER. Fact. Every time I ask them if they'd like to join me (free ride in an amazing Nismo zed with all the fancy stuff on it), they seem to shun it. Even my grandparents wanted rides in it! Strange no? It gets even more weird...they don't actually have anything else to do except watch day time TV or go down the pub at weekends (to me, this seems odd during the day for a bunch of lads in their 20's). They all don't have girlfriends (would explain a lot) and the big thing that gets me is they all live literally 30 seconds walking distance from my house - all 5 or so of them. OK - Darren (Anubis), whats your point? Well...a major factor for this rant is that one of my mates has a virtually new Golf R32 sitting on his drive yet he never does anything with it. Never wants to go for a 'cruise' or anything, even on a day like today when he has nowt to do - the car is used for taking him to work and back and pootling around to the local shops! (In my eye's thats a waste). Another just sold his Megane R26 - suffice to say that they are into cars. They don't however turn up to meets or shows (fair enough, not everyones cup of tea I suppose). A few days ago one of my mates said it would be great to meetup since I am always working lately. I called them on Thursday asking if they'd like to go for a bit of a drive on Saturday since it's nice and they said they'd get back to me but they can't see why not (they always do this). Then at 3pm today (Saturday) I get text saying "Going to cinema later - can that count as the cruise and we can roll it into one" (i.e. just drive up the A1 to the cinema that I've been doing since I was able to drive many moons ago). Thats not a cruise! Thats ^&%$^% driving to the cinema man - not even the scenic route! Driving up one A road to park in a car park and coming back isn't my idea of fun (basically one of them gets a free ride in my car to the cinema). The same thing happens on most weekends - I even organised a trip through Wales with our cars for the weekend and ended up just going with my girlfriend together (this was very good, but wanted more cars and people there for a real fun adventure away). Any who...today was yet another day I spent by myself enjoying my zed. Usually my gf tags along but she is away atm - occassionally I'd like to get some lads involved and have a good old chat about cars and cruise about in a safe but fun manner like all good petrolheads do. The zed gets sooooo much attention and I have no idea why any young lad into cars with nothing to do would refuse such offers? Yet if I offer to go to the same local pub they've been going to for the past 6 or so years tonight they'd be there in a shot talking about the same skanky "girls" they have been talking about since the year dot (I find this very inbred behavoir, but thats another topic). I can safely say I've grown apart from them - I'm finding I have less and less in common with them. Shame really because we used to have such laughs in our tin pot 1st cars all those years back like the Top Gear guys do - yet now we have the big impressive cars no one except me wants to do anything with them. Has anyone else had a similar experience of 'mates'?
  5. You never know...this could be a huge potential of a car (with enough cash). Change spark plugs if need be and replace oil and any other liquids. As for the car door - get that wrap stuff on it and totally change the colour of the car. Put some new alloys, exhaust, wrap, and a good old clean up with battery and you never know what it may lead too!
  6. I'm not even considering moving on from the zed - only had it a few months and its been one of my dream cars for years. The next car would without a doubt be the Skyline R34 GTR - my all time ultimate car, although I definently don't feel I have second best with my gorgeous zed. Park them side by side and the R34 wouldn't show up my car in the looks department (performance on the other hand...). The thing about modern cars is that too many people get them, use them, get bored and move on - just like a piece of clothing - I'm not one of those people. My zed was made in 2002 and for me it still beats 95% of cars made today (the "lovely" Prius, the wonderful Focus RS - shame every man and dog will end up with one, damn porsche's - can't tell one from the other unless you get into deep pocket money GT3 territory, etc). I don't go through cars like fashion accessories - before I buy I tell myself this one question "will I still be happy with it in 3+ years time?" - if the answer is yes then its the car for me.
  7. I take mine to a local independent I trust - Chiltern Tyres & Exhausts. If they do anything wrong (rarely), they happily sort the problem out again for free and don't try and flog you off. They let me check all under the car, etc when jacked up too. Real friendly bunch of guys. Looks a bit odd when in the garage though because they usually service and repair standard cars (corsas, focus, etc) - then you have my big shiney nismo!
  8. Apparently so. I ended up buying a brand new one from the states it took so long for a reply (presumed it went).
  9. It's not worth thousands more - go for the general quality of the vehicle. I have been in both the pre and post facelift models and touched both quality of interiors side by side - its only fractionally better in the newer models tbh. I went with the pre facelift and don't feel at all let down. If you want an awesome interior, go for an Audi - the zed is definently aimed as pure driving rather than comfort nice surroundings, yet is still easy to live with.
  10. I've now seen the GTR in 4 colours whilst working away in London (they're popping up all over the place around here - shame really because GTR was always a mysterious monster that true petrolheads got and was super rare to see one). The colours I've seen in the flesh are: Gunmetal grey - nice and was originally my 1st choice on pics (if I could afford one) Silver grey - dull. It makes the car look like a square box on wheels White - ok, but no real sparkle to it. Drove past and not one person batted an eye lid when it it - shame really Red - the best colour. Stands out massively and has a real supercar "look at me" attraction to it. The black grill against it with the premium black / red interior sets everything off very very well. This would be defo the top choice for me. Goodluck with the sale! (If I had my own custom choice it would be orange with black alloys - clicky to see).
  11. If your selling then take them off but say to the new driver that official Nismo decals are available from a few traders and show him/her the pics with them on - at least they know it can have stickers on it. Personal opinion - I prefer the stickers on. Change the big bonnet one for a simple "Nismo" like mine and a few others have and job done. Official stickers look good if you have the awesome body kits to go with it. Unlike tons of ricers that shove ironing boards on the back of the Corsa's and Saxo's, etc and then plaster the poor machine with "NOS" and "Sparco" everywhere, even when they have none of those items on the car.
