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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Anubis

    Night shots...

    They are for side cameras. In Japan these were an option so when you get to a tight junction and need to see around the corner you can use the camera to look around (cool huh). Unfortunately they aren't there on mine (think the Japanese owner took them off, so I've been told by NismoDave that owned the car before me) - although I do have a reverse camera, which is rare option to have.
  2. 370z + Yellow = best choice. That's what I would go for... How hot does that look!
  3. Anubis

    Night shots...

    Tyre Gloss - on my shopping list. I was driving around a bit before. I shall try harder next time.
  4. Anubis

    Night shots...

    Heya, Don't worry about people laughing at you - chances are it'll be some dork getting into his Volvo with his pink t-shirt (enough said). Any who...you could be a pro photographer - how would they know? I had some blokes riding past me on bikes shouting comments the other week trying to be funny when no one else is around (sorry, but I can't take people like this seriously - your on a bike riding slowly through a forest like lovers in tight spandex shouting 'funny' comments at a guy that has a nice car..err...right). These shots were taken at around 11-12pm, in sleepy areas (not city centers) hence the lack of cars in car park (and people). To get crisp clear pictures like this you need a digital SLR (I use a Nikon D40). Point and click cameras are good for holiday snaps during the day and thats about it (ever wondered why when you take a pic at night it comes out dark?) - reason why it is so dark using 'ordinary' cameras is because the light entering the camera had about 0.5 seconds exposure (it couldn't filter into the lens quick enough). With an SLR I can change the length of exposure (I think these were around 5-10 seconds), so basically for 5-10 seconds the light is draining into my camera so the processor knows the exact colours you see as a human. Good tip; at night close your eyes and open them for a split second and close them again. Ask yourself in real detail what you just saw (answer; you didn't have enough time). Sit there for 5 seconds staring at it and it becomes much clearer before you close your eyes again - exact same principle as a camera. I also used wide iris settings (so the size of the hole in the camera light flows into) so it comes out nice and bright, showing all the deep colours. Another very important thing is to use a tripod at night - standing dead still for 5-10 seconds with a camera is near impossible and the lights will come out all blury, whereas fit it to a tripod and it will stay dead still so the light comes out clear (day time doesn't matter - 0.5 seconds probably won't be quick enough for you to make blury pics). No flash used - the lights around and 5-10 secs of exposure are enough. Flashes don't last long enough for night shots - chances are the light will just bounce back and make a 'dazzle' on our pic or make it look dark in certain areas (so no point and click cameras). The only photoshop you can see in these pics is removing the reg plate and I slightly tweaked colours on the really bright one in the car park (colour and black and white). Everything else is just down to good locations with lighting around. I wouldn't get too bothered by others tbh. It's not like your standing at a train station with an anorak taking pics of the no 42 to Bristol. And so what if you are? No one else's business.
  5. Anubis

    Night shots...

    As promised, some more pics of my Nismo Azure... Enjoy! For some strange reason my car looks slightly purple at night (probably due to the orange light mixing - should have changed camera filters). Hope you all like them.
  6. Anubis


    LOL. Thats seriously the most stupid lie ever! You're telling me that if you ever change the window I have to change my sat nav, etc too. It'll be a software issue or some internal hardware is misbehaving. SatNav is just a small computer with a GPS signal. Thats like saying "if you have black wheels you'll go slower". er...you what?!?
  7. http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default ... ryId=20664
  8. 100% Agree - if your after performance, although the zed has a lot of grunt its also a bit of a fat pie. If your a total speed freak and love your track days, go for something very light. I think for me it was both performance and looks. The looks are , the noise is even more and the performance is high enough to keep me happy but at the same time the insurance companies don't laugh at me.
  9. You can get them for £1100 without a discount from the US (plus add on another £200 import tax) - this includes UPS tracking shipment. This is what I paid for mine only a few months ago from Jim Mills Nissan USA. The exhaust is 100% the best out there in my opinion (for the zed). Its not loud below 3k revs so you can drive around town without getting a headache, however when you want to open her up - its gives a nice loud howling noise (its AMAZING in tunnels - everyone ahead of you puts on their brakes because they want you to go past listening to it). Its not a scream style noise like an F430 Tubi ( ), however it certainly puts a smile on your face - personally I think it should have been standard from the start since the car deserves this kind of noise being a cracking sports car that it is. If any of you are 50/50 of whether to buy one - I really really do recommend getting it. You won't regret it at all - and since it is Nismo (Nissan), you'll have no issues at all fitting it. The quality it very good too - very solid and welded together very well. It also feels like the car can 'breathe' better since the flow of the pipes is smoother - I felt a slight performance difference. viewtopic.php?f=62&t=25823 - pics and write up from me
  10. The second one is probably what you're after - clean and crisp. Anyone else? Edit: Added 3rd one as request.
  11. What type of thing are you looking for? Simple one like mine or a real graphics based one? Post some fav pics of your car and we might be able to do something...
  12. Never seen one, but looks good. The only things I don't like about it: > It slightly sticks out and won't be flush to the centre console > It can fold away (not really a problem if you can get it to stay flat, which won't be hard) > The USB MP3/iPod adaptor is at the front - so where would you end up putting the iPod? I have a single DIN and the gap underneath is really handy for putting my wallet / iPod / phone in the gap below. If you were to plug a music player into it, you now have to find a place for it (probably with cable running down the front of the centre console). The software and features look fantastic though!
  13. Or get Vinyl car wrap... That way you can return it to its normal standard colour if need be and is a lot cheaper than a full respray. I've heard good things about it - people put it on supercars, so can't be bad stuff. I thnk someone here wrapped theirs in white like above and it looks good (can't really tell the difference and won't look cheap, etc).
  14. Amazing - I especially like the mountains and clouds picture. I hope to do roughly the same next year, but with Nurburgring in there as well (as you intended).
  15. Can't help i'm afraid. Have you asked Nissan UK for it? I know you're probably trying to avoid them, but worth a shot. Why can't you just take it with Nissan UK head office? Failing that, then you could take it to small claims court if its worth it.
  16. Is it a Twingo or Clio? Hard to tell... Whatever it is, its now part of the countryside.
  17. lol. I take it that not only did this guy utterly fail to impress any girls from his epic 'jump' in a 1.2 litre car, but he must have failed Physics as well if he took it. I also presume he doesn't watch Top Gear and girls don't get impressed by burn-outs, doughnuts (unless Krispy Kremes) or even trying to jump anything. Clio + 20cm grass verge mound = won't work with results shown above. Land Rover + 20cm grass verge mount = "ehh....what hill? Oh..just went over it and didn't notice soz". lol
  18. Anubis

