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Is it legal to drive a car with deployed air bags?


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Afternoon all,


I've just had a crash in my daily runner (tit in front of me slammed on the brakes for an amber light :rant: ) the windscreen is smashed and there is damage to the bumper, bonnet and driver side wing and although not driving very fast the air bags deployed on impact...as i'm third pary fire and theft I'm not covered for any of the damage or road side relay so as the engine was still running just fine with no leaks i tucked the bags in and drove the car home.


I was thinking that although the car looks a bit battered if i replaced the screen it is still usable but I wondered if anyone could confirm if cutting the bags out and cracking on with it was legal?...i'm thinking not as i seem to recall reading somewhere that if a car was built with air bags it is illegal to drive it without them.


Cheers, Dean.

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It'll fail an MOT, but that doesn't make it illegal to drive it as it is.


If you remove all trace of the airbag and there's nothing there that could cause you to either lose control of the vehicle OR cause yourself or others in the car damage were you to have another accident, then you'll be fine. That said, I wouldn't want to drive a car too far that's been in an accident big enough for the airbags to deploy without getting it checked over by a professional.

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Its not obligitory to have a air bag but as far as the future implications. Obviously if the air bag has been deployed this will throw up a fault on the system. the below extract may help.


On 1 January 2012, new rules were added to the current MOT by the Department for Transport (DfT) to comply with European testing procedures.


It's a pretty substantial list, but there's one which could mean big bills for thousands of drivers. If your car has any illuminated warning lamps, whether it is the airbag, seatbelt, ESP, SRS, ABS or others, it will soon fail the MOT.



It's not all bad news. If your car's MOT runs out before the 31 March 2012 and you have a warning light that needs addressing, the testers will treat it as an 'advisory', i.e. advice on what needs to be done for the next MOT.


However, if your MOT is due after 1 April 2012, you better get your skates on and get the warning light (or other faults in the list below) fixed, otherwise you'll receive the dreaded fail sheet.


The AA has kindly published a summary of the new rules. If you think your car needs attention on any of the points below but still has a long MOT left, we recommend getting it seen to sooner rather than later.

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I thought that the MOT was a moment in time and that whilst you may pass at that point, as soon as your on the road again and lets say get get stopped by the old Bill - then the car may (or may not) be roadworthy - even with a passed MOT

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Always Crashing In The Same Car


Graham Parker :teeth:


"In this cruel world that kicks a man when he's down"


The Alarm




"Slow down, you move too fast"


Simon & Garfunkel






Your a Bad man Dave ;)


Don't laugh at me ('cause I'm a fool)


Norman Wisdom

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Always Crashing In The Same Car


Graham Parker :teeth:


"In this cruel world that kicks a man when he's down"


The Alarm




"Slow down, you move too fast"


Simon & Garfunkel






Your a Bad man Dave ;)


Don't laugh at me ('cause I'm a fool)


Norman Wisdom






Check out this bad boy!


Ron Jeremy

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Thats for the info, I've decided to scrap it and start again.....I also liked the abuse :lol:


For what it's worth I really wasn't driving to fast or to close, we were within the 40mph speed limit and i was paying attention, the pillock just stamped on the brakes as soon they went amber, the cars in the next lane that were level just sailed through as there was plenty of time until it would have gone to red....the other driver and his passenger were only kids and as much as i wanted to kick his teeth in he was a decent lad and was pretty shook up......poof.

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Thats for the info, I've decided to scrap it and start again.....I also liked the abuse :lol:


For what it's worth I really wasn't driving to fast or to close, we were within the 40mph speed limit and i was paying attention, the pillock just stamped on the brakes as soon they went amber, the cars in the next lane that were level just sailed through as there was plenty of time until it would have gone to red....the other driver and his passenger were only kids and as much as i wanted to kick his teeth in he was a decent lad and was pretty shook up......poof.


Glad you took it as it was meant :thumbs: better luck with the new shed...

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Thats for the info, I've decided to scrap it and start again.....I also liked the abuse :lol:


For what it's worth I really wasn't driving to fast or to close, we were within the 40mph speed limit and i was paying attention, the pillock just stamped on the brakes as soon they went amber, the cars in the next lane that were level just sailed through as there was plenty of time until it would have gone to red....the other driver and his passenger were only kids and as much as i wanted to kick his teeth in he was a decent lad and was pretty shook up......poof.


Glad you've taken our jokes as they were meant, although I would say that even if a car stops instantly in front of you (e.g: crashes in to another car in front of him) you should be able to stop before hitting it imho.

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Thats for the info, I've decided to scrap it and start again.....I also liked the abuse :lol:


For what it's worth I really wasn't driving to fast or to close, we were within the 40mph speed limit and i was paying attention, the pillock just stamped on the brakes as soon they went amber, the cars in the next lane that were level just sailed through as there was plenty of time until it would have gone to red....the other driver and his passenger were only kids and as much as i wanted to kick his teeth in he was a decent lad and was pretty shook up......poof.



Happened to me once. Sitting at a roundabout, car in front moved off, I looked to my to my right and road was clear, moved off and then I heard a bang. The car in front had stalled...the driver leapt out out and I feared the worst but he actually apologised to me for stalling :) . Other than a cracked indicator glass, no damage, his car was an old MG Magnette, built like a tank. My dad had something very similar. Car in front stamped on his brakes in the middle of nowhere, he'd spotted someone he knew apparently. My dad did an emergency stop and breathed a sigh of relief as he missed the car by stopping a couple of feet away. Sadly , the third car in line hit the back of my dads car and shunted it into the car in front :scare: . Quite a lot of damage and my dad was rather unfairly prosecuted for careless driving , as were the other 2 drivers.




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how on earth does you dad get prosecuted for dangerous driving ???


he stopped in time and then was shunted


the Law is an ass (or was it just plod)



Yeah, he was pretty upset about it, but it was impossible to prove that he was actually stopped. It was his only conviction in 50 years of driving, got an endorsement, this was before the points system came about, and a fine. The other other two drivers also got the same treatment. My mum was in quite a state of shock, so much in fact that all her hair fell out within a few weeks, but it did grow back again.




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