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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Anubis


    I've got them on mine and they are amazing! No noticeable irritating road noise that i'm aware of and the grip is sensational (you'll notice a big difference if going from the standard Bridgestones). The best bit is the fact you can drive these through winter without any real lose of confidence and grip. The tread is big - more than enough to let tons of water run through them. They last for ages too! Highly recommend them. Pricey, but worth it (they'll last almost twice as long if just general driving).
  2. Seriously, every time I look at your engine bay I need sunglasses. Looks brilliant! I think you should change the tubes to a colour to finish it off.
  3. Fantastic! Just out of curiosity...how much would this cost (the painting)? I live local (ish)...
  4. Get the service done on it and make sure there is tax too: £13.8k - £14k. You have to remember that although the reg plate says it isn't new, that to me sounds like an almost new car and should last you years if kept in good condition. Bearing in mind that it is now practically half price. You get what you pay for at the end of the day and to me that sounds like a good one. For £14k though, you'll be wanting it in pretty much spot on new condition as advertised. Make sure the kerbing is literally a tiny bit otherwise pull him up on it and ask them to knock a bit more off to get it fixed. Also remember that this could also be someone else's pride and joy - you wouldn't be happy if someone was taking the p*** and trying to get something for nothing, so to speak. Be reasonable too.
  5. Anubis

    Tyres part 2

    I got Goodyear F1's on mine - cost little over £800 for all four (although I have 19" wheels). However, they apparently last almost twice as long (they certainly don't seem to have changed since I got them 5 months ago). Plus they work just as well in the wet with plenty of grip. I came from bridgestones and saw a huge difference - felt like a new car with so much grip available.
  6. Lots to choose from on here...http://z-store.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseacti ... gory_id=22 I have EBC yellow stuff pads on mine and have no issues. Disks are standard though... For the full pads and disks all round you'll need to budget around £700+ (roughly half it for front only - but check the rears too). Not really what you want to hear, however its the one major thing that stops you from having accidents if it comes to that (ignoring brakes is risking your life - and you can't put a price on that).
  7. Anubis

    Rear mods...

  8. Well done mate! viewtopic.php?f=38&t=28133
  9. Anubis

    Engine Detailing

    Wow! I need sunglasses its so shiney! I like it - very well done. I would change the piping to orange or something so it has a bit of colour as well. Apart from that, its tip top.
  10. Hey folks , There are quite a few zeds around my area (Beds, Herts, Bucks) and was wondering if anyone was going to the Ace Cafe event at the end of the month (Saturday 31st October)?: viewtopic.php?f=93&t=23805 I've never been to a zed meet or the Ace Cafe before - thought it would be good to convoy down to the place with a few of you. Is anyone from the area up for a quick get together so we can head off down to Ace together in style? Don't really want it to get too out of hand since I've never done this before (I'm sure you're all nice though). Plus there doesn't seem to be too many people around the area that meet up - you never know, it may even turn out to be a regular meet (but lets not get too carried away with that atm). Meeting Point (Toddington Southbound Services @ 09:30 | Leave: 10:00): ** Meeting up with more zeds on way down at BP garage A414 Breakspear way, Hemel Hempstead @ 10.15 ** Toddington =========== - Anubis - EdZed - MadMarky - rich5259 Hemel Hempstead =========== - Yokomo - rawbhp - D4XNY Names?
  11. You have VERY clean windows. I would probably have done the same thing (walk into one)...
  12. Glad you're not hurt. As a side note, I've used smoke grenades when paintballing - pretty harmless but you can't see nowt apart from a bright pink cloud. Still, if I saw that come through my letter box I would instantly think firework too. The thing is, is that when I was a kid I wouldn't even dream of chalking on the pavement, let alone doing stuff like this. Its all down to the parents and upbringing - scummers will bring up even more scum. If you have good parents and get told from and early age to respect your fellow man then things like this won't happen. Chavs and scum like this are the plague of this earth in my opinion. They contribute diddle s*** yet leach from the system, they pick fights, cause arguments, shout 24/7, thick as two short planks, no drive to better themselves, etc, etc - I have literally no time for them.
  13. Problem solved... viewtopic.php?f=62&t=28248
  14. Anubis

    New Centre Caps

    Nice! Would look good with your "red nuts" In all seriousness though, they would look the bee's knees if on black rims with red bolts.
  15. Hate speed bumps, but they do slow you down so they're doing exactly what it says on the tin. Speed scamera's on the other hand don't serve their purpose and only serve money into government pockets. Those look evil though. If only some muppet in his 350z didn't park in the only gap there is to squeeze past them.
  16. This works. However to average Joe, they presume the picture can't be viewed. It should open up to full scale.
  17. Hi, Sorry - I would have PM'd you privately about this, although I don't know if it is just me experiencing the problem. Your site (z-store.co.uk) is amazing since its the Holy Grail of aftermarket parts for us. However, I have one slight problem with it - whenever I want to view larger pics of your products a new window opens but it gets stuck as a stupid non-scalable size. This occurs with any pictures I want to view on the site - I can't maximise the picture windows or manually drag them out to see what it is I could be buying. I'm using IE7 btw. I'm sure I can't be the only one on here - anyone else get this? It's pretty annoying... Otherwise - fantastic site. Edit: As a temp workaround, copy the URL (address) at the top of the new picture window and paste it into a new IE window. This will display the picture in full.
  18. Heya, As the title says really. I know the JWT one is probably the best for the cash you pay but overall which one do you think is the best? I'm talking about the one that gives you the best sound and performance, yet is also filtering the cold air the best. If money was no object, which one would you buy? (ignore the shiney induction pipe - I mean the actual cone and heat shield package being offered). Can you folks help me out? Opinions on first and second choice so I can make up my mind? * Single induction - not twin.
  19. (Although I am biased). I like yellow too, but the blue is
  20. Correct - they are. Mine came in official Nissan boxes and had Nissan stickers, etc on them and fit spot on as you'd expect. At the end of the day you could end up paying more because these fakes just aren't up to scratch (although I could be wrong). For the sake of the extra £££, just go with ZMANALEX - least you know you'll have no hassles with them.
  21. Looks fantastic! Good pics, nice mods and amazing locations.
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