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Okay, so a couple of days ago my neighbour had a whole load of bits of scrap wood delivered and dumped in his driveway. I get home from work last night to find that his mate had been cutting this wood up with a chainsaw. Now, where do you think he was doing this? Was he doing it on his big front garden? Had he taken the wood around the back of his house and cut it up down his garden out of the way? No. He was doing it on his front drive 2 foot from my car which parked was in my drive. So, my nice previously clean car was totally covered in sawdust. It was in every single crack and panel gap on the car, as well as covering the whole car.


My question is would you say anything to him? I wouldnt dream of sawing wood up and getting saw dust all over his brand new car. Personally id have done it around the back of the house especially as that is where he stores the sawn up bits of wood anyway. But no, he decides that 2 ft from my car is the ideal place to do it.


So anyway, as I pop out to go to the shop his mates still out there with his chainsaw and I happen to say to his mate that "it looks like i`ll have to wash my car now". He immediately says not to worry and he`ll get my neighbour to wash it for me as they made the mess. I didnt think any more of it until I was in my back garden later and over heard my neighbours mate telling him "oh, your neighbour wants you to wash his car" and my neighbour couldnt believe it. Thats not what I said at all and it was the mate who volunteered him to wash my car.


My gf says I shouldnt have said anything and im just being an old moaning git by saying anything. But, the way ive always been bought up is to respect over peoples property and I wouldnt dream of sawing wood up near someones new car. Firstly because of the mess it would make and secondly id be paranoid about accidentally hitting it with a bit of wood or something. But it seems my neighbour has been bought up to treat other peoples property as their own. He`s actually let his mates park their car in my driveway before blocking my car in and thought nothing of it, and the other week he was cleaning his garage out and ended up emptying the contents of the garage all over my driveway whilst he was sorting stuff out. Ive also seen him driving over my drive rather than just ask his friends to move their car out of the way. On all these occasions ive not mentioned anything to him about it, but I am now considering putting up a big fence or something to clearly point out that this is my drive and not his property.

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I wouldn't have said anything. Yes, he's being a bit inconsiderate, but not all of us are car nuts and it is only a bit of sawdust: Cement dust I'd have been far more annoyed at.


We too have issues with neighbours blocking us in and generally being arses by making noise and stuff, but we let it go as they take parcels for us when we're out and we take their driveway when we have friends with nice cars round. Give and take really, not worth starting a huge argument over it. If you think he's still pi**ed off then take a four-pack round, have a laugh and a joke about it and he'll probably be a bit more thoughtful next time seeing as how you're now his mate. :thumbs:

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I'd politely say to him and stick a fence up! :thumbs:


Have you had any dealings with them before - what kind of response do you think you will get from them? I would use this to plan my next steps. If he going to be all attitude and be an a$$hole about it then I wouldn't waste my time and I would start making their life hell till they got the point. If you thought he might be receptive, I would give it a chance and if you have no luck revert to previous plan of making his life hell.

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Sounds like he is totally disrespectful.


I don't think there's an easy solution unless you are a master of tact. Unfortunately sounds as if he's already set the bar as to how he's going to treat you as a neighbour.


In an ideal world you'd go round and tell him to sort it but face to face he may just flare up (intentionally or not), a nice letter could do it but might seem like a bit of overkill/strange to him.


The fact is that not everyone loves their cars as much as we do and in this instance I think it's more his mate at fault as he should have said to your neighbour it would be more considerate to cut the wood elsewhere.


I've just moved to a new house so I think I'll try and act hard from the outset to nip anything like this in the bud early rather than let them think they can do whatever they like.


I tried to be nice to a neighbour when we moved everything by going round introducing myself and asking if I could just park the van outside for 5 minutes whilst I unloaded some heavy stuff. I was immediately confronted by NO NO NO! which upset me as I was making the effort!


I've just moved away from a noisy neighbour too which we have tried to settle amicably but he is just an inconsiderate @rse and I'm now hoping he won't hinder my old house being rented out, otherwise I'm going to be financially boned!


Anyway worthless input but just to let you know I feel your pain!

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I wouldn't have said anything. Yes, he's being a bit inconsiderate, but not all of us are car nuts and it is only a bit of sawdust: Cement dust I'd have been far more annoyed at.


We too have issues with neighbours blocking us in and generally being arses by making noise and stuff, but we let it go as they take parcels for us when we're out and we take their driveway when we have friends with nice cars round. Give and take really, not worth starting a huge argument over it. If you think he's still pi**ed off then take a four-pack round, have a laugh and a joke about it and he'll probably be a bit more thoughtful next time seeing as how you're now his mate. :thumbs:


Good suggestion! Nothing like the power of laughter to gently get your point across!

