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God, The Universe and Death.


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Recently I've been watching hours upon hours of YouTube videos and became slightly addicted to it. As stated in the title, its about God (if there is such a thing), the universe (how it works) and death (an afterlife?).



After watching multiple videos including arguments between Muslim professor and atheist professor (I am atheist myself), along with every possible question about god, which is as usual, "If god created us, who created god", I've still not came to my own personal opinion on this.


I am atheist, so I shouldn't really believe in a God, which I don't. But, I do believe there must have been something to cause all of this. The theory I stick by most is the BigBang Theory (not the tv show) since this is the closest that scientists can get to explain the start of the universe. I 100% doubt that the prophet Mohammed, Allah, Christian and Catholic "God" truly exists. Sure thing is, it cant be human form. If it was, someone would have had to create god himself or come from another world which had created ours. A bit like the marbles scene at the end of "Men in Black" film. Personally, I just don't understand why people can believe in religion. I'd understand if we were back in the stone age when religion was basically, invented. But so many "facts" of religion go against our well known physics. This was invented when the world was flat, the stars were the sky and earth was the only thing in existence. Now its round, stars are suns with various rotating planets inside 1 of millions of galaxies and we have multiple planets next door that we are looking at travelling to. I just cant justify in religious beliefs still being here, other than the fact someone needs something, anything, to comfort themselves with, instead of facing the fact that religion is outdated.



The Universe

I have a theory that Black holes are a way into other universes. I know there's things that go against this, but we don't fully understand black holes enough to put in plain fact that this cant happen. My belief is that a black hole is a gateway to another universe. When a blackhole forms, it sucks in light and matter, to transfer it.... nowhere. I have it in my head that, a black hole forming was "the big bang" and all the light and matter being sucked in, is what forms all the planets, stars etc in the new universe.



Another theory I have is, now this is quite tricky to explain so bear with me. The big bang happened, and the universe started to increase. Every particle and molecule, atom etc was going to move in a certain direction because that's the direction it was going to go. Not due to fate, but just due to it being a controlled explosion. If I put c4 explosive on a door, if I tried it 10times, the fragments would move different places due to .01g more of c4, or the door having a certain splint different inside the door. However, there was nothing, and it blew up, it had to have been the most controlled explosion. So, just keep that in your head about each atom etc going to follow an exact path.

The universe constantly expands, more and more every second. Eventually I believe the universe will become so large, that it isn't stable and implodes in on itself. Thus sucking back all the light and matter, to explode again. Thus, creating another big bang. But everything would go exactly the same way as the first big bang. Every atom etc goes into the exact same place, so earth is formed the exact same way in the exact same place in the solar system. The stage of evolution is exactly the same, because every molecule is the same, if that bacteria was going to grow at 24doubles a second, its going to do it the same the next big bang because it had to. If Bill was going to cross the road but forgot his wallet, and he crossed the road 1minute later, he was always going to forget his wallet. So yes in a way its fate.


So I believe, that in death, the world and universe will carry on for however many millions of years, before the universe implodes, destroys it all to reignite itself and life happens again. And in however many millions of years I will be writing this exact same thread on the 350z forum at the same time.



Anyone have any different views on any of the above? or anything that fights against my arguments? :)

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I think that the characters in various religions probably did exist, although like some people stories on here of driving exploits, the actual event is never actually as exciting as the story that was told.


The universe is contracting, the fact that we will need to wait another 1 billion years before we actually see the edge of it means this started some time ago we just don't know it.

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Nice, I could talk for hours about this sort of things.


quick Point of view,


What if, we are just here by chance, and there is no why, would you want the world to know? would people not just digress into anarchy?


Perhaps, mankind has to ask these questions, because without we would have nothing to answer, no goal.

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There is no God. All religion is a made-up thing designed to control the folk with more simple minds (and I don't mean Jim Kerr). The sad thing is that it still works, even today.


Universe is amazing. I could watch programmes on it for days.


Death. You're born, you live, you die, you decompose. Fin.






On the other hand, if the characters of the main religions did exist, then in 2000 years time are we going to witness a Holy War between the Believers Of Jobs and the Almighty Sect Of Gates? They're two blokes as close to gods as I can imagine having lived recently, and both do/did magic that few people can understand much less copy successfully. When you phrase it like that, it really does hit home just how incredibly ridiculous all religion is.


Basically you're arguing over who has the better pretend best friend.

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I agree on the atheist front even though growing up I attended Roman Catholic Primary and Secondary schools. I have since formed my own opinions on religions. I also agree with Coldel and think that back in the day there is very high chance of these figures being real people - Jesus, etc. People with the ideas, beliefs and stories - and things went from there. Much like all of the old wifes tales and myths, they must have started with some amount of truth.


Space, general physics has always interested me even though I struggle to understand a lot of it. But the one piece that has always boggled my mind is what is beyond the universe? The big bang created the universe and everything within, from what people know this is already of monstrous size to house all of the galaxies and planets. Millions of light years in size and is now contracting back in.....but...what is filling the area that the universe used to use? I find it hard enough to comprehend the size of space, let alone what is past that :surrender:

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Something like 50% of our DNA is shared with that of a Banana, we're nothing but a conduit for ensuring the unique combination of 4 simple sugars we carry in our cells are passed on to another generation. Simple as that :lol:

Edited by gangzoom
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I think that science fills in the gaps that religion cannot answer (the tangible, cause and effect and so on), and religion helps to give us clarity on the things that science cannot answer (assumptions, faith, acceptance).