    This is stunning!

    Its nice to see a real nice looking girl in this type of pic - she is genuinely stunning. Most girls in these sort of pics are bending over bonnets, etc after eating a greasey bargain bucket with their 'tats' out and their burberry boyfriend lingering in the crowd watching as well. hehe. Amazing zed too!
  19. If the Nismo products are on the official UK items list, then they should be covered as optional extras (because they are). The only thing that isn't is the exhaust (not actually officially sold in the UK via Nissan)
  20. Hey Mate, I live very close to MK and so do a few others. MadMarky and I were thinking of getting a mini meet going around the area if you're interested? I know how you feel about the zed (although I'm totally cool when driving it). I never park mine hardly anywhere because I have this phobia about some dirty scummer keying it or something. However, the general consensus towards the zed from everyone so far has been great - thumbs up, cameras out, the occasional "nice car mate" comment. I'm starting to realise I can't wrap it up forever and if something happens, it happens - thats life. I got the car to really enjoy it - not so it puts fear into me. Maybe you should think of it the other way. What really gave me confidence was a few weeks back two people parked up their couple of Ferrari F430s in a pretty bad area near me, yet people just walked past them pointing. Nothing happened to them all day. If that can happen to a couple of Ferraris then why not the zed? I doubt anything will happen to it. In terms of driving, just keep it slow and eventually build confidence. Its when your trying to do something stupid that most accidents happen (like driving too fast around the roundabout in the wet). Also, think about going on a track day - you can really push the car until it slides out, except in a controlled environment it won't glide into something.The instructor will just show you that it will just come to a hault. This way you know the limits of what the car can do (so you know roundabouts won't cause you a problem at certain speeds in certain conditions).
  21. Anubis

    New Car

    At 21 you're test driving a Gallardo, R8 and GTR and end up actually buying a GTR. Seriously, what is it that you do? We get all sorts of random wannabe's trying to show off saying they've had some stupidly fast expensive stuff on this forum before getting the zed and almost every time it turns out that they are obviously lying (I have no idea why people do this, but hey ho). You on the other hand are actually 'living the dream' so to speak. Example; I'm 24 with a very good job and people say I'm doing very well for myself - however I wouldn't yet dream of owning a GTR or Gallardo (financial suicide!). I could probably just about stretch it (and I mean really stretch it), but forget about having a life or paying rent, bills, etc. Buying it is one thing, but servicing, etc would be overload. I think I speak for most of us when I say we're pretty shocked at how someone so young has got such an incredible machine - good on you I say and well done. You're obviously working hard and have probably found a niche market. Now....what is it you do?!!
  22. Anubis

    New Car

    I reckon he is in the bubble making business. The people that make the liquid that goes into the bubbles you can blow. Thats my best guess. Well done though mate - 21! Jesus - you're definently doing something right if you're doing it by yourself. Keep at it and who knows?! Could have a Mclaren by the time you're 25. lol. Out of curiosity...what other cars did you test drive?
  23. Brilliant car - my mate has one and grips like glue around the corners. It'll happily keep up with the zed - pretty much same performance. Good quality build too!
  24. I have to agree with rtbiscuit. Its your money, but over a course of time it soon adds up to some seriously stupid amount. The petrol alone to fill my tank up is at least £80 (I would easily burn half of that in an afternoon cruising about at the weekend) - I really really hope you've done your research rather than jumping into some impulse buy. I can see where you're coming from - I went for a drive in a 911 Turbo and thought "I need one!" when I was 21, but in reality I couldn't even afford the thing let alone insure one. Even if I could, I would feel I've jumped a huge gap between cars rather than work my way up. Afterwards, what would replace it with (your cars to income ratio would be heavily out-weighed) and you may end up not being able to change cars for a long time due to the sheer cost of the thing right now. I know what I did when I was 20-24. I got a hot hatch, modded it very slightly to give me an idea of what is going on and went travelling and had loads of fun without huge loans and bills to pay off. I garuantee that in 3-4 years time you'll tell yourself "what the hell was I doing paying that much back then?! I only pay £800 at most now". lol Its up to you and goodluck on your decision. Your hard earned cash so no one can tell you other wise (now offence but just don't be a lemon and spank it showing off).
  25. I drove right behind you up the A1 to MK in my azure (see below - you'll remember it). Was good driving in a mini zed convoy. Reg G*55 ***. You were with your misses and had a bronze zed badge on the back (where the standard Nissan logo goes). Did you park under a tree? You had some speckles of something on the back. Hello any how...
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