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Well I get on really well with him and have had drinks with him before, but there clearly seems to be a different level of respect when it comes to considering your neighbours and their property. I suspect he just doesnt even think about it.


Sure its only sawdust, but they know what im like about my cars. He very often comments after ive spent 4 hours on a Sunday morning detailing my car in my drive, so he knows how much I look after them. So to cover it in sawdust, I think is extremely cheeky. If that was me, and I had no choice but to cut the wood up in my drive, i would have popped over the night before and told him in case he wanted to move his car out of the way.


I have to respray some bodywork for a mate in a weeks time, and I could quite easily spray it in my drive and not care less about where the wind took any overspray, but no, id check which way the wind was blowing and make sure I parked somewhere where it wouldnt end up getting on my neighbours car.


I guess its all about how you were bought up.


Its certainly not worth causing some mad dispute over, but its frustrating. What I want to do and ive already checked with the council on this is to put up a fence between the drives. But my gf also says if i put up a fence (albiet a 1m high one) then that will be rude etc. and could upset the neighbour.

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The best course of action is to to politely ask that next time he cuts wood he does it away from your driveway. I'm sure he'd understand that? Buy him a beer after he's shown some consideration for you :thumbs:


But I guess chances of that happening again are fairly slim.

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Your post reminded me off this exchange of messages between 2 neighbours http://www.27bslash6.com/halogen.html I wouldn't suggest going about it this way but it is very funny :lol:


:lol:, that guys a nut case, ive read some of his other stuff before.



I would definitely have said something but not in a confrontation manner


Well thats what i thought i did, but it looks like his mate twisted what i said so it sounds like I was saying I wanted my neighbour to wash my car.


Just hope he hasnt washed my car when I get home as im the only one who i`ll let clean it. He`ll probably have used some 100 year old sponge full of grit or something. :(

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I think that you are right about the up-bringing being key here but I also think that allot of people just don't have the forthought that I, or obviously, you would extend.


My neighbour has a gardener come every two weeks - her garden looks stunning. But her wonderful gardener insists on using a leaf blower to send all her grass cuttings straight over my front door and door step - so it ends up through my house. I also imagine that he will blow a fair chunk of cr@p at the zed now it has arrived.


When I mentioned it to her she said that she couldn't mention it to the gardener as she didn't want him to take her off of his job sheet :doh:


Either way, if you are on good terms with your neighbour I would go and clear up the misunderstanding about you expecting him to clean your car a) to clear any forming bad joo joo and B) so he doesn't take it upon himself to even try and disturb your delicate balance of wax and love...then it's time for the flaming brown paper bag trick! ;)

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When I mentioned it to her she said that she couldn't mention it to the gardener as she didn't want him to take her off of his job sheet :doh:

This is what I don't get, the gardener issue is the same as the neighbours wood sawing really, if someone isn't doing something properly and it affects someone else they should be made aware of it :shrug:

Honestly, that gardener must be really good or really cheap if she's worried about being struck off his client list. This status quo is all wrong IMO :surrender:

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Your post reminded me off this exchange of messages between 2 neighbours http://www.27bslash6.com/halogen.html I wouldn't suggest going about it this way but it is very funny :lol:


this quote made me laugh




I'm not surprised you get along well with all the other neighbours. If you put fifty children with Down's syndrome in a room there is going to be a lot of hugging.

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Your post reminded me off this exchange of messages between 2 neighbours http://www.27bslash6.com/halogen.html I wouldn't suggest going about it this way but it is very funny :lol:


this quote made me laugh




I'm not surprised you get along well with all the other neighbours. If you put fifty children with Down's syndrome in a room there is going to be a lot of hugging.


That website is pure class :thumbs:

It just had me laughing into my screen for an hour :lol:

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Honestly, that gardener must be really good or really cheap if she's worried about being struck off his client list. This status quo is all wrong IMO :surrender:


That or he services the dark recesses of her foliage that most others would not set foot in....she is 86 though, so it would be more of a Dakar Rally than a Top Gear Rainforest challenge :yuck:

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Ummm, does sawdust not just blow off in the wind?? Do you shake your fist at the sky when it rains as well? :lol:


ITs no biggie, particularly if you get on alright IMO, theres a lot of worse things to worry about :)


Well i guess it might blow off if theres a gale force wind in the right place, or if we borrowed that gardeners leaf blower to blow it out of the panel gaps. As it is, it rained over night, so the car is now covered in streaks of sawdust, where its mixed with the rain as some of its ran off the car. Looks a right mess now!

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