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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. I have been hankering for my first European drive in the zed for 2010, so have taken a look at petrolheadnirvana.com for inspiration (see: http://www.petrolheadnirvana.com/torque ... .php?t=865). Has anyone done anything like this? I totally love the idea, but find it pretty shocking at the price (without petrol & food) these guys are asking for (albeit, you'll have the time of your life). I went to Australia and back via Asia for 3 weeks for £2k (roughly same as what these guys are asking for). I would organise our very own zed euro trip, however I have ziltch experience of driving in Europe let alone taking everyone around decent places and staying in decents hotels / B&Bs. I wouldn't know where to start. Is there a reason why we have the famous Wales and Northern hoons but no euro ones? Does anyone have any tips on my very first euro drive? How do you know if hotels have secure decent parking? I want to go on a euro tour...
  2. Looks very much like the Mazda Furai (concept racer) We can only dream of such a production car to exist - but it doesn't. Only 1 was ever made (and it works)
  3. Go on Google and just click on "I'm feeling lucky". (Don't type anything into the search)
  4. It's probably just due to wheel alignment (unless you've had a nasty knock against a kerb or something). Does the car start to pull to one side when travelling in a straight line? I'd get Falkens all around if I were you - the Bridgestones are horrid and the zed feels much safer (and less noisey) on other rubber. You're going to get them anyway, so may as well do it now (you won't regret it). I got Goodyear F1's and can't fault them. Falkens and Toyo's are also highly regarded.
  5. Contact OilMan. He might be able to do next day delivery. Otherwise you'll probably have to fork out a bit more for leaving it late. (Good choice in car btw - a yellow R26). Amazing grip in the corners.
  6. That would explain it. You are a genius sir. I don't drive the zed very much during these crazy weather months.
  7. Hi folks, Recently when I start the zed when cold the aux belts are squealing quite a bit - could this be due to the belts being so cold / damp? Never occured at all when in warmer temps in the summer / autumn. The way my brain is thinking is; belt moving fast + cold day with moisture = squealing. The reason I think this is because it still occurs when the engine is fully warmed up and will only go away after air has flowed through into the engine bay (hence possibly drying it out?). Or could it mean that new belts are needed? Does anyone else have squealing belts for 5-10 mins when first driven? It's quite embarrasing tbh, but wondering if its my car shouting "change my belts" or if i'm over-reacting. It goes away once I drive it for a bit though...? Its not a small squealing either (think of transit van when cold). I've had a look at the belts and there is not threading and it seems tight with no slack (push my thumb on it and goes down 5mm max maybe - as you'd expect).
  8. Damn...and there I was thinking about getting a scooby, putting loads of tinsel over it to make it all Christmassy and then running away with everyone's presents tonight. I guess its over to plan B...(I need a zed, tinsel, santa costume)
  9. Still here working. Although its quite hard because its "bring your kids to work day". I'm all for fun around Xmas, but either have the day off or work - don't mix the two. Update: They also have a clown in. That's right a god damn clown to entertain the kids. Now, don't get me wrong I love seeing kids smiling and people having a great time, but when 50% of those that don't have kids (like me) have to sit here and work and the other 50% are on the other side of the office watching a clown shouting with kids cheering as well I have to question it. Could I just not go home? Or could the parents with kids not be at home or watch the clown elsewhere? lol (I'd like to add I work in London for a rather large very well known company). Who would have thought a clown at work...
  10. > It has GT4 (special edition) alloys > Face lift centre console > Imports also have FairladyZ and not "350z" on the back like this one (well, mine does) > The leather looks to have been redone on the chairs (although nothing wrong with it) - stitching is different colour and material (leather) looks different, although can't be certain - could be pics. > No Brembo's > The front reg plate doesn't sit very well on the bumper Again, all can be changed to the taste of the customer and are small things - but standard from factory? Very much doubt it and someone has been tinkering with it. Whether its for personal taste or trying to hide things would be down to an inspection. Worth an enquiry if your looking for one.
  11. We already pay tax on mileage, its call Fuel Duty Road tax should be the same for everyone, regardless of engine size or emissions, they are irrelevant to relation to the cost of upkeep of the roads Good point! DOWN WITH TAX!
  12. ^^ what Stew said. Mine is a 2002 import, but was imported after March 2006 hence I have to pay £405 (just did a few days ago). Its not fair, but hey what can we do? Tax would be fairer if it was based on emissions and distance travelled, but the government wont do this because its too risky (the income is too flexible, due to some people driving more / less).
  13. Thats because loads of people will make new years resolutions about getting fit next year. Out of 100 people only 5 or so at most will stick to it. I'm at work too - and tomorrow (and next week). Yep, I am actually working away whilst occassionally checking this site.
  14. I got Silverstone tickets! Wohoooo!
  15. + 1 Gradually over time the show has become predictable. When the show started to change so it appealled to non-petrolheads there were geniune mistakes by the presenters that made it funny; obviously the producers cottoned on to the fact this boosts ratings and now make the presenters act 90% of the time. I enjoy the show, but get fed up with a huge ambitious tasks they undertake. I enjoy the tasks themselves, but always know it's going to "end in disaster" (yawn). I wanna see stuff like them genuinly enter racing competitions (such as when they drove the diesel beamer) because you can't really act in it and is genuine (or very very close to real). I love the famous Stelvio trip as it had a real sense of adventure to it (also made thousands of others try it out). I'm all for seeing Zonda's, Lambo's, etc burning around the track, but I also want to know about the latest hot hatches & sports cars too. Oh - and semi can the "Star in a reasonably priced car". They've pretty much done everyone worthy of it and I would rather see 1 extra car review than an interview from celebrity X (if I want this, I'll watch Jonathan Ross). Overall, I feel it's a 7/10 show. It used to be 10/10.
  16. Anubis

    Damn Snow!

    Unlucky. I'd rather have it safe at the dealers than even attempt to drive back a shiney new zed in snow and ice! You don't want to prang it on day one.
  17. Mine has been left JDM standard on my Nismo: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=24968 Looks fine to me and perfectly legal.
  18. Just get whatever you want - would be boring if everyone was the same. I'm sure you'll find her handbags or shoes boring but to her its what she likes.
  19. Got tickets to Silverstone.
  20. Someone on here has an amazing white zed (not for sale): viewtopic.php?f=11&t=29567 However, he got it fully resprayed to white and as you can see it's a stunner. I think a full respray is £3k, and with a £19k budget you'll have no problems sourcing a good zed and spraying it. Have you thought about this option? The car will also look factory fresh new too.
  21. Man, I hate this too. Having a meeting about a future meeting - whats the point of it?! I think all meetings should be abolished. They often go around in full circle. If your not in a meeting, chances are you're doing the actual work discussed in the meeting.
  22. or the dreaded "lets schedule a meeting about this..." - why? just why?! I'm standing right next to you and i'm not building a rocket for NASA, I just want to make a slight change to something.
  23. 1) Middle managers having the final say just because they are "higher" then you, when you specialise in the line of work day in day out and know what your talking about. They often choose the wrong decision and waste everyones time and money. 2) People who say they "work so hard" yet go on 50 coffee/smoke breaks a day and get rewarded more than hard working quiet ones because of the social aspect 3) People that think you can just stop everything you've been working on for hours / days just to get their poxy thing completed.
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