I don't believe them to be mutually exclusive, I think as long as both are progressive and inclusive they can live together synergistically. I am Christian myself, but not a bible basher, perhaps more spiritual than and out and out bore about it. Does it make me better than others in my eyes? No. Am I stronger/weaker for having beliefs? No. Does it help give me an extra layer to my life, and helps to draw strength from something intangible to give some sort of rationality when times are dark? Yes.


I quite like the Buddhist way of looking at life, I think that's probably a very sensible way of looking at philosophy the world and the universe.


As for death, I think there's more to us than we know or can explain, though from a practical point of view we are just atoms, mainly carbon life forms, and when we decompose our atoms are then joined to others and create elements, either oxygen, a salt or goodness knows what carbon based molecule... A such when we decompose, our particles bond to others,and are effectively regenerated. There is a finite amount of molecules and elements and they just forge and change depending on the physical environment and elements surrounding them. I quite like that concept.. As for soul, well, who knows, I'd rather imagine we have some sort of ethereal existence than not, but it's totally irrational and intangible so can't expect people to accept that.


As for the universe, as an engineer and having studied physics I love it, I love day dreaming abut it, and love seeing the universe around us (especially from a telescope, I've seen the rings of Saturn with my own eyes nada it was a humbling experience). We are so small and insignificant in this still expanding universe tact we have no idea on what is out there. What we have worked out (based on our current knowledge) is that all the other elements of the universe are made from the same things as we are here on earth.


I can believe n the concept of parallel inverse or quantum universes, or at least multiple time lines, heck we've proven on earth that we can skew time after the Hafele-Keating experiment giving more weight to predictions of special and general relativity.


As much of a genius as Eisenstein was, he did say "God does not play dice with the universe", off the back of the research and theories on quantum mathematical divergence. However, this did lead him to dedicating time to develop a grand unifying theory for relativity and quantum mechanics.


As the science becomes more complicated the more I'm inclined to realise that we want necessarily find the answers or enlightenment through 1s and 0s and some of it will be less tangible and harder to prove. However, I'm happy to accept some things on blind faith.

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Since I first became interested in astronomy the theories behind its eventual fate have changed several times. At one time it was thought that eventually the universe would stop expanding and contract again forming a gigantic mass which would once again explode, creating a new universe. Since then though it's clear that this no longer holds up, the rate of expansion is speeding up and there doesn't appear to be enough mass to stop the expansion. There's also dark matter, which we know little about, where does that come in?


One thing I find very interesting is the fact that the universe is expanding in every direction at the same rate from our standpoint. This would mean that our Galaxy would have to be slap in the middle of the universe and the chances of that are pretty well zero. This would indicate that the universe is a lot bigger than we think (we can't see the far edge because it's receding faster than the speed of light relative to us) and therefore a lot older too. Eventually though the universe will use up all it's hydrogen gas so no new stars will be able to form, at least that's the way I see it. Not to worry though there's enough hydrogen to last for many trillions of years.




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There is no God. All religion is a made-up thing designed to control the folk with more simple minds (and I don't mean Jim Kerr). The sad thing is that it still works, even today.




Spot on, it's all about control and power and in some cases, mainly The U.S.A it's about money too. Just search on youtube for The Genesis song "Jesus he knows me" and you'll get the picture.




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PS - great topic for a Friday :)


On the other hand, if the characters of the main religions did exist, then in 2000 years time are we going to witness a Holy War between the Believers Of Jobs and the Almighty Sect Of Gates?


Interesting thought....


No we wont. We are more intelligent now...just.

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On the other hand, if the characters of the main religions did exist, then in 2000 years time are we going to witness a Holy War between the Believers Of Jobs and the Almighty Sect Of Gates?

No we wont. We are more intelligent now...just.

But we're not, not really. Religion still exists, so whilst some of the population have figured out that Santa = Easter Bunny = Jesus = Mohammed = Tooth Fairy, there's millions that still worship something.


With all due respect to those that do choose to believe in such things, of course.

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I meant that back then, it was quite plausible that God existed (thunder, lightning etc all was more god like than just weather patterns) whereas now we know what causes things, generally. Steve Jobs could be a 'Jesus' in future, but not God.

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It's amazing how circumstances change you though


My last 4 or 5 months have been so horrible that I've actually turned to praying most nights before trying to sleep


I am the biggest atheist going, but for some reason find comfort in praying for help :shrug:


Death is something that doesn't scare me, as I truly believe in some form of afterlife. What that involves exactly I'm not too sure but I would guess at being able to watch over people you loved and cared about when you were alive to help them with their lives


As for the universe, pfft where do you start?! I'm nearly convinced that there are parallel universe's, one for each and every existence imaginable. Like there are millions of trials and tests run for medical research, and sometimes only a few results are positive, I believe our universe is one of the positive results where all of the conditions were absolutely perfect for life to form and evolve how it has

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