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Everything posted by mugwump

  1. Probably has a screw with a non-standard head, so you need a bit set like this or similar to get the thing off -> http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=11520&criteria=security%20bits&doy=5m11 Val, (or is it Minny now? acording to the first post) Whats the story with the cossie plenum? Do you have a link to one? More info etc?
  2. Absolutely agree, maybe thats why I like the 'stones. Can you really put a price on your own head? For me, thats what an investment in a day like this is. Plus its something you will always have, it transfers with you to every car you own and its one of the few investments you can make that doesnt depreciate. .....but I'd still like a discount
  3. mugwump

    New volk rims

    to make it interesting, 1510
  4. If your wireless network is not secured (ie you have not enabled encryption on your computer and wireless router) then every packet of data sent to/from your computer is available for all in range to receive and potentially interpret with the appropriate tools. [i will list them if asked but its not something I wish to encourage ] So what could they see/do? Very easily they could discover every website you visit, they could easily capture your username and password for all non-encrypted sites (thats any that dont have a url prefix of https or dont display the lock icon on your status bar, this website would be one example). With more sophisticated software they could potentially even perform a MITM attack for some secure applications but this is very unlikely for things like your internet banking (because here the session is encrypted between your computer and the bank end-to-end). They could however easily discover which bank you are with which might be useful if they have other information about you from other activity. In adition they could connect to your wireless router and masquerade as you (ie; use your internet connection for illegal purposes). If you are really paranoid then you should regularly change your encryption keys as a persistent attacker could discover them. but dont panic, much of this is pretty unlikely ("dont have nightmares" he types in his best Crimewatch voice), do you really think the bloke next door is a cyber criminal who wants to exploit you? It much more likely (and easier) to get you to download a keylogger and get you banking password that way! So once your new router arrives make sure you turn on the security features (as the earlier post said) but make sure you also have a wired Cat5 ethernet connection available because sometimes turning on the wireless security features can result in alot of heartache because you cut yourself off and then cant get back in to fix it using the wireless connection!
  5. I was trying to do something similar, the issues I had were; 1. The bluetooth connection was mono only 2. The handsets I was trying this with would not let me map the audio output to the bluetooth interface, your phone may be different to mine so you might be lucky. =============== edit, forgot to mention ================ and 3. I think the Zed hands free device expects some kinds of "incoming call" handshake from your phone to tell it to mute the stereo and patch the handsfree kit audio to the speakers, in reality this might be as simple as holding one of the pins "high" on the output of the bluetooth adaptor in your Zed but you risk your adaptor, and your stereo messing around like that =================== end of edit =================== A mate with a motorbike did manage to buy a device that plugs into the audio jack (where you would normally plug your headphones in) and this then transmitted all the audio as bluetooth; in his case this was between a sat nav and a handsfree bluetooth device in his motorcycle helmet. You might find better results from one of the "ipod fm transmitters" at least its stereo but the audio is never as good as you hope and yes I agree that it would be really neat not to have to plug any devices/cables in and just have it work via bluetooth. I'd be interested to know how you get on though, I might buy *another* bl**dy phone if you get it working well.
  6. Its illegal under the computer misuse act 1990, constitutes "unauthorised access to a computer system or network". Carries a 6 month prison sentence and up to £5000 fine for a section 1 offence. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4721723.stm But if he is not sharp enough to turn on wireless security I doubt he is sharp enough to catch you using it. ......unless of course it is a honeypot and he wants you to use it so he can snoop your credit card numbers........
  7. Sarnie I hate you, I have just wasted some of my life playing this irritating addictive game! Score: 241,500, then I just got fed up with it......
  8. In my humble opinion, I dont think they are that great...... Its a design that maximises engine bay room, its also simple and relatively cheap but it typically cannot allow suspension movement without a camber change so its not really optimal for a performance car (but this doesnt stop porsche sticking them on a 911).
  9. Wow! MG 160 to Zed, thats a big step in performance. Hope you are ready for a huge grin! Take care and have fun!
  10. Top tip there, just had similar experience (BT working fine, but then stopped working when I reset the phone and it deleted all my pairings). Could not get the two to work together again (I could discover the 350z but it did not recognise it as a hands free device as the "hands free service" was unavailable). Did the above (reject, reject, discover manually) and its now correctly working and connects automatically when I turn on the ignition so I no longer have to rediscover, untill next time, but now I know the fix.
  11. my posts are an hour out, my local clock is right, so is your server clock wrong? lazy admins!
  12. come on digsy, are you up yet? we want more info!
  13. remind me where do you live mugwump , Australia??
  14. Please remind me of this the day I come on here and announce that I have crashed; "I like the Bridgestones"
  15. Asked at the dealer today about price of this, said his colleague was taking deposits on them based on a price of 50K, but he thought he was mad because he anticipates it will be *alot* more as its "going after the 911 market" ( ). "What happens if the price comes in above 50K?" I ask. "Guess we will have to give the deposits back! In reality we think its speculators just trying to get ahead in the queue so they can sell the deposit on at a higher price nearer the delivery date" Might try this myself, I can sell the deposit on if I can, if I cant and the car is more than 50K they have to give me my money back anyway and if it isnt I might just have the GTR thankyou. Need all this in writing mind.....
  16. Hi Colin, Will you offer a group discount for members on this forum? Im sure we can get a group of likeminded Zedders together that would fancy a blast round millbrook. Welcome by the way
  17. Park there again and you will get carded
  18. Slightly off topic for this thread I know it has been commected before that even the genuine rear nismo spats look a bit "stuck on" but how does the kit affix to the car? Is it really a double sided sticky tape job or is there something more sustantial?
  19. I know its only been a couple of weeks but there has been no update to this thread and I miss the banter. Any news chaps? Or have you been so busy squirreling around your engines that you have not had any time to post????
  20. Have we touched on a raw nerve sarnie? You seem pretty emotive!
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