  12. Mine is an import and its faultless (an extremely good example!) I was at first hesitant to the fact it was branded 'import', then I thought...why? Its the same car, made by the same people and even came out of the same factory. I'd 100% get another import - no problems at all (touch wood). Infact, I think with japanese sports cars having an official 'import' is cooler - at least you know its going to be very slightly different to the UK ones, yet you can still get it fixed in the UK if need be with the exact same parts (no difference at all). Its like those who go for a younger car just because it is younger rather than the overall quality. Would you buy a house because its younger rather than the quality? Nope. So why any different with a car? At the end of the day, I'd defo choose the JDM.
  13. Anubis

    Sad Day

    Don't worry mate - you got an even better zed now. Everyone is sad to see their previous car drive away, but hop into your zed and take a cruise and you'll realise your glass is still half full. Any pics of your FTO...I think they're lovely.
  14. ** Warning - rant ***... Sorry if I'm being very direct, but what a total loser and pig - he is specifically targetted you as a personal attack when off duty and is making it his mission to catch you. If I were you I'd go straight to the station and speak with his commanding officer. Unless he has any hard proof of you speeding when on duty, he can do diddle squat (follow him everywhere and make notes of when he speeds, even just a little - your not allowed to do this, so he can't do it to you unless he is authorised to during his duty hours). I'm against excessive speeding that can cost lives, however this guy sounds like he wants to personally own the place and he is totally out of line - he is abusing his powers and authority. OK - you went a little bit too fast ocassionally, but unless he is on duty he hasn't even got the rights to pull you over. This story just doesn't make any sense..how does his lights go on if he is "off duty"?! Go to the station now and say your concerned that an officer is making threats when off duty and he has no proof of you doing anything and your being victimised. Take the pillock down a peg or two - I would.
  15. Sorry to hear this. Worst nightmare scenario. Does anyone have a tracker on their zed, they can recommend? I'm getting one fitted to mine in a couple of months, so I can avoid this sort of thing. I might even try and get a group buy discount on a tracker if enough interest on here for them (i.e. pay nothing for installation or first year free, etc). What does everyone think?
  16. I kind of see where your coming from...kinda. This forum is the friendliest online forum in the world. If you've kindly posted a response and someone returned a rather agressive reply then simply ignore it (its only words), but if it continues to be a personal attack then inform a moderator and provide links to back up your case. (I think this is what you mean?!)
  17. I got mine from the US, same price. Plus add on around roughly £200 for delivery and then £200 import tax.
  18. Can't help you on the working side of things, but did take a month off trecking around Malaysia and Australia - best holiday I've ever had without a doubt. You're correct about one thing - it makes you realise how big and fantastic the world is and I say do it. Also makes you realise how badly the UK government rip us off just for living a normal life. In Oz, residents there were thinking I was taking the mick when I said how big a normal house was and the size of a typical car - "no bl00dy way we 'ave that 'ere mate. Ya gotta live a lil after'all don't ya" was often the response. I've told myself that by the age of 30 I don't want to be living in the UK and i'm sticking to it. Just got to have a few years of amazing zed fun first though touring through Europe, etc. The onyl downside to living away is taking breaks anywhere else. We take hoping on Ryanair, etc for granted and go to Italy or Spain cheap - whereas all other parts of the world have pretty big flight and holiday costs so they usually take a break in their own country (which is usually hot any way).
  19. Aha! Hello. :bye: It's not you, but i've found another zed owner from my lands. Are you new to the zed or have you been on the scene for a while? Maybe we could get a small meet going - would be good.
  20. They sometimes have offers on like "buy 2 months and get the first month for 1p", so shop around. Big Yellow Storage or SafeStore are very popular is basically a massive warehouse divided into seperate lockups. Some are like the gym lockers, others can be like a garage.
  21. Had a saxo with kids in the back staring at my car about a week ago. I revved and their mouths here like this: (thanks Nismo exhaust), then their dad driving revved his (1.6 litre max I guess), but all in all it was a quite good laugh. They were a bit chavvy, but not hardcore. Just making his two young sons smile loads by having their dad and a giant blue sports car with all the trimmings roaring away together at the lights as a bit of a joke. He just sped off and I just drove off normally at the lights (he went right, I went left). If someone really wants to take me on like what you have described above, I just let them go. We both know the better and faster car and I have nowt to prove and end up losing my license (or kill someone). Wanna race? Take it on track (its 100x more fun because you can really push it).
  22. Dude - you only live the next street away from me. Not saying where, but its outside your house. Aftermarket alloys and a veilside rear spoiler with some other bits (including a Veilside badge on the back). Anyone on here? Would be great to finally meet a fellow zed fanatic local to me. The car is a 52 plate, so must be an import like mine. Looks good! Never seen you before so might be a new owner.
  23. I have the official V1 kit on my car from Nismo. Excellent quality as you'd expect and fits spot on. However, I've been told that Shine Auto (replica) make a pretty much exact fitting and looking kit at a fraction of the cost. Apparently you'd never notice the difference once fitted and sprayed and the material is more flexible (so its pretty easy to fit). Ask CS or another trader on here for a quote. * If you have a rear spoiler, you'll need upgraded strutt bars because the boot lid would be heavier and it would keep trying to close due to weight rather than it staying open. Also see here: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=26183
  24. You have a lovely zed mate. The gold sets off the red very well.
  25. I knew some one was going to come out with this... If u think im talking $hite then kool I don't care if I'm honest mate - it's just a little hard to believe, that's all. Big congrats if you are an entrepreneur and well done, but I think its the first anyone here as heard about a young 23 year old that had a Lambo. We'd love to see some pics of the beast...
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