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"Staring" on TFL is now an offence!

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Minority Report and Equilibrium are now real.Ā 


First step was having Netflix shows downloaded for my entire journey to watch while being stared at. Second will be a VR headset or a set of shades. Might wire in an external camera to switch to check my surroundings regularly and listen in on announcements while using VR.Ā Screenshot_20220419_033725.jpg.f0198682aaad785d780dacf79cb6646d.jpg


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Incorrect. Itā€™s not ā€œnow an offence on TfLā€, itā€™s been an offence for years everywhere. And how anyone can see this as a bad thing is beyond me; thereā€™s a world of difference between looking around and making someone feel so uncomfortable in your actions that it becomes an offence.Ā 

Edited by Ekona
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Stare into space. Might get a charge as "staring" in the direction of the uncomfortable.Ā 


Sexual staring basically "thinking" is bordering on thought police aka minority report.Ā 


"problem" is what next. Equilibrium style thought and feelings police.


Good luck enforcing that

Edited by GranTurismoEra
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2 hours ago, GranTurismoEra said:

Good luck enforcing that


That's the whole point of the article and why the Mail froth over it, it's got nothing practical to it, other than stoking up emotions and generating ad-revenue.


Keeps us away from the NHS privatisation, various criminal proceedings, rocketing inflation, the shambles of Brexit, tax statuses, fraud in the "fast track covid contracts", fraud in the furlough scheme, cuts to welfare, housing unaffordability, food and energy poverty and who knows what else. They did similar with the war in Ukraine the other day, which the Mail would have you believe Boris is fighting on his own, despite the best efforts of the BBC / woke people / metro liberal elite / Joe Biden / smashed avocados / trans people or whatever other fabricated "enemy" is hot this week.Ā 


It would be funny, if it wasn't for the number of voters who get all worked up into a lather about noise and forget about matters of substance.

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Complete non-article and 100% click bait, this was doing the rounds months ago and is not new news. Also aligns quite nicely with the Mail agenda on politics.Ā 


I always find it interesting that people worry about it and claim it shouldn't be an offence/civil liberties...yet probably 9 out of 10 fights in the UK start with the line 'oi who you lookin at [insert expletive]'.Ā Ā